Massage of Pleasure

 He decided to end Miriam's session quickly, as he still had 5 other lovers to please. He then began to move even faster, his hands using just enough force to make the massage even more pleasurable, the young woman squirting her nectar all over the place, her back arching before it fell down.

 Ryker takes a look at Miriam, who faints from the excessive pleasure. He pecked the unconscious woman's cheek before looking at the line of women, who currently touching their wet cavern, aroused by what happened to Miriam.

 He smiled, though the smile was slightly depraved, after all, he had just made one of them unconscious from a massage alone.

 "Who's next?"


 Apparently, the next in line is Ina, his first lover. Following Miriam's footstep, she lay down on her stomach, her creamy back was slightly toned compared to Miriam's, likely because she had been cultivating and training her skill for longer compared to her.

 But still, it didn't stop him from finding her current behavior cute, the woman covering her face, specifically, her mouth. He assumed she did this to prevent herself from screaming like crazy. It's a good but still useless plan. He wanted to make all his lovers scream in pleasure and didn't plan on letting any of them go without achieving that.

 He decided to 'reward' her futile effort by going all out from the start. He even decided to bring in the big gun, a technique that would make her even more susceptible to the pleasure.

 He created a pink cloud before moving it into her face. Surprised by it, the young woman couldn't help but inhale it, which led to some consequences.

 The pink cloud is the technique called Amplifying Euphoria Mist. It is in the same branch as Lustful Demon Haze. However, while the Lustful Demon Haze made one desire even stronger, Amplifying Euphoria Mist would make one body even more sensitive.

 It has the same effect as Pleasure God Touch and Ecstasy God Aura but has different means. Pleasure God Touch increases the pleasure of the target through touching and massaging, Ecstasy God Aura is delivered using the aura of the beholder, with distance being determined by the users' mastery of said technique.

 As for Amplifying Euphoria Mist, it used the pink cloud, the target who inhaled could feel their body sensitivity rise through the roof, with the effect depending on the user's wishes, though the stronger the user, the greater the effect of the cloud.

 Now that Ina inhaled the cloud, she felt her body becoming even more sensitive. A single breeze could likely make her climax. Fortunately, there is no wind inside their room. Unfortunately, the hands that are prepared to use Pleasure God Touch are much worse than a breeze.

 As he used Pleasure God Touch, Ina let out a scream as she climaxed. But Ryker kept on massaging her, forcing her to climax the second time a second after she had climaxed.

 "N-no, no more, p-please stop and let me re-" her pleading was replaced by another scream, her third climax rushing through her body and making her feel like lightning striking every part of her already sensitive body.

 Ryker kept on the massage, making her climax multiple times, her brain soon fried from the countless back-to-back orgasms. Only after half an hour passed did he stop, the young woman fainted for quite some time.

 Putting her next to Miriam, but not before giving her a peck on her forehead, he looked at the remaining women, his eyes asking, 'Who's next?'.

 Gulping loudly, Era moved forward, both excited and fearful of what Ryker would do- no, she knew what would happen, just not what her state in the near future is. The only way to know is to be massaged.

 It's not like she came forward because she had been picked as the third person to get his massage.





 Era could only moan helplessly, her body racked by the intense pleasure caused by Ryker's massage. Her tongue had rolled out of her mouth some time ago, drool spilling out of her mouth as another orgasm wracked her body, making it into an even bigger mess.

 Ryker put his finger on her spine, using Pleasure God Touch and making her body tremble before her lower cavern released another torrent of nectar. Her eyes were half-lid before she closed them, the exhaustion from countless orgasms making her faint.

 Ryker teasingly pinched and pulled her erect nipples, making the fainted young woman let out a moan subconsciously. Her body let out some more nectar. Decided to have mercy on the already downed girl, Ryker put her next to the other two, before eying the remaining three lovers, all of them gulping nervously as they looked at the other unconscious forms.

He looked at them, making Lisha sigh as she crawled towards the man, feeling excited and fearful of the prospect of his magic hand making her body into a wreck. But it seemed he had other plans.

 "You too, Shuri. Come here so I can massage you both at once," hearing his request, Shuri followed after Lisha, both of them questioning what his plan was.


 As it turned out, Ryker had decided to sit at the center between the two women, allowing him to massage them both at the same time. Of course, it came at a price that the massage was not as good as what the others got.

 To compensate, he decided to make the length of the massage one hour, so they could enjoy his massage. However, even though he could not do his best, the message was still phenomenal, and his use of Pleasure God Touch, Ecstasy God Aura, and Amplifying Euphoria Mist, only made things worse for them.

In just 5 minutes, they have their first orgasm, followed suit by another 2 minutes later. Being at the mercy of his magical fingers that seemed to touch their most sensitive spot, they could only let out erotic sounds as his touch caused them to go through another orgasm.

 Being at his mercy, they couldn't even ask him to stop, their ability to answer properly long gone by the time his finger touched their back. As he pinched both of their clit at once, they let out a scream before slumping to the bed, the pleasure making them both unable to do anything else.

 The duo then decided that their bodies had enough and lost consciousness, the pleasure moving through their body making them unable to form thoughts, much less coherent thoughts.

 With the duo being taken down, Ryker eyed the last person, the dragon princess herself, who was only able to postpone the inevitable by agreeing with his demand. Now that no one else is left, it's time for him to claim the last one.