Trouble in Adventure Guild

 When the two finished their game of tag, Shuri was dragging Solance, who looked like he was fighting against a Genesis Core expert. That said much about how many bruises he had on his face.

 After dropping her cousin, Shuri went towards the mansion, but not before giving Ryker a peck on his cheek. Stunned by the bold action, Ryker froze, unable to move. However, Shuri's father could and he began to run towards the young man.

 The combined might of his brother and father was the only reason that Ryker remained alive, as he remained unresponsive for a short while. All of them forgot about the groaning Solance, whose words, while jumbled because of his swollen lips, could understand, most of it being asked for a healer.


 Shuri put her face into her pillow, hoping it would be enough to suffocate her. Even though she was the one to kiss Ryker, she was still embarrassed by how bold she was.

 "Aah! How can I do such a thing?! Even in front of my father, uncle, and grandfather!" she screamed an even higher pitch into the pillow.


 After the quick drama, Ryker excused himself, before heading towards his next target, the Adventure Guild. As he walked towards the Adventure Guild, he could see an influx of adventurers, a lot of them being someone he was not familiar with.

 While this is not a surprising thing as there are many adventurers and it was impossible for Ryker to recognize all of them, the list of people he didn't recognize included someone at the Genesis Source realm, which should be impossible as Ryker knew there are only three such experts in Mariz City Adventure Guild.

 However, it didn't take long for him to realize where they came from as he looked at their clothing, more specifically, the emblems on their clothing, which is the emblem of Esel Barony.

 'So, those must be the adventurers from the Esel Barony,' which is a surprise for Ryker. While destroying a branch of the Adventure Guild could lead to the destruction of the nations or organizations responsible, it was another thing if the adventurers were displaced.

 When a nation destroys another nation, the branch of the Adventure Guild will remain in place. However, in certain circumstances, such as when the territory that the branch of Adventure Guild located was taken by the owner to be turned into a more private establishment, like the Birak Kingdom turning the Esel Barony's former territory into a military district, the branch would be forced to relocate.

 While such action would usually lead to the forces that were forced to relocate becoming weaker, such a thing is not possible for the Adventure Guild. They possessed multiple branches all over the world. 

 If one branch were displaced, the adventurers, mostly the staff and executives, could head toward another branch and settle there, either permanently or until there is some more suitable location to build a new branch.

 However, he does wonder why the adventurers of Esel Barony moved to Mariz City and not to another vassal nation of the Holos Kingdom. He pondered it a bit before deciding it was not something that would affect him.

 He proceeded to enter the building, where he quickly spotted the person he was looking for. To her slight dismay, she was surrounded by a group of people, the emblem on their clothing telling him that they originated from the Esel Barony.

 A look on her face showed that Lisha was uncomfortable by the new arrival, judging by how she seemed to try and move away from them, but was blocked and pushed back.

 A strained smile formed on his face as he quickly walked towards the group, intending to have a 'nice talk' with the group of people.


Lisha gave out a strained smile as she tried to, once again, escape the encirclement of the ne2 adventurers. Similar to her previous attempt, she failed as they forcefully pushed her back.

 She wanted to ask for help but there were almost no Genesis Core experts from the Mariz Barony left, most of them taking the new mission posted and located at the Esel territory. She knew it was a mission requested by the Baron of Mariz himself but she wished it didn't lead to her being surrounded by this unsavory group of people!

 "Come now, lil miss. My brother and I would show you a good time," the one who held her wrist said, a perverted smile on his face showcasing his intention. Oh, how she wished to punch that face. Sadly, she is too weak to handle a group of Genesis Core adventurers.

 When his hand went downwards, she closed her eyes, not wanting to see what they were about to do to her, which made it slightly surprising when she heard a pained yelp, before the sound of something crashing to the wall.

 Before she could open her eyes, she felt an arm hugging her, though unlike the brutes, this one was more gentle and if she thought it to herself, familiar in a way. Before she could narrow it down, the voice helped her to realize the person instantly.

 "Need some help?"


 Ryker gave Lisha a smile before looking back at the adventures, the smile disappearing as quickly as it came. He had held back a lot, so it was not surprising for the adventurers to get back on his feet very quickly.

 "Who are you and what do you think you are doing having your hand on the woman this granddaddy fancy?" the man asked, snarling at Ryker.

 Ryker fought the urge to rearrange his face, knowing he had the opportunity in the future, or to be exact, in the next 3 minutes. "The only thing I see is a bunch of monkeys yapping around," he insulted them.

 The face of the one that held Lisha's wrist turned red, making him wonder if he was a berry in the previous life or not. Before he could ask, the leader roared, "Best him up for me! He is just a 1st Stage Genesis Core expert!"

 With the word from their leader, the rest charged at him, intending to teach him a lesson. Meanwhile, Ryjer was ecstatic as he didn't need to chase after them to give them a good beating.

 Truly, they are surprisingly receptive to being the one getting the beating. He couldn't miss this chance. After all, they were the ones to ask it from him.


 The rest of the adventurers watched in awe as the 1st Stage Genesis Core expert beat the experts coming for him with ease. By the time he finished, a small pile of body was formed as Ryker sat on the very top.