A Powerful Opponent Emerged

 The tournament is still ongoing, though his match won't be until tomorrow. Yet, he still comes, if only to see if there are any potential challengers. And the fact the Duke had told all of the fighters to come, even though they won't have any match today.

 He discretely turned his head towards the seat where his lovers, with the exception of Lisha and Miriam, were seated. 'Does she already wake up or is she still sleeping?' he asked himself, after all, when he went full force on her for nearly the entire night, she had been broken dumb by him, and her consciousness didn't return even after he bathed her.

 The last he saw of her was when she was still asleep, Rina watching over her while Miriam took over her job of watching the children. He felt slightly guilty though he did like going all out once in a while. The fact she was unconscious for half the night only made his arousal grow even more.

 He should ask for permission from his lovers though if he wanted to do what he did to Lisha last night. Don't want them to hate him for being too rough after all.

 His thought stopped when he saw the Duke announcing the next match. While the previous match was the first one and was between peak Genesis Source experts, it didn't seem to be too exciting, at least to him.

 The fact they were being cautious the entire match only made things even more boring even though he knew the reason behind it. He does hope that the next match will be more interesting.

 As the Duke called for the next two fighters, Ryker couldn't help but narrow his eyes to the man on the right. He seem to be emitting a dangerous aura, one he feel like he should know but couldn't put his finger on it.

 The man on the left seemed to notice it too, judging by how he tried to create some distance between the two. When he was sure he was far enough, he created a mirror out of water before firing a small but high-velocity orb into it.

 The mirror seemed to absorb the bullet though reality is different. Several mirrors appeared around the man before countless barrages of water orbs crashed into him.

 The attacks seemed to cause some significant damage, his crouching only seemed to exacerbate the point. However, Ryker could tell it was the exact opposite, the aura from the man seemed to get even more powerful after the attack. He could tell the man about to launch a counterattack, very quickly and a very powerful one too.

 His guess was proven right when the man stood up, the injuries healing at an impossible pace. From the shocked look of the man's opponent, he clearly didn't expect the man to be able to stand up, much less walk towards him.

 "That attack is really strong so I should return the favor," the man said, before moving so fast he disappeared.

 The opponent seemed to realize it as well, several layers of water screens appearing all around him. A layer of qi also surrounds his body as an added layer of protection. The opponent clearly thought the defense could hold his opponent back, maybe even stopping him.

 But Ryker knew it was all in vain. His thought was, once again, proven correct, the man appearing and punching through the defense like it was nothing, which is a great feat itself as the screens, even if they looked frail, it still strong enough to block a peak Genesis Source expert attack, if they sandbagging it.

 The punch hit his opponent's stomach, making him cough blood before he was sent crashing to the wall. The referee did a quick check on the fallen fighter before announcing the winner.

 "Winner of this match, Battle Demon!" the crowd didn't cheer, the shock of how fast the match ended made them unable to process the announcement.

 When the referee's words sink in they cheered loudly. After all, while a prolonged match between powerful fighters is interesting, a one-sided match, especially an unexpected one, is like a different flavor altogether.

 Ryker looked at the man before saying quietly to himself, "Interesting," he was looking forward to his match with the man, which will likely be in the final, as the allocation puts them on the other side of the tournament bracket.

 He does wonder why he felt something similar with the man. Oh well, he could guess things during their fight.


 "Looks like we chose the right person to support, young master," one of the followers of the young master of the Mortola Family said.

 The young master snorted, "Of course, this young master could recognize talent when he sees it," the man boosted, and the smile on his face seemed to grow even more.

 "We will get the spot for the hidden realm, mark my words,"


 "What kind of power is that?" the head of Gul Family asked. Despite his cultivation reaching the top of the Genesis Grand realm, he is still the youngest of the group, being the most inexperienced of the bunch. His senior likely knew more than him, hence his asking them.

 To his surprise, the others seemed to not know about it as well, "I'm not sure," the Duke replied, uncertainties formed on his face. "It's something we've never seen before,"

 The Duke then turned towards the head of Adventure Guild and president of Craftsman Alliance. With the two being a part, even if as an insignificant member in the grand scheme of things, sure they knew one or two things about what just happened.

 However, to the Duke's surprise, even they seemed to not know about the man's power. "The only thing we could tell is that his power seemed to get stronger the moment he was hit by his opponent's attack. Other than that, we have no clue at all,"

 The Duke let out a sigh, though a smile quickly formed on his face. "This tournament just gets better and better. First, there is the underdog, a Genesis Core expert that can thrash Genesis Source experts like they were nothing.

 Now, we have a mysterious competitor with a mysterious power. Who knew, maybe the two will fight each other and we could see how powerful they both are," this resulted in the laughter between the peak experts of the Kilrun Duchy.

 All of them knew he was just joking about it. After all, what could a Genesis Core expert do against a peak Genesis Source expert? Surely there is a limit to how strong he could be.

 The Duke didn't know it yet, but his word came true by the sixth day when Ryker went against the man.


 Ryker gently massages Lisha, a regular one instead of the more pleasure-focused one that uses Pleasure God Touch. The pouting woman seemed to let out a sigh of relief, making him also sigh in relief, just in his mind. No need to make her get madder.

 That is the price he had to pay for going all out on Lisha, as he had to appease his angry lover.