True Meeting

 "They are both beautiful," Ryker decided to be truthful.

 The King's eyes narrowed before he opened his mouth, "Explain,"

 "Like I said. They are beautiful," he parroted his answer. "I have never met them before so I don't know what they are like, so I can only say the thing I can see, namely their appearance. No doubt the two women are beautiful," he finished, and take another sip of his tea.

 The King seemed to slump after asking the question. Seeing this, the Grand Duke asked his own question, "Is it the same as with Collete?" when the aforementioned woman looked at him with narrowed eyes, he elaborated, "Is she beautiful?"

 When the blonde woman about to reprimend the man, Ryker answered just as quickly, "Yes," when the three Sovereign and one Crown Prince look at him, he continued, "Yes, she is beautiful,"

 "Wow, I mean it is the truth but for you to say it casually," Lariz exclaimed, finally speaking for the first time during the meeting.

 "I mean, why should I lie. It is the truth. And not to mention, it is a good truth. If the person is ugly, I just used words like 'she is not as beautiful as I thought,' or some variation of it. Considering the three women you ask me is all beautiful, there is no reason for me to said anything less," he calmly said.

 "I see," the King said, "you will be brutally honest if it is a good truth and it will come out as a compliment unless if they ask for you to be truthful, even if it is ugly. If not, you will try to soften the blow," Ryker nodded, the King completely grasp a part of his personality.

 "What if someone else looked at your lovers and said they are beautiful?" the Grand Duke asked.

 "I will said they were right and politely asked them to not ogle them or I will make sure they are buried so there will be no need for a funeral," he replied with a smile.

 "If it is the opposite. Like if they asked if your lovers are ugly," the Grand Duke continued.

 "Then I will rip off their eyeballs as they are clearly not using it at all," the smile was still there, just with the added dark miasma that sends shiver to the three Sovereign.

 "Good to know," the Grand Duke said, clearly feeling uncomfortable with his question just now. Thankfully for the man, his brother decided to ask Ryker another question.

 "Do you want to know about the two women I show you before?" Ryker raised his brows at the unexpected questions.

 "No," he shook his head. "There is no reason for me to know of them. Unless you want me to help them in the future or be their guards for whatever reason, then you will tell me. If not, then I will not ask unless you tell me," his answered caused the King to have a small smile on his face.

 "You really are a special one," he said, to which, Ryker replied, "I will take that as a compliment,"

 "Actually," Collete suddenly spoke, "Lariz told me you have a lot of siblings. Do you have any favourite?"

 'Lariz, I hope you make your peace, as I will kill you and make sure the remain will not even enough to fill an urn,' for some reason, the Crown Prince shivered, feeling like he is in great danger.

 "As their oldest brother," he said, "I should not have a favourite, logically that is. However, in reality, it is my youngest little sister," a picture of little child, barely two years old, appeared, Ryker catching it in his projection crystals.

 The three Sovereign did something that shook the two non-Sovereign in the room; they cooed at the projection. Realizing what they just did, they quickly cough, pretending it did not happen.

 "Anywho, do you have more projections?" Collete asked.

 "Do you even have to ask such degrading questions?" he asked incrediously before taking more projection crystals, all of which have projection his younger siblings, from their birth to now.

 It seem his parents had set them all over the Hidden Ancient Mansion, not that he complained. He could never have enough pictures of his younger siblings, especially during their infancy.


 "How did this happen?" Ryker asked incredulously. 

"Well, you decide to show the baby pictures of your siblings, igniting my father, uncle and aunt parental tendency. Now they are showing my siblings and cousins pictures in return," Lariz said, voice completely done.

 Somehow, a meeting turned into an exchange of baby pictures. To Lariz' mortification. Especially ones in regard to his own childhood. He did not know that it is the only reason he will come out alive, as Ryker deemed it enough of a payback.

 Still, he is not sure he want to hear another story of the royal family's childhood. After all, it is no use for him, unless for blackmail purposes.

 Thankfully, one of them is perspective enough to notice the two youngest people sheer discomfort.

 "How we about end this here? It should near dusk already," Collete exclaimed, shocking the two of their storytelling.

 "Yes, lets end this here. Though I hope to have another meeting soon," the King said, the Grand Duke nod in agreement.

 Ryker have no way to make off the situation. So, he could only nod and agree. As he was about to leave, Lariz standing to show him the way, Collete put her hand on her nephew's shoulder and told him,

 "I will show your friend the way," the Crown Prince glanced at Ryker, who shook his head. Sighing, he nodded.

 "Good, now let get going," Collete said before leading him to the door.

 Before they could get out, the King stop them, "Wait," he continued, "in future meeting, do brought your younger siblings. Interacting with children will no doubt be more interesting,"

 "Of course, but not all of them at once," Ryker agreed.

 "Good," the King let out a hearty laughter. "And here a little gift for this interesting afternoon," he threw a spatial ring at him, the Grand Duke doing the same thing as well.

 While Ryker want to examine it, he did not want to appear rude and just inspect a gift right in front of the gifter. Instead, he put it inside his clothes before saying his farewell.

 Then, Collete lead him away, towards the outer part of the palace's area. When they had left for long enough, Lariz looked at his father with a stern look.

 "So, does he pass your little test?"