Start of The Show

 "What are you two planning?" the City Lord, suspicion can be heard in his voice. The two exchanged a glance at each other before they both answered.

 "Just enjoy the show,"

 The City Lord was even more confused than before but before he could push anymore, the fighters exited, one person from one side, a young man with strength at the 1st Stage Genesis Core realm, and what??!!

 "Why do the other side have 50 fighters!? And 10 of them clearly at the Genesis Source realm!" the City Lord yelled, ready to leap forward. However, the two stopped him from moving, their combined strength enough to hold him from interfering with the plan.

 Even when his friends hold him back he continues to struggle. After all, one side clearly makes sure the match will be one-sided.

 What most people don't know is that while the arena is used to help generate income for the city, plus attract powerful fighters to enter and see where they stand, its main purpose is to help train strong and capable fighters to combat the threat of bandits.

 While the other city used recruitment to shore up their defense, the Karbin City Lord wanted to pick the brightest gems hidden by the masses. The arena is the best way to achieve that as most participants will join in for the prizes and the prestige. Some who did well in their several consecutive fights will be granted the chance to enter the city's elite units, a huge honor to most.

 To think the establishment he created to uncover and produce talent had been turned this way. Now that he thinks about it, there are no more talents that were sent to his office, to become part of the elite units since he granted the Itol Family...

 "Those damned fools!" he gritted his teeth, planning to find the head of the Itol Family and asked him what is he doing, preferably while beating him to a pulp as even if the man didn't know about the corruption, then he proved he was incompetent to take the job of managing one of the most important establishments in the city.

 "I'll get the kid out of there," he said but once again, stopped by the other two. He looked at them, puzzled as to why they didn't let him help get the kid out of what he could tell was a helpless position. 

 "It's part of the kid's plan," the president said, the head of Adventure Guild nodding as well.

 "What?" that was the most intelligent thing he could say at the moment.

"The brat had asked once about why you created the arena. He could tell you didn't plan to make it this giant mess. But, he couldn't just tell you as you will not believe him. And that he wanted revenge," the president answered, though the last word caught the City Lord's ears.

 "Revenge?" the president nodded.

 "One of his lovers had been involved in one of the rigged matches, Genesis Foundation against a Genesis Core. As you could tell, it didn't go well for her. If not for him coming to the arena, the worst could have happened," the City Lord's eyes went wide open upon hearing what had just been said. Along with some questions he had been having for quite a long time

 Why are there no more exceptional female fighters in the arena? Why are no more talents scouted and names being sent to his office? He had thought that it was because the fighters had not been that impressive but if it was one big conspiracy then...

 "Even if he wants revenge, how could he hope to match 50 people at once, and 10 of them a major realm stronger than him," the two just shared a smile.

 "Let's just say he is stronger than what his cultivation realm could tell,"


 Ryker had been expecting a rigged match but to face 50 against one, it would be a hard fight... if he was blindfolded and could only use his legs. If he is allowed to use his arms and weapons, then the fight could easily end.

 However, he plans to make them suffer, especially the head of the Itol Family, the one behind all the rigged matches and the reason Mashia almost got herself defiled.

 "Begin," he easily avoided a telegraphed attack, jumping over a kick and even using one of the goons back as a launching pad, sending his face to the ground while he performed a flip and avoided his opponent's attacks.

 He spent most of the time avoiding his opponent's attacks, wanting to make them even more frustrated. Sure enough, one of the Genesis Source experts lost their patience with their underlings, not being able to accomplish what they perceived to be a simple beating.

 The man rushed towards him, sword in hand as he thrust forward. Ryker didn't move, seemingly frozen in fear, most of it stemming from the fact he let out his aura at the Genesis Source. 

 The man smiled, feeling the blade stopped. The smile turned into a frown, which turned into a horrified gasp as the young man caught the blade with ease. Ryker gave him a bright smile before punching him in the face, sending the man flying until he hit the wall of the area.

 Seeing one of them being beaten like it was nothing, the other Genesis Source experts paused, not knowing what to do as their assigned leader had been sent flying. Before they could come to a decision, Ryker rushed towards one of them before punching him in the gut, sending him the way his friend had exited.

 Seeing another Genesis Osurce expert learning the art of flying, the remaining foes quickly moved away, making the gap between them as far as possible. Ryker, probably knowing that he couldn't eliminate one of them without being surrounded, let them get away.

 Seeing how the young man didn't continue his pursuit, the others didn't know if it was mercy or something. While they debated regarding the matter, the Genesis Core expert, none of them being kicked away during the brief skirmish, tried to surround him.

 This is a bad idea as they just served themselves on a silver platter, Ryker moved as quickly as possible and began to dispose of the annoyance that had been present during their fights.

 The result of the fight between the Genesis Core experts could be described as slaughter, Ryker easily beating them without breaking a sweat and with none of the Genesis Source experts being able to intervene.

 Seeing how the Genesis Core experts, some of them having cultivations superior to their foes being beaten without the opponent making any serious attempt, the Genesis Source experts could only watch and prepare themselves from the young man, who began to walk in their direction.