Meeting The Guild Leader of Birak City Adventure Guild

 Lariz decided to not tell Ryker about the meeting for the time being. After all, he did not know the other party schedule and would like to extend the meeting time as much as he can.

 As for Ryker, he did not know any of this, as he plan to visit the Adventure Guild of Birak Capital City.


 After he woke up, he quickly cleaned up and have a breakfast prepared before heading towards the Guild Building. The build is easy to spot and easy to get to, with several maps inside the city allowing them to navigate through the roads and alley with ease.

 He is grateful for the one who created it this was, as he did not have to seek any shady guides to get to where he wanted to be.

 However, even with the direction, it took him nearly an hour to arrive at the building, the distance between it and his new home too far for him. It would be easier if he could fly but such thing is prohibited for very good reasons.

 Still, the Adventure Guild still did not look crowded at the moment, making him thanking his lucky star as he went inside.


 The leader of the Birak City Adventure Guild, and also the leader of all the branches inside the Birak Kingdom core region and outer region feel someone similar coming inside the branch. 

 Yet, he had never seen the person before. Using his Soul Sense, he check on the familiar aura, before finding it. He could not help himself but laughed loudly, causing his two Vice-Leaders to jump from his laughter.

 "What is it, leader?" one of his Vice-Leaders asked.

 "I just find a little sapling from before. I wonder if he still remember me,"


 As it turns out, Ryker do remember the man. After all, he still the strongest person he sees until now, apart from himself but he is a special case so he did not count.

 However, he did not know how to meet the man. It's not like he could demand to see the leader now without being seen as crazy or impertinent now, could he.

 However, his trouble was solved when a receptionist walked towards him.

 "Mister, the leader want to see you," the receptionist said while hiding his jealousy. Why did the leader want to meet an adventurers who just arrived at this branch? And how could this random nobody get to meet the leader, a genuine Sovereign Realm expert!

 "In that case, it will be impolite to make him wait," Ryker said before following the man to the leader's office.


 When he entered, he quickly spot the similar old man who once appeared in Mariz Barony, even if it just as a projection. The man seemed to notice him first before looking at him, seemingly trying to dissect him.

 Then again, the last time he met the men, he was a measly Genesis Core expert. But now, he is a genuine Genesis Sea expert.

 The man laughed loudly after confirming his cultivation realm, "To think, 35 weeks ago you are merely a Genesis Core. But now, hah! You a Genesis Sea expert," while the Vice-Leaders did not understand why their leader of the entire Birak Kingdom's Adventure Guild's Branch would be so interested to a mere Genesis Sea expert, now it began to make sense. 

 Though, there is the new question of why he knew of the young man in the first place. After all, he never leave the core region of the Adventure Guild in the previous year.

 Seeing the look on the Vice-Leaders face, Ryker decided to tell them some part of the story, "I had seen the esteemed Guild Leader projection and transmission before, and that is how I seen him before,"

 The Guild Leader snorted, "You forget to add you defeat a Genesis Source expert as a Genesis Core expert, and also killing a 7th Stage Genesis Core lizard beast at the very same cultivation,"

 By now, the surprised look turned to awe. After all, while fighting against someone or something higher than your cultivation level is possible, it is harder to do so. Especially when the gap is around one major realm, which make the fight impossible to win for the weaker side, yet, he manage to.

 They two could now see the reason for the interest of their Guild Leader.

 "So, what is your current limit?" the leader asked. After all, he knew the young man possessed great potential and glad for the Adventure Guild's policy, or they will never uncover such rare gem.

 "1st Stage Noble expert," the four people, including the one who lead Ryker to the office did a spit take, with some even choking on air.

 After they managed to clear their throat, they looked at him in shock, "Y-ou are joking, right?" the receptionist asked. After all, it is one thing to beat someone at one major realm difference. It is another to do it with one grand realm.

 "How about I just show you?" now, the receptionist believe the young man. After all, if he was afraid of his lies being uncovered, he would not be so receptive.


 Currently, they are in one of the training ground in the Adventure Guild. These training ground were created from the Law of Space, making it bigger than the room they it is place inside. It almost like another space, yet it is connected and teethered by the entire room.

 Should the room destroyed, the space will be gone as well.

 Ryker is facing Spirit Beast, a lizard beast to be exact. A brief looked allowed Ryker to tell that the beast had reached the Spirit Realm for quite some time yet still stuck in the beast equivalent of 1st Stage. Then again, it is hard to advance to the next minor realm the higher one cultivation are.

 The lizard beast growled at him, perceiving it's opponent merely at the Genesis Realm. It swing it's tail lazily, thinking this would be enough to deal with him.

 Yet, to the surprise of everyone including the beast, Ryker merely used his Celestial Body before punching the attack, destroying it in a single clash.

 He then get on top of the lizard beast before punching it on it's head, making it screech in pain. He then jumped of as the beast looked at him with what he believed narrowed eyes.

 "Oh, this will be fun,"


 The spectators was still shocked, even after the fight already over for 5 minutes. 

 "Hello, how can I get out?" only with his reminder did they remembered the young man and opened the spatial gate, allowing him to escape. Yet, the mind of the spectators was still on the match, where a 2nd Stage Genesis Sea expert kill a lizard beast equivalent to a 1st Stage Noble expert.