Getting Ready for Wedding

 By the time he woke up, his arms were being used by the two beauties beside him like a doll. Which was delightful to him as their breasts were pressed to said arms. However, he has to get out of bed, namely to have another meeting with the Hal Family, primarily, Shuri's father.

 'Hope I survived that one," while he knew he could easily defeat Shuri's father, an expert at the 9th Stage Genesis Core, he didn't want to do it if he didn't have to, as he didn't have any beef with the man, except he might hate him for dating and later on, taking his daughter the first time.

 After all, his father had given him some good advice regarding it, "Never make the father of the women we love angry, the consequences are not pretty," which is a bit of weird advice but it might explain the shiver he got in his spine since he woke up.

 After extracting himself from the hold of his two new lovers, he proceeded to go to the bathroom, cleaning himself before going down and helping in preparing breakfast, while waking his other lovers and oldest little sisters.


 When Shuri heads towards the kitchen, the smell of something good permeates through the building. Looking at the meal laid in front of her, she had no doubt it would be delicious. 

 Taking a bite, her assumption was proven correct as the meal was absolutely delicious. She finished the meal in record time before getting a second serving. By the third serving, she was full and a bit mortified.

After all, she usually has better control over herself, making sure she doesn't overeat. Then again, whenever she was with Ryker, and by extension his family, those restraints she placed on herself always disappeared or at least he wasn't able to control herself in that regard.

 Still, she had to control herself better, at least to be a good role model for the children.

 "Who wants pastries and snacks?"

 On second thought, it was better to indulge once in a while.


 By the time they finished the pastries, everyone was stuffed to the point that even moving felt like a chore. Unfortunately for Ryker and Shuri, they still had to do something, namely visiting the Hal Family Estate.

 For Shuri, it was to tell her father and the elder of her desire to follow Ryker. For Ryker, it was to gain Shuri's father and the ancestor's permission to take Shuri's hand in marriage. 

 With them both needed in the estate, they decided to head there quickly, to get things done faster and maybe even go on another date if they have the time. Without further ado, they quickly headed towards the Hal Family Estate, ready to talk about their relationship.

 It would be intense, no doubt about it.


 Apparently, he was correct, at least partially. The meeting had been intense, but for a very different reason than he thought.

 "So, what kind of dress you like to wear during your wedding, Shuri?" one of the female elders asked, an elderly-looking woman will look not far-fetched in a retirement home.

 "A bouquet would be nice. Which flowers would you like?" Another female elder, this one had the look of a middle-aged woman asked her, showing her a variety of flowers to Shuri, who seemed overwhelmed by... everything happening.

 He could relate. After all, when they stepped into the mansion, the two were dragged into a giant hall before they were taken to different corners. The only reason he could hear what the elder said was because of his cultivation realm and his enhanced senses.

 Unfortunately for them both, he was unable to help her, as he had another set of problems to deal with.

 "Which suit will look good on you? Let you try them all first then!"

 "A better shoe would make him look more elegant, his size is..."

 "What kind of haircut would be good for the wedding? Maybe let him keep his hairstyle, or change it a bit?"

 After all, he has a group of people preparing for his wedding, which he definitely didn't plan or want to partake in, at least for the time being.

 "Accept it, Ryker. The ancestor wants to make things official between you and Shuri. In the end, only a wedding would suffice in achieving that," Solance told him before he soon went towards his cousin's side, though Ryker doubted he would get any positive answer. Unless once considered a slap at the back of the head a positive answer.

 As he thought more about what Solance said, it made more and more sense. Shuri is from a Great Family of the Mariz Barony. If word came out she had a relationship with someone either unremarkable or had several different lovers along with him, then she and the Hal Family's reputation would be in tatters, especially the former.

 This would be bad for her if she wanted to remain in the Barony. After all, gossip is a powerful tool that could ruin a lot of people's lives, even if it's wrong or just speculation.

 However, he still didn't plan on marrying any of his lovers yet. Later on, he might but for now, he wanted to focus on finding answers regarding his parents. After finally finding the answers he married them, as all of his worries and questions would finally come to an end.

 As long as he had this baggage with him, he would never be able to settle down, as it would constantly weigh on him. He wonders if he could talk to the ancestor first and get him to postpone the wedding but a sinister aura comes from behind him.

 He didn't have to look to realize it was Shuri's father, who was able to break free from confinement. Yes, break free from confinement. The ancestor, the elder, and Solail had decided to put him in confinement, at least until the talk of the wedding was over.

 It never came to their mind, Ryker's included, that he was able to escape from his little prison, which is his room...

 In hindsight, it was obvious he had planned for it. Making a tunnel or a secret exit is something he definitely planned for a long time. Unfortunately, it meant Ryker had to deal with an overprotective father.

 He looked around him for support but only to find most of the servants and elders had decided to stay a set distance away from the man. He couldn't see the three responsible to confine the man and wonder what are they up to.

 As for Solance, he was currently being beaten by Shuri, so he won't be any help, at all. In fact, it was likely he had to rescue him if he survived his own encounter.