The Morning After Dinner

 Sophia groaned, her hand on her groin as she felt a great ache in it. She tried to stand up but the soreness on her legs and waist prevented her from doing so.

 She looked around before spotting some oddities, namely she was naked, Ryker was naked next to her, and Sonet, and three of her servants, Ilun included, were naked as well, all of them in fetal position and sleeping soundly.

 Then, the memories of last night return. She remembered as she was pounded into a state of unconsciousness, she called upon her servants and Sonet to enter her room.

 They did so to see the sight of their mistress and manager being ravaged to the point she was losing consciousness.

 Ilun stripped at the moment before throwing herself to Ryker, who quickly took her after making her wet enough to take his shaft. Sonet did the same afterward, Sophia ordering her to do it with Ryker.

 The two other servants were more shy but they accepted her order and did it with him after he was done with Sonet, or the be more accurate, until Sonet could no longer handle him.

 Now she understands why his women accepted him taking so many lovers. His stamina is just too insane! She did not think she could handle him for even half an hour more, less so for an entire night.

 As she watched from the side as the four women were taken by him, ravaged until they went limp or no longer conscious, she subconsciously stroked her bruised lower lips.

 Which, after being done with the servant duo, he went towards her before claiming her, taking her with such ferocity she lost consciousness in just half an hour or so.

 She only woke up right now, with her body sore and marked all over the place, from his hand print from how tight his hold on her is, to the bite mark on her neck and breast.

 Her movement seemed to stir the man who left all of it on her, who began to sit and stretch his arm upward.

 He turned towards her before giving the same devilish smile that resulted in her legs being limp at the moment, "Looks like you can't handle me, Miss Sophia,"

 She blushed at his teasing, which is unfortunately the truth. Even with her being a grand realm stronger than him, it was not enough to outlast him.

 "No wonder you have so many lovers," she pinched his waist, earning a slight yelp of pain from the man.

 "You did call for help," Ryker pointed, out which made her groan with shame, her face on his palms.

 She remembered when the four entered, she was barely able to order them to take off his desire while she recovered, to which Ilun charged right in, saving her in the process.

 "I have to get back to them," he told her before he moved out of the bed. Sophia let him, already deciding to not even attempt making him stay with her as she didn't think she could handle him alone.

 She yelped as she felt she was lifted, turning to see that Ryker was carrying her bridal style.

 "I plan to clean myself, and don't know the way," he said nonchalantly. Blushing, Sophia covered her bust before pointing in the direction of the washroom.

 Yet, he continues walking without showing any sign of putting her back on the bed. Seeing the confused look on her face, Ryker chuckled, "I think we should wash together. At least your servant and worker will see their employer awoke and already washed up," 

 She pondered before agreeing with his train of thought. Soon, they entered the washroom and cleaned themselves, though they did do other things as well, screams of pleasure filling the washroom.


 Ryker soon leaves, saying something about seeing his family. Sophia let him. After all, her body was still sore from last night and she needed some time to heal up.

 10 minutes after Ryker left, the other women stirred up, starting from Sonet, Ilun, and lastly the servant duo.

 As they woke up, they saw their mistress looking at them with a smirk. "Mistress/ Manager!" they exclaimed in shock.

 "All of you will have a day off for today," she announced, some of the women wanted to protest but their aching bodies made them realize that resting would be the sound decision.

 "Manager, did we really?" she did not continue her question, though Sophia knew what Sonet asked.

 "Yes, last night was... something indeed. It is a surprise how much stamina he has to the point I have to ask for your help, or I will be done for," Sophia shivered slightly. She was sure if he had spent more time on her, she would likely not be the same anymore. Heck, she was not the same anymore!

 "Where is the man, mistress?" Ilun asked, looking around for the person who had given her the best night she ever had.

 "He left. After all, he has a lot of lovers as well," Sophia told them, before looking at Sonet, "and before you ask, I already knew of his lovers beforehand, and I can understand why they did not mind him having so many lovers,"

 Sonet wanted to argue but could not refute what her employer said. After all, the moment he held her, she almost lost herself when his thick shaft entered her hole, making her into a pleasurable mess.

 "What are you going to do now mistress?" one of her servants asked, "after all, he would not want to leave his other lovers," she pointed out.

 "I don't mind sharing. In fact, it is vital for our health and body that he has a lot of lovers, or we might not be able to survive the coming night," Sophia said. "And yes, I counted all of you as well because you spend the night with him and bed him, so, I will count you into his harem,"

 The four women did not know what to think of suddenly being a part of a harem, but considering it was their employer/mistress ordered, then they had to agree to it.

 Not to mention, none of them disliked what they felt last night, the aching aside.


 "So, how was your night?" Ina asked when he returned, the dual-coloured-haired man looking at her with a smile.

 "Well, I learned my stamina is more than what a Noble expert could handle," he said, causing Ina to choke slightly.

 "And that I can handle 4 more Genesis Sea experts at the same time, though, I might be a bit too rough on them,"