"Stop bothering me, please," She cried, "It was a mistake!"

The rattling sound emanating from outside her window had finally ceased, but a chilling silence engulfed Sasha's room. The only sound now was the whirring of the ceiling fan and the gentle swaying of the curtains, which allowed a meager fragment of light to creep in.

Despite the tranquil ambiance, Sasha lay curled up under her covers, sweat pouring down her face, and eyes wide open. The thought of an unknown entity lurking in the shadows outside was too unsettling to bear, she could not shake the eerie feeling off her chest. The night was chilly, and the sky was already dark, the only illumination coming from the stars scattered across the sky.

It had been four days since Sasha had been tormented by the mysterious object, and it was only getting worse everyday. It almost felt like there was no way of getting out of this mess.

Before the night of terror begins, she had been just like any other teenager - curious and always seeking for exciting adventures. Everything had been fine until that night when she had been surfing the web and listening to podcasts about the faith that got her into this dilemma.

Sasha had always had a fascination with ancient beliefs and loved writing journals about them. It was just a hobby she picked up a few years ago, but now it is her lifestyle. While listening to a podcast about theology and religions back in the BCE days, she stumbled upon a website that discussed an obscure and forgotten belief called The Runia.

The excitement that rushed through her was overwhelming, and she sat up straight with a broad smile on her face as she read about The Runia. She grabbed her pen and notebook, eager to jot down every detail.

The Runia was an ancient belief that had long been forgotten, with its followers known as Runians. They believed that extra-terrestrial beings had come down to Earth eons ago and bestowed mystical powers upon those who could prove their loyalty.

Sasha was consumed by her new discovery and spent countless hours digging for information about The Runia. By fate or chance, she stumbled upon a website where thousands of people shared their thoughts about ancient beliefs and answered questions posed by others. The website was solely dedicated to religions across the world, and one needed an account to access it.

Without hesitation, Sasha registered an account and quickly typed her questions about The Runia. She was thrilled and intrigued to learn more about her newfound faith.

To her surprise, she received numerous replies from people on the website within an hour. All of them were engaging and knowledgeable, and Sasha couldn't believe how helpful they were. It was surprisingly easy to find out information of this supposedly long-forgotten belief.

"This is amazing! Everyone is very helpful, I'm so glad I found this website," Sasha exclaimed with amazement plastered on her face.

As the day turned into night time, Sasha finally took a break from her research and went to grab some dinner. After all, her mother always gathered everyone before they started eating, and Sasha knew she couldn't escape her mother's fury if she missed a family meal. After filling her hunger, she was once again eager to continue her research.

The pursuit of knowledge about theology had become an addiction for Sasha, and she was determined to know everything there was to know about the subject. She craved for knowledge, and it was unstoppable.

Sasha walked back to her room, and flopped into her plush, fluffy bed. Her mind was filled with the information she gained from her last research, she was proud of herself.

She then sat back down at her computer, ready to resume her latest exploration. She noticed a private message notification. Sasha clicked on it, and her heart skipped a beat as she read the message.

"Hello there SaSha2004, I hope you don't ignore this warning. You should really stay away from The Runia, and the people who call themselves Runians."