New Members Joining In

 As Eris looked around for any sign of the beast, she soon spotted someone watching the entire thing, clearly amused, at least that is what she could see from the distance.

 From beside her, she could also hear the man gasped, likely seeing the same thing as she did. 

 "Sir, do you wish to go against my Luren Family?" the man asked, looking arrogant despite being scared mere seconds ago.

 "What a pathetic Luren Family can do against someone like me?" the figure replied, looking bored by the exchange.

 The man gritted his teeth, before answering the figure, "You might have beaten one Elder but it's still not enough to-" whatever the man was about to say died in his throat as the figure threw a huge object towards them.

 When it landed, Eris wondered if she was seeing the thing, as the 'object' was clearly the body of the Tier 8 Genesis Beast that had caused trouble for the County.

 "Do you really think a bunch of families that could not even take care of this pest would stand a chance against this master?" the figure coldly said, his gaze seeming to pierce the man as he shivered.

 "We are sorry senior! We would make amend to this mistake! Would you like to have this woman for an apology? We would also give you the other one as well," the man told the figure, treating her and her servant like mere objects.

 "Oh, I will accept the price, though, the one that dared to touch them both must die," as he said it, the figure squeezed his fist, causing every person except for her, her servant, and the man to explode into bloody mist.

 The man fell on his rear, yellow stain could be seen on his pants. The figure laughed before releasing his qi and draping them both with it before flying away.

 Eris wondered if she should thank the man or not, but before she could do that, her servant did it for them.

 "Thank you sir for your help, but, what will you do to us now?" she wondered if her servant was smart or dumb but before she could voice it, the man laughed.

 "Well, I do save you both and I am not that generous. In return for my help, you must serve me," she cursed in her mind. To think they escape the lion's clutch only to be stuck inside a dragon's den.

 She wondered if they could try to escape when the man spoke, "You will be my servant for, hmmm, maybe 1 year or so? That seems reasonable. Of course, after finishing your due, you can leave my service," 

 Hearing this, Eris wondered if her hearing had gone bad or maybe she had misheard him. "No, you did not misheard me," the man suddenly said, causing her to look at him with clear disbelief.

 The man continued, "As long as your service is satisfactory, then I would allow you to leave my service. I will even give you money for you to start your new life," 

 Hearing this, Eris was tempted. If the offer is true, then she and Myna would be given a new lease of life. She exchanged glances with her, the brown-haired woman nodding at her.

 "Very well, we accept your kind offer," Eris said, the man giving her a brief nod before focusing on flying to a certain area.


 "Ryker," several women greeted the man, Ryker, as she had just learned.

 "Ladies, how are the pills? Do you feel any changes?" he asked them, the woman nodding.

 Whatever they were about to ask the man was postponed when they laid their eyes on the two of them. While Eris did not think she was the strongest person in her generation, she did think anyone strong would get their name recognized.

 While he was not sure of how powerful the gray-haired woman was, she was definitely at the Genesis Source though she was not sure of her exact level.

 She wondered if she should ask but before she could do so, they spotted her and Myna.

 "Oh, are those two the new lovers you will take?" one of them, the weaker amongst the group asked, causing her to blush heavily.

 "N-no! He just saved us and he is offering us a job!" Myna replied, a blush on her face as well while giving side glances to the man who had saved them.

 She could not fault her servant, as she also felt some form of attraction, at least in terms of looks to the man.

 He is handsome with his dual-colored hair, a white and black combo that seems to merge seamlessly. His silver eyes also seemed to reflect the moon causing her to be in a trance when she looked deeply into it.

 She shook her head. She did not wish to fall in love with someone she just met based on their looks. She did wish for that to happen to her and she did not want to do it to others as well.

 The others gave her a knowing smile, one she planned to ignore for now. She does wonder how they joined him. Oh well, it looks like she is going to spend some time with the group.

 However, she does feel slightly worried over the fact they might stop at the County, meaning his chances of meeting her so-called family would occur. Oh, she will cross the bridge there.


 "H-how big is this place?" she was grateful for Myna speaking what she thought about. She had been trained to not show any sign of being surprised and many other undignified looks that would weaken her standing.

 However, she did not think her family, and many others, even at the core of the Kingdom would be able to have such artifacts. And from the look of things, the room is a lot bigger than in the mansion she used to live.

 Unable to hear any words, too busy focusing on the space they just teleported into, they looked around blindly. It wasn't until one of the women came to them and gave them some clothing for the night did they were shown the room they would be using.

 "Thank you for helping us," she told the woman, who shrugged it off. Before she could leave, however, she decided to ask the woman one more thing.

 "Are all of you, his lovers?" she hesitatingly asked, not wanting to assume but could not see them as anything else than the women of the man that had saved them.

 "Yes. It was in different circumstances but she met us in many ways. Some, she saved, while others, she bought from slave traders to become servants before the relationship turned into something more.

 All in all, except for two that used to be his enemies and turned into sex slaves by him, we all become his lovers willingly," hearing this, Eris nodded in understanding.

 While she did not think she would be the same as them, she decided to learn of it in case her servant decided she wanted something more than just becoming the man's servant.