Upper Bracket Match, Begin!

 To the surprise of many, with the exception of a select few, Ryker was able to claim the victory, attaining the title of champion of the Lower Bracket, his victory ensuring his place in the main tournament.

 As the last match ended when the sun was setting, the Duke put the end of the tournament for the day, making the spectators depart home. Ryker did the same thing, though he is still wondering if he should use the time training or watching the Upper Bracket.


 "You want to see the fight?" he asked the others, who gave him some nods. He sighed, while he would likely not find tomorrow's match to be interesting, courtesies of his current strength, the same couldn't be said about his lovers, who are far weaker than him.

 Even though he had also used some of their night 'session' dual cultivate, helping increase their strength faster along with the Fulfillment Desire Mark, which makes dual cultivation even more effective, it couldn't help them raise their level significantly, especially some of the stronger ones.

 For example Mashia, even with all the help he 'gave' her, was still only at the Genesis Foundation, only reaching the 6th Stage because of their dual cultivation session and the Fulfillment Desire Mark.

 The rest have better improvement in terms of the cultivation realm, as they are far weaker but even Shuri, who is the second strongest after Mashia, and Rina, who is the third in terms of strength, still didn't reach the Genesis Foundation, just shy of the peak with both being at the 9th and 8th Stage respectively.

 So, seeing powerful fighters, at least relatively to their strength, would likely be beneficial as he is an anomaly in all senses, at least in fighting.

 He let out a sigh, "Sure," he complied with them, "But be careful, I don't want anyone to get taken advantage of by some stupid young masters or perverts that are too strong for you to handle," he warned them.

 His lovers and servant nodded, Rina had been reintroduced as his servant, with some of her mental faculty no longer craving carnal pleasure all the time, courtesies of Ryker making sure she would be able to help do with menial works around the house.

 Because of his assurance, they decided to treat her as their servant, albeit much more amicably compared to what most servants usually treated as they all have the same man. They sometimes even used her to make some nights more bearable, Ryker spending most of the time on Rina until she fainted before going after the rest of his lovers.

 It didn't really work that well, his stamina was too much for even their combined efforts but they were still able to retain some form of consciousness due to sacrificing Rina, who likely didn't mind being sacrificed that way, judging from her screams of pleasure and how she asked for more.

 It was mostly because of the fact he had broken her with little help from Sin Desire Art, the Demonic Desire Mark also helping a lot in that way but he, somehow, could tell most of her desire for him was no longer caused by what he did, the young woman now desiring his embrace wholeheartedly, wanting him to fulfill her depraved desire.

 He likely would never removed the Demonic Desire Mark, as it allow him to do some 'fun' things with Rina but he was slightly assured that the effect of the mark can be removed with enough strength or by the will of the user without removing the mark itself.

 He had removed the effect of the mark that made her desire him, but she still wished to be with him and used her as he pleased, showing that while the effect might be removed, some of it might still linger. Or did she genuinely want to be pounded by him due to feeling the pleasure, it was 50/50 at this point.

 He still didn't think watching the fight was a good idea but if his lovers wished for it, who was he to deny it?


 He decided to get a disguise, so they wouldn't associate the winner of the Lower Bracket with his group. After all, he didn't want to be mobbed by a lot of people, along with getting cornered by some of the losers of the Lower Bracket.

 The entire group had decided to come and watch the match, Ezekiel and Fenrir are the ones the most excited of them all. He just let them be, after all, they should have something they like to do, even if it is violent for his siblings, his thoughts regarding that matter.

 His lovers also wore some disguises, he bought some Illusion Amulet to cover their beauties. Now, while they still look beautiful, it is less so compared to when they do not wear the amulets.

 He still waits for the time for his lovers to attain the strength to walk by his side without worrying about harassment but it probably took a long time before that can be achieved. In the meantime, he had to resort to these measures.

 The group took one of the upper seats, which didn't allow them to see the fight too close, but some projection allowed the people in the upper seat to see the fights they had a problem seeing from their seating arrangement.

 He didn't want to sit too close to the arena as a lot of powerful people were sitting there and some might be strong enough to see past their disguises. While it could be his paranoia, he didn't want to take any chance.

 Similar to yesterday, the Duke announced the start of today's tournament before a referee took over. The referee for today is someone else, a Genesis Lake expert which is a major realm stronger than the previous day's referee.

 The number of people that will go to the main tournament also increased, 3 people from the Upper Bracket were allowed to join in the main tournament. Then again, it made sense as he believed the Lower Bracket was only to appease the weaker cultivators and allowed some to showcase their strength and maybe found some cultivators that were stronger than usual, which seemed to work, as they found him, albeit not knowing his true strength, which he likely showcase in the main tournament.

 He decided to think about such a thing later, as while he would not likely find the match entertaining, he might just enjoy it, maybe cuddling with some of his lovers. 

 He ignores the "Lucky bastard," comment, focusing on the fight like the rest of his group for now. Who knows, there might be some interesting fighters in the assortment of cultivators of the Upper Bracket.