Aftermath of Night With Princesses and Bodyguards

 The three Sovereigns and Lariz looked at her in shock as Ina remembered the day, or days to be exact. She then looked back, done reminiscing about the night she both wanted to have again, yet dreaded it.

 "Let's talk about something else, topic that diverge over the fact Ryker built a harem out of necessities," Lariz suddenly said. The Sovereigns agree, with the exception of Collete, who gave a subtle glance to Ina, who noticed and nodded in return.


 As for the 5, they were lying in bed, still sleeping with the exception of Ryker, who merely stared at their sleeping faces with a smile on his own. His hand stroke their hairs, admiring it. He paid more attention to Adia's, who let her hair down from the ponytail, her hair the shortest out of them all, barely passing her shoulder.

 His action cause the golden blonde haired woman to stir, her eyes meeting his as she stretched her arms. He lifted her with a phantom hand, before depositing her on his chest, wrapping his arms around her body when she was still surprise by the sudden move.

 "Enjoyed last night?" he asked with a teasing smile. Adia looked away, blushing heavily as sjs remembered what they did. A light chuckle escaped his mouth as he moved her on top of him, allowing him to kiss her.

 Him jostling around woke up the other three, who groggily rubbed their eyes before landing on Adia, who was making out with Ryker. Pouting, the trio tried to hug him, but there is only so much place to hug him. He is not that large after all.

 Feeling them hugging him, he gave Adia one last peck before lightly pushing her off him. His arm then find the nearest person, Dory, and pulled the blonde towards him. She squealed slightly, her scream muffled by the kiss on her lips.

 The other two whine, before they soon receive their rewards in the form of kisses. After he was done kissing them, Ryker get them on top of him, his chest become the most crowded place on the bed.

 "Can any of you move your legs?" he asked. After all, every night with him, well, one that involve a certain night session, it is a legitimate concern.

 The four did not answer, though he could tell they are trying to move their legs. After failing to do so, they shook their head, which is something he expected.

 "You are too rough," Dory whined, pouting, one replaced with a light giggle as his hand landed on her spine and stroking it.

 "That is how I did all my lovers for their first time. The difference being how experienced I am during their first time," he replied.

 "Well, all of us are tired and cannot move at all for now," Sela grumbled, though her tone tell him she did not meant it.

 "I agreed. I would like to clean up, but I am unable to move, not to mention walk," Adia said as well. 

 "Since this baddie is the one that make us like this, he will be the one that carried us," Brya decided, looking at him expectantly.

 A light chuckle escaped him once more. "Well then, I aim to please," with ease, he carried the two princesses in his arms, while he created two phantom hands to carry Adia and Sela, before heading into the washroom, to clean up the bodily fluid sticking to their skin.

 Of course, it did not take long before the original plan to get derailed, screams of ecstasy coming out of the washroom, along with slapping of flesh.


 "We are still sore, you know," Sela grumbled, as she find herself lying on the bed. The extra session in the washroom forced them to wash themselves again. Thankfully, Ryker hold himself this time, making the session truly their last one.

 It still make their bodies twitched on certain occasion, as they felt phantom hands ran along their bodies. Thankfully, they are clothed now, so he would unlikely have another go at them. 

 Though, he did still simple things like stroking their hair and rubbing their back, making their heart flutter.

 "You really good at making girls feel loved," Dory absentmindedly said, voicing what they all thought.

 "You do remember you talking to someone who lovers numbered in double digit, right?" he pointed out, earning an understanding 'ah' from them. After all, he did speak the truth. With some many lovers, he bound to now what women would like.

 Then again, his observation also helped, allowing him to tell if they like to be pampered and if they do, in what way? After all, every women is different, and he need to please them, either sexually or non-sexually. So, he had ton of experience in those regards.

 "Do you think you want to come out now? You father, and uncle are here after all, Dory," he asked.

 "Sure, I- What do you mean my father and uncle are here?!" Dory exclaimed in shock, Brya reacting the same way as she did, except without the yelling. As for the bodyguards, they froze, no doubt shock by the reveal.

 "I sense them last night. They used their Soul Sense to find the two of you. Lariz and your aunt are with them as well. Though, they did not do anything afterwards, they just went inside the mansion and remained here. They are still here by the way," he told them.

 Though, he did not tell them the likely reason why they did not do anything. After all, using Soul Sense, especially for a more powerful expert would allow them to essentially 'see' or to be exact form what you sense in your mind. They likely 'see' their beloved daughter being pounded by him, and too shock to do anything about it.

 His lifespan might be counted in seconds if he come down, but if he is going to die, he will die in blaze, likely literally if the King or Grand Duke mastered any Attack Technique revolving around the Law of Fire.

 He is sidetracking. He looked at them and gave them the unspoken question. Will they go downstairs and confronted their fathers, or will they stay in the room. 

 To their credit, the princesses merely sigh and looked at him with a determined look. "We will have to talk to them anytime soon. What better time than now?" Dory said, Brya nodding with her.

 "In that case, let met up with your fathers," he said, healing them so they could at least walk, even if they will limp a bit.