After The Match

 As Ryker was announced as the winner, the arena was filled with cheers, as well as cries of despair. After all, betting is allowed in the place, and some had bet against him, to their sorrow.

 And so, with the end of the last match of the day, Ryker was escorted out of the arena by some guards, to make sure none of his enemies would make any moves.

 After all, going against one of the royal guards, who all at the Noble realm, is akin to treason, and would result in them and their entire family being purged out of the Kingdom.

 With this, he was not attacked during his travel to the mansion. Of course, there is another reason, namely the presence of a Sovereign who kept an eye out on him the entire time.


 "This will take quite some time to heal," Ryker exclaimed. He had not escaped the battle unscathed. His whole body still screaming at him, the pain from attack still remain. The only reason he is not unconscious is because the Lariz delivered a pill to him, one that healed him in matter of seconds, and close the hole in his shoulder.

 Though, while the injuries were gone, the pain still remain. So, he plan on resting for the week, though he might go to the arena to see the other matches. After all, tomorrow would be the last of the entire tournament and he wanted to know if his sacrifice help Lariz win or not.

 As he mused of such prospect, a hand fell on his torso, thankfully did not touch one of his more severe injury.

 "What are you thinking?" Ina asked, her white nightgown make her look more enchanting. 

 "Not much, just planning to see the matches tomorrow," seeing the frown on her face, he explained himself.

 "I just want to see it, and I will rest for the week, maybe even 2 weeks," he said. The brunette make 'hrmph' sound before leaning on his chest.

 "Do you know," she suddenly said, "I was so worried. After all, you could have died from the attack," she said, her voice so close to signing outright, with only her will stopping it from happening.

 "Oh, Ina," he said before his hand land on her cheek, pushing it so she would look at him. Ryker could see the unshed tears in her eyes, the only reason it did not fall is because of her trying to control her emotion earlier, for the sake of the younger ones.

 He stroke her cheek before kissing her lips, the brown-haired beauties reciporating it. "I cannot promise you I will make it out of every dangerous situation unharmed, but I will promise you that I will always come to you alive," his words is the last straw on the camel back, as she began to sob, letting her emotion flow.

 Ryker wrapped his arms around her, letting her cry it out.


 Outside the room, the rest of Ryker's women watched what happened with sadness and a tinge of envy.

 "Sometime, I wish I was that close with him," Era said, though her voice devoid of envy.

 "She is the first one, so of course she would be the one closest to his heart," Miriam said, eying what happen while considering if they should enter the room or wait a bit longer.

 "Yes, but still doesn't help much with the envy," Mashia replied, also wishing the same thing as Era.

 "Is it alright to watch them like this?" Myna asked. "It seem we just intrude on something private between the two of them,"

 The others remained silent, knowing she is right, but they could not help but wanting to know what happen between the two of them, curiosity causing them to peek at such intimate moment.

 We here to observe," Eris explained. "If they need us to come in or get them something, we can do it immediately,"

 "Let's leave for now, they both have each other. The children will still need to be comforted," Shuri reminded them. The others nodded as they make their way to the younger ones room, helping them sleep and consoling the little ones.

 As for the two lovebirds, they soon fell asleep, their arms wrapping one another as they cuddle, Ina having a smile on her face of being protected in his arms.


 When Ryker announced he wanted to visit the arena, he was met with disagreement. In the end, the women only let him go on the account he would be at the most secure spot, and he will only watch the match.

 Thankfully, the Crown Prince is considerate and help them procured the seating. There is also several Noble experts that would keep watch on them. Aside from such security details, Ryker also make sure he is wearing an artifact that will help him disguise himself. Preventing the other princes, or worse, the crowds, from knowing his whereabouts.

 As they took their seat, Ilun start the conversation, "So, who do you think is going to win?" she asked. The others also looked at Ryker expectantly, with him being the strongest out of the group.

 "The only way for the other prince to win is to at least won 6 more tournaments. And they also need to make sure Lariz would not win another one, or it would be near impossible for them to win if that happens.

 They should be prepared for such, so, while the 2nd Prince would have the better fighters for 6 tournaments, the other three would prevent the prince from winning any other tournament.

 All on all, it depends on how strong the combatants are," he replied, the other nodding before laying their eyes on the arena. After all, while the most anticipated match already over, the tournament is still not decided just yet. As long as one of the prince can win 5 matches, it will be anyone's games.


 The crowds were still dumbstruck. Then again, so those Ryker.

 "That, is anticlimatic," Lisha exclaimed, the other agreeing with her. After all, none of them would have suspected the Crown Prince's faction to do a clean sweep, winning all the tournament and bagging all 14 points to win it.

 "Yes," Ryker said eying Lariz. "Then again, he is the Crown Prince, and so should be the one that most people will support. It is not surprising for him to have so many talented subordinates. Still, it is surprising to see him win all the tournament,"

 "True, but at least Ryker bagged the biggest win," Ilun said. The rest of the women nodded, agreeing with her. As for Ryker, he eyed the Crown Prince, both of exchanging a glance and a smile.