
 "Crap!" not knowing it, Ryker cursed as well, the injuries would have turned him into a cripple if not for the defense he had prepared. As for now, he could only crawl with how badly injured he currently is.

 Thankfully, luck is on his side as his Soul Sense can be used and he was able to find an uninhabited cave. After making sure there is nothing there, he enter the cave before taking out several healing pills. 

 His qi is still at full, as he had rest and took several qi replenishing pills to make sure he is at full strength after destroying the formation. 

 With this, he quickly consumed the healing pills, his injuries began to heal. With his mastery of Law of Life as well, the injuries become less severe as his vitality restored at a terrifying rate.

 "Thank goodness for the Law of Life," he exclaimed before he prepared himself to enter a meditative state. While he would not be able to do much, he could still increase his healing by using his qi.

 So, began his healing process, done at the deeper part of the forest, not that he knew of it, being thrown of course while the tear in space he created also being done in haste.


 "So, you don't know where he is?" Lariz asked Ina, who shock her head. By their side is Natali, who was still awestruck by how casual the conversation had been going so far.

 "No, but the only thing we are sure of is that he is still alive. His siblings can detect if he is alive or not, something their parents had done so they would be able to tell if anyone of them is in any harm," she gave a white lie.

 While the siblings can tell the life and death of their older brother, it is due to an artifact but Lariz did not need to know that.

 "So, where is the last place he had gone to?" the Crown Prince asked, a worried look on his face.

 Miriam and Era that sit next to her did the same thing as Ina did, rolled their eyes as they spat out the answer, 

 "The Adventure Guild,"


 "He still did not return from his mission? That is strange, because the mission should be something he can handle," Catherine said with a frown, the black-haired woman biting her lower lips.

 "There should be some trouble, there might be another beast in the area, and he is forced to flee elsewhere," Lariz pointed out a possibility, except Ina quickly put some holes in that theory.

 "He mastered the Law of Space," she did not want to reveal his secret, but it is necessary if her lover is in grave danger.

 "Whaaat? You know what, let's hold the idea of him able to master one of the most esotoric Path at the moment. Assume he can do so, then he will be able to escape and flee to the capital, but he did not.

 So, either he is killed, which is impossible as we knew he still alive, or he get chased by a powerful beast, which is also impossible as there should be no powerful beast that can manipulate space near the part he is in, and even so, it would be rather weak.

 So, the final option is that he is captured by some group, or he is badly injured. Considering he did not escape, either he was ambushed, or he was trapped in a formation that prevent him from escaping," 

 The others could not help but agreed with his words. One of the reason why is the main candidate to the throne.

 However, it did create one more question. Who would do such a thing? Which, when two people who suddenly thought of two different people, came to different conclusion.

 "My brothers," "My stalker,"

 Both Lariz and Catherine look at one another in surprise before the Crown Prince pointed at her, "Explain,"

 "Well, we have been going out," at that moment, Lariz asked in his head, how many more woman this ally of his going to seduce? "For a friendly date once. He or his man could have seen him being close to me and try to kill him just to kill the competitor," 

 Hearing this, Lariz nodded before asking, "Is the stalker in question Petro?" when the advisor nodded, Lariz let out a loud sigh. When the other looked at him in question, he explained, "I try to gain his family support, and let just, when the heir get into the talk of claiming a black-haired advisor, I quickly put him in the hopeless and should not be associated unless necessary category,"

 The Crown Prince then put his hand under his chin, "But the Lugh Family should not be able to create such powerful formation. Then again, they might be a part of the group responsible for it," he said.

 "What if, my brothers and Lugh Family worked together to kill him? One, to kill one of the strongest people in the tounament, and the second, to kill the competitor for Miss Catherine over here," the others quickly find the logic of his deduction.

 "So, what should we do? They would have surround him with experts at the middle and late-stage of Noble realm. If they are any weaker, he would have been able to escape," Natali said with worry.

 Realizing the danger Ryker could be in, Lariz took out a special communication token, this one is gold in color and contacted the other holder.

 Their conversation lasted for three minutes before Lariz put it aside and sighed, "Let just say there will be some people that is going to handle them at the moment. But first, where is the location of the mission?"


 "He is not here, my Lord!,"

 "Not here either!"

 "Find him! He should be injured from my attack," the Noble expert that injured Ryker exclaimed. At the moment, a powerful aura engulfed him and caused him to scream, some of his bones breaking from it alone.

 "Do tell me, is this the person you injured?" a beautiful blonde lady came into view, before creating an image of Ryker.

 He remained silent, which angered the expert, who squeezed her hand and break all four limbs of the men. He screamed, the scream heard by others as they head towards the man.

 They watched as the blonde woman looked at them in boredom, while she twist the an arm of the captured man.

 "Release him!" Duke Lugh charged at the woman, who merely looked at him before pointing a single finger at him. The movement, while seem slow, was too fast for the man to dodge, as he find himself thrown away, crashing into the forest.