Princesses First Mission

 Now the missions had been picked, the princesses quickly make their way out of the capital city. There seem to be an assigned gate, where the captains who watched over it already knew of the plan, and so, will let the two women out.

 After all, their head will be gone if they ever let the princesses out of the city without permission from the King.

 As they step outside, the 5 people quickly flew towards the target area. Ryker flew beside the two, though by doing so, he seem to cause the purple-haired guard to be more hostile. He' swore he could hear growling despite her being far from him.

 "Dory, Brya," he could feel the aura of hostility from the two now, but he could not care less for them. "Have you ever travel outside before?" he asked.

 The two princesses shared glance before nodding, "Yes, but it is more of a tour, though our brothers sometimes take us outside the palace. Even going to some of the nearby cities, with Father's permission of course," Dory answered.

 While it is a good answer, it did not answer the question he had. "Let me reiterate, have you ever gone to the wilderness, to the forest where beasts and bandits roamed free before?"

 This time, the two shook their head, "No," Brya answered this time, "We are always the darling of the family, and so, we always protected by the older family members. Our fathers are especially overprotective over us, and make sure whenever we go anywhere that is not part of the royal palace, we will have several guards tailing us,"

 Ryker nodded, both pitying the two princesses while understanding the King and Grand Duke. If he has daughters of his own, he would be tailing them whenever they go outside as well. The King and Grand Duke have it easier as they are masters of the territory, and have a large number of experts under him, something he did not have.

 "Have you killed before?" he asked. This time, the two nodded.

 "Humans or beasts?" the question is important. After all, taking the life of a human is different than a beast, with the later being slightly easier, not in term of how hard to kill it is, but the psychological effects it might have to them.

 "Both," Ryker let out a sigh of relief. It would make things easier then. 


 As they flew to the target area, they exchange some words,.though each one seem to both pacified and anger the two people behind them. It's not like he is trying to get them to be part of his harem! He need to ask the question so he knew what he need to do to help them.

 Thankfully, they reach the area in question, where they slow down before stopping. Once they did so, the two guards looked around warily. 

 Ryker did not blame them. The beasts they need to hunt is a pair of Blood Hawk, both with cultivation equivalent to 5th Stage Genesis Sea, something the two can handle, at least, they should be able to do so.

 However, they will only do the fighting on their own, while the rest, will be assisted by him. After all, they need to know what to do to learn something.

 He decide to go with some questioning, "Do you know the mission?" the two nodded, both answering at the same time, "Taking down a pair of Blood Hawk that had been terrorising cultivators in the area,"

 Ryker nodded before asking some more questions, "So, do you know anything of the target?" when they look at him with a startled look, the man sighed.

 "You need to know some basic things to make things easier. Unless you are confident in your observation skills and fighting skills, then not knowing would not be an issue. I'm not saying you should find the information after taking the missions, unless you have an encyclopedia of the flora and fauna in the area. 

 It just, you should read and knew some of the more common beasts that roamed the area. Those tend to be the one that cause trouble. At the very least, they are the reason for half the missions the Adventure Guild get. And no, this is not a tip from adventure, this is just common sense," 

 The two sit down as he lectured them, the guards wanted to intervene but a harsh stare make them back down. He then look at the two, who gave him a nod of understanding.

 "Then, the two of you, do you know anything about Blood Hawk?" he asked the two guards, and unlike the princesses, they seem to knew something.

 "Blood Hawk is called that as they posses the ability to use their blood in combat. They, while they eat flesh, they tend to prefer the blood, likely because of how it relate to their combat capability.

 Aside from that, Blood Hawk tends to mate for life, being a pair for their entire life and would not choose any other mate. The two Blood Hawk usually have a large territory, but they tend to stay on one spot if they nested and have a... child," the ponytailed blonde, Adia, said with wide eyes, the rest quickly catching up to her thought process.

 "So, they must be nesting around here," Brya said with a low voice.

 "Yes, and it's your job to remove them, whether through force or through subtle method, that is for you to decide," Ryker said, causing the princesses to look at him in shock.

 "Are you not going to help us?" they asked. Ryker shook his head, "My job is to teach you how to be an adventurer as well as imparting some tips as well as the unspoken rules of adventuring. In the end though, the decision would be yours.

 From which mission to take, and which method will you choose. It does not matter for me, as it will be on you. You are the one that want to be adventurers, so you need to pick the choice yourself.

 This is what newbie adventurers have to do when they just get started. And unless they are from an adventurer's family, then it will be trial by fire for all of them, and not all get out unscathed.

 Keep what I said in mind. This is real life, adventuring in the middle of a forest filled with beasts. Adventurers will go here either for missions or to search for natural treasures. Why do you come here for, and what will you do to achieve that?

 That is the question you have to ask yourself, because the only one who knew such answer is the two of you,"