Breaking the Slave

 Exchanging some small talks with the leader for a while later, Ryker excused himself when he saw the moon already reached its zenith. After he left, the three bowed towards the leader, who looked at them and asked,

 "Did he ever use his full strength?" the leader asked. The three shook their head before the head explained, "We think he only used his full strength on three different occasions. One, during his first real life and death battle against a Genesis Source expert. 

 Second, when he killed the lizard beast earlier. After all, it is almost impossible for him to escape the fight unscathed and not use his full strength. As for the third, that one I'm not sure about but I believe he used it during his match with the former vice-leader of Esel Barony Adventure Guild. After all, it would be hard to crush the man completely without using his full strength,"

 Hearing all the occasion, the leader nodded. All the while, his assessment of Ryker's skill and strength began to grow. "Let him grow at his own pace. With how things going, he likely reach my level in maybe a decade or less," the leader said before cutting off the transmission, leaving a room of three shocked men.


 The young man who had been given good approval by the leader had returned to his room. Unsurprisingly, all of his lovers had fallen asleep. He planned to sleep as well but the talk with the leader had left him awake.

 Not knowing what to do, he took out the tablet he found in the mine before trying to see if he could break it secret now he was at full strength. Unsurprisingly, he was not able to gain much, only silence. 

 He then took one of his storage rings before picking up one tablet, one that contained one of the Cultivation Art left behind by his parent. He had picked one specific Art, mostly for a certain reason.

 As he read the Technique one could learn by practicing the Art, he smiled.


 The slave was sleeping when she was woken up by the door to the basement. She opened her eyes wearily, eying her tormentors with defiance. Or she hoped so that her eyes conveyed it.

 After all, the tortures she had gone through had thoroughly broken her spirit, pride, and dignity. She now wished she was gifted to some other person. At least they might kill her quickly and won't make her suffer this badly.

 As per his usual visit, her tormentor squeezed her cheek, forcing her to look at him. He then looked all over her body, smiling at the sight of her dirtied body. He then released her check before the chain suddenly raised up, to her confusion.

 Her tormentor laughed, telling her that her look of confusion was shown to him, "My dear slave," he said sweetly, though whatever intention he had was definitely not sweet. "Today, I'm going to break you thoroughly,"

 'Not like you hadn't,' she bitterly thought. She was already broken by him so she doubted he could do anything else to break her already broken spirit. Unfortunately for her, she was wrong.

 She watched as a purple cloud was released by her tormentor, before slowly engulfing her. Not knowing what it was but realizing it would be bad for her, she tried to hold her breath. The tormentor seemed to realize it and didn't like it judging by how the collar suddenly tightened up.

Having her throat squeezed, she gasped, allowing some of the cloud to enter her. When the squeezing stopped, she accidentally inhaled a lot of the cloud. Her face was suddenly pushed upward, making her see the tormentor.

 She was about to say something when her stomach suddenly felt hot. Not just her stomach, but her entire body seemed to light up as her body felt heat forming in her core. Squirming her body to make the sensation go away, to her horror and sorrow, her little sister is currently drooling, giving her the answer of what the cloud is.

 'Aphrodisiac!' she thought to herself. After all, there is no way for her to show signs of pleasure when she is in front of her enemy. She tried to steel herself, telling herself that she had already been forced to consume an aphrodisiac and had gone through many shameful torments as her tormentor watched. 

 Surely the cloud wouldn't affect her that much?



 "My, want something?" despite her mind telling her not to react to his words, her body won't listen as more juices exited her lower cavern from his voice and touch alone.

 He then put his finger near her pink pearl before giving it a quick flick, making her release a torrent of nectar on the floor. 

 He then moved in front of her, forcing her to look at her tormentor once again. "My, this is the 5th climax for the night. If you want to, you could just ask for it," his sweet word, despite her best attempt, seemed to ignite her entire body, judging by how hot it was.

 She was wrong, very wrong. The new aphrodisiac is just too much for her. With how much she inhaled, the purple cloud kept on forming, and the desire to have the man in front of her take her right there was at an all-time high.

 She tried to resist but it was too much, she wanted to relieve herself. For someone to scratch the itch inside her. She wanted someone to have his way with her. She wanted someone to ravage her like an animal.

 At that moment, her mind snapped as she was no longer able to hold back her desire, "P-ple-please," she said quietly, the shame of having asked the man in front of her too much for her.

 The man's brows rose as he got closer, "What, I couldn't hear you?" she knew the man was lying but if that was what it took for him to ravage her then she would do it, despite her being embarrassed by it.

 "I want you to take me! I want you to ravage me like whore! I want to destroy my inside with your thick meat!" she would never believe she would say such vulgar words but the circumstances forced her to do it.

 The man put his hand on her cheek. Even though he had done it before, this time, the touch ignited her body and made her little sister drool even more.

 "Of course, if you had asked earlier, I would have given it to you," yes, she should have asked earlier.... Why didn't she think of that?


 Ryker gave the slave a sadistic smile. What he had used was not an aphrodisiac but it could be considered something similar. It was a technique learned from the Sin Desire Art; Lustful Demon Haze.

 Simply put, it would make you feel the desire to do it with the caster. There is a reason why the word demon was put on the technique after all. With all the cloud he created, it didn't take too long before she broke.

 Now that she had been finally broken, he was going to claim his prize.