Tormenting the (Former) Heiress

 After Era had fallen unconscious, whip marks dotting her back and legs, Mashia looked at the remaining trio, Brea, the sole Genesis Lake expert and currently a sex slave, Rina, the servant who was more like a sex slave, but with better treatment, and lastly, Shuri, the only one among the three that is Ryker's lover.

 Both Hylla and her had agreed to save Brea for last, as it would be hard for them to torment a Genesis Lake expert effectively with just one of them, even if she would accept whatever despicable things they would do to her.

 That left both Rina and Shuri and frankly, she did not know whom to choose. Both are at the same level of strength being Genesis Condensing experts and so could handle more than the others did.

 But that only makes it harder for her to choose who she should punish for her master's eyes. After all, they only did this because of his suggestion. While she did find some enjoyment in it, she preferred to do it to his sex slave, one that earned his ire but at the same time was too beautiful and/or useful to be killed.

 That is the sole reason why Brea was chosen to be the last one to undergo the torture, as they had prepared something special for her. 

 While she was thinking, a pair of hands groped her breast. "Eep!" she let out, blushing as she learned she squeaked when she was surprised. She turned and glared at the other woman, Hylla giving her a coy smile.

 "Still cannot decide?" the other woman asked, Mashia shaking her head. "In that case, why don't we work together and torment both of them at the same time?" she suggested.

 Mashia opened her mouth to reject the idea but closed it as she thought it through. On second thought, it was not a bad idea as they would work together and maybe finish the tormentor roleplay sooner.

 She wants to be embraced by her lover, one he had promised on the condition she and Hylla put up a good show. She looked at the gray-haired woman, asking, "So, you have any idea?"

 The smile on her face makes Mashia almost regret accepting it. Almost. In the end, she is not the one who will have to suffer through it, only needing to be the one who gives the punishment.


 Both Hylla and Mashia took a seat, on the two bound people, the gray-haired woman sitting on top of Rina, while the blue-haired dragon girl taking a seat on Shuri.

 The weight on their stomach caused the two to squirm, slightly uncomfortable. However, they do not care as it is their job to torment the two and so, they will do it. Ryker did promise something for them in return for giving him a good roleplay.

 The two seemed to act parallel to each other, both of them putting a hand on top of their victim's mouth and lower cavern, the only difference being the hands in the two places.

 They took out the gag, allowing Shuri and Rina to take a deep breath, gasping slightly in discomfort. However, it was not long before fingers entered their mouth, almost choking them if they went any deeper.

 "Suck, you whores," Hylla ordered, the two sucking the fingers inside their mouths, almost like a baby. While they were sucking the finger, Hylla's and Mashia's fingers entered their cavern, pushing and entering the fold, making the two jolt from the pleasure.

 "Did I tell you to stop?" Hylla asked coldly, causing the two to return to sucking the fingers, even when their body was assaulted with pleasure as their tormenters digit explored their insides, marking and scratching the depth of their cavern.

 With their body already sensitive from previously climaxing from the sex toys and the sex toys assaulting and tormenting their bodies, it did not take long before they climaxed once more for the night, though it was the first time the night they were forced to release from others fingers.

 After the two finished their climax, prolonged by the fact that Hylla and Mashia vigorously fingered them during the climax, they gasped for air, their tongue coming out of their mouth as the tormentors pulled out their fingers.

 "My, what a bunch of sluts," Mashia commented, poking the pearl and causing Shuri to squirm from the sensation. "To think you would be this wet," she said, pinching the pearl and causing her to squirm. Opposite to them, Hylla did the same thing, finding amusement in their action.

Before long, they stop, letting their victims sigh in relief. As they tried to catch their breath, the pressure on their crotch caused them to squeal. With their eyes still blindfolded, they could not see what happened by Ryker could. 

 He was impressed by what they were doing. "To think they would do that?" he whispered to himself, seeing the two crossing their legs, their foot on the other victims. 

 As their feet applied pressure on their victims' private places, turned their bodies slightly and played with their breasts, groping and kneading them, causing them to moan out loud as their sensitive bodies were tormented non-stop.

 With both hands on their breasts, their feet continued to apply pressure, sometimes rubbing the slit, sometimes even roughly pushing the pearl, causing both Shuri and Rina to let out a small squirt as they had weak orgasms.

 The two did not stop their activities, continuing to play with the breasts of their victims while abusing their private places. Before long, the two victims could not hold any longer, letting out another climax, their backs would have been arching if not for them sitting on the two.

 After they finish their climax, both Hylla and Mashia get off them, only to turn them on their sides. Before they could realize it, they were pushed to one another, though instead of being face to face, it was instead face to crotch.

 Currently, Shuri's face was against Rina's crotch and vice-versa. Before they could do anything, Mashia gave the order, "Lick it,"

 Gulping loudly but knowing they could not refuse the order, the two began to lick one another, though they merely stroke the slit and outer part of the cavern, something the two quickly realized.

 "Deeper," Mashia thundered, pushing Shuri's head closer to Rina's crotch, forcing her to strike her tongue deeper inside Rina's lower cavern. Rina suffered the same fate, her head being pushed against Shuri's crotch.

 With the two exploring each other sacred well, it did not take long before they both climax, staining each other faces with their love juice. Satisfied with the degrading the two were forced upon, they turned their sight to the only person left.