First Day Ends

 All 6 looked at Ryker like he is some kind of monster, which is to them, probably the most accurate depiction they would have of him.

 Even still, with how badly he beat them, they remained steadfast and unwavering, at least outwardly. In the inside, it is a different story.

 'Please, I want this to end,'

 'Just kick me out. Stop this abuse,'

 'At least give me some face when sending me out,'

 'I want to surrender, but than my title would be stripped off,'

 'Maybe I should surrender, but then the prince would skin my hide,'

 "How do I ask him to not beat me to pulp,'

 All of them are terrified, it just they all good actors, keeping their fear to themselves and not showing it outwardly.

 As the round turned into a standstill, more and more people in the crowd demanded actions. Though with one side refusing to attack the other side, while the side that could attack decide to not just did that, it cause tournament to change from fighting tournament to a staring competition.

 As the crowds began to jeer, one of the men are not able to take it anymore and rushed straight towards Ryker. The result, is expected.

 As the crowd and the other fighters watched the attacker get bitchslapped into the wall, a telepathic message was sent to the remaining fighters.

 'If you don't want to fight anymore, you can just repeat what that man did. He literally attacked me just to get beaten. After all, if are one of the last three, then you will have to face me again,"

 Digesting his words, the remaining combatant began to realize the truth of his statement. Not wanting to face the monster tomorrow, they began to charged at him, using their most devastating attack.

 While it might not do much, at the very least they would be able to harm him somewhat, and if they are lucky, then they would be able to beat him.

 Unfortunately, luck decided to not grace them when asked of something clearly impossible. Out of the 5 attackers, 2 were sent out while the remaining three find themselves buried to their necks, the attack used the Law of Earth and ended up burying them.

 And so, the elimination tournament ended with the 3 finalist weeping over the fact they won, while the eliminated one cried in joy, as they manage to escape being used as living training dummy.


 As for the rest of the tournament, they are more exciting in that the fight is not obvious and there are some suspense on who would be the winners. Currently, Ryker is sitting next to the Crown Prince, who was watching the second competition, the team tournament.

 "Do you think they can win?" Ryker asked, watching as subordinates of Lariz began to engage with their opponents. The upside with the team tournament is the fact that Lariz's force would not be gang up by the other prince.

 The team tournament is for the team to fight one another, at once. Which make it slightly more interesting as it depends on the synergy of the team instead of the might of a single member.

 Sure, he can probably finish a team on his own but where is the fun in that.


 "Well, the second tournament is something that you seem like you have an opportunity to win," Ryker remarked as the second tournament had ended for the day. It is done to give the combatants to rest for the day before the tournament next day.

 "Yes, but now another team battle," Lariz exclaimed. Though, unlike the previous ones, each match will be one-on-one, with each teams having 5 members.

 The format is interesting though from what Lariz told him, it is the one introduced by the Academy Union a long time ago. 

 And so, they watched as the teams began to picked their slot, with the prince being the one that pick it. For the Crown Prince, the opponent his team has to face is the one belonging to his cousin.

 Realizing this, the cousin in question gulped. While he is part of the coalition, in this setting, it would be impossible for him to request for help. And so, with a heavy heart, he prepared himself for his faction to suffer a beating.

 He had already suffer during the first and second tournament, with the former, all of his combatants send flying, while for the latter, the his team forced to face against the 2nd Prince, the leader of the coalition, so it goes as well as one would expect.

 And now, another sure loss, the cousin could see dark tidings in the future.


 "That was easy," Ryker commented. Considering they won all the fight without breaking a sweat, it clearly showed that the combatants the cousin get is just not strong enough. While in any other tournament, they might stand a chance, it just in the Succession Tournemant, as many called it, the one who joined are the best among the best.

 So, defeat for the talented but not prodigical is to be expected. However, it still show how talented the other fighters of the Crown Prince's faction, showing that aside from monster that is Ryker, he still has more talents that joined his faction.

 "And there should be another tournament," Ryker said, remembering what the King had said earlier. The first day would have the main tournament, followed by three other tournaments, all four would be finished the 2 days after today.

 The fourth tournament would be dual fighter tournament. Similar to the second tournament, the only difference is the number of combatant. He was unsure why it was not the second tournament, but who is he to judge the King's decision.

 He do wonder if the fight would be interesting or not. At the very least, there should be some powerful Technique being used.


 "It is... lackluster," Ryker exclaimed. Lariz nodded beside him, "I think father did this so the others would stand a chance. It is also a test to see how one could manage to the distribution of their forces, in case they have limited amount of it," 

 "Make sense, but why did your father did not end the lesser tournament in one day?" he asked.

 "I think to so the ending would be better, as in the final would be more exciting as the fighters would be at their very best," Ryker nodded, seeing the reasoning though it does make him wonder if it would be exciting or not. Especially his match.

 After all, unless the other side could reach the Noble Realm, than it would be more interesting.