Meeting Vegapunk

Galan stood on a small ship in a t-shirt and shorts with his wooden sandals, his shotgun slinging around his shoulder. He looked at a Bounty Poster in his hands and snorted gently.

'Devil Child' Nico Robin 79,000,000 Beli

His Sun pendant was wrapped around his wrist a few times, handing from his hand as he folded the poster, keeping it in his pocket.

Olvia was sitting on the edge of the ship, leaning her elbow on the taffrail and holding her chin as she watched the waves on the seas. The sea breeze fluttering her hair behind her.

Galan looked at her before turning to the front, she hadn't spoken a word since last night. Not that it was unusual, they hadn't talked for months at a time. He didn't care much, only taking notice of her habits.

If he was speaking objectively, Olvia was an extremely beautiful woman. However, Galan didn't seem to care at all… He was on a single man warpath, he didn't feel like he deserved to be happy.

He shelved the thought into the back of his mind and forgot about it, looking at the island getting bigger in the distance.

The reason why they were at the island already was because Galan simply picked up Olvia and the small ship and moonwalked from dawn till noon.

They had only been sailing for a few hours now.

The island came into focus, getting bigger and bigger before the ship touched the shore.

Galan picked up the anchor and stabbed it into the island itself before stepping off the ship, walking away. Olvia looked at him for a moment before following after him. She was wearing a black top with spaghetti straps, a big 'MARINES' written in blood red on her chest, along with white short shots and a little black Marines logo at the corner with wooden sandals.

She was also carrying a rifle on her back, holding the strap in her hand.

The duo passed the charred areas that were free of ashes. Galan was familiar with this, the wind from the sea would blow the ashes away and scatter them into the sea within a few months.

The sea always had a way of burying the past that Galan admired.

Olvia looked at the missing town and sighed to herself. Galan stayed silent and they came to where the Tree of Knowledge once was. The duo saw many Giants working to move and salvage books that were submerged in the lake next to the burnt Tree of Knowledge.

Galan saw Saul covered in bandages helping out before turning to Dragon who was standing next to a man with an excessively large head. Olvia looked over and muttered "Saul…" Saul looked over and waved, "Olvia!?" before seeing Galan and quieting down.

Galan ignored him and walked to the makeshift grave, standing next to the small man with a big head. Dragon looked at him and said "Galan." Galan was blank and emotionless as usual, "Dragon. Vegapunk."

Vegapunk looked up at Galan and said "Oh my, the Black Raven. What a coincidence!" Galan ignored him and said "I brought her." Dragon looked over at Olvia, who was standing behind Galan and looking at the grave sadly, he smiled "Ms. Nico Olvia, pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Olvia smiled slightly, nodding "Dragon. I've heard about you." Dragon smiled and turned to Galan, saying "Only survivor, eh?" Galan didn't even blink, replying "Must've missed her." Dragon's lips twitched and Olvia suddenly said "I told him not to." he looked at her and said with a soft tone "Is that so…"

Dragon looked at Galan then back at Olvia then to Galan before turning to the grave. Vegapunk felt like the odd man out and said "That's an old shotgun you have there, friend." Galan ignored him and Dragon turned his head with his hands in his pockets, saying "Maybe you should make him a new one, Vegapunk. He's a Marine Admiral after all."

Vegapunk scratched his large head and said "Well, I could! It would even be extremely simple! It could even have various types of ammo!" he started getting excited, adding "There could be one type with a bunch of steel balls in it that explode out and another that's a single bullet, and one that had Seastone bullets in it!"

Galan looked down at him, asking "What's Seastone." Olvia looked out at Vegapunk from around Galan's body as Vegapunk smirked "Heh! This is something I discovered on my own! You see, Seastone is a substance that can be collected in the sea, keeping the properties of the Sea itself! The power of this Seastone is that it nullifies Devil Fruit abilities!"

Olvia covered her mouth, Galan didn't change expression, and Dragon seemed to have already known. Vegapunk stared at Galan for a few seconds before repeating "IT NULLIFIES DEVIL FRUIT ABILITIES! HELLO?! THIS IS CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY! IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES THIS COULD PROVIDE! Not only in catching criminals but also in research! If Seastone can nullify the powers of a Devil Fruit, perhaps it could also contain it! Maybe even incorporate inanimate objects!"

Galan looked at him blankly, saying slowly "Make me the Shotgun." Vegapunk hopped up and down in rage "WHY ARE YOU UNIMPRESSED WITH MY ACHIEVEMENTS?! DAMN IT ALL-QUASAR!" Galan turned to Dragon and ignored the hopping scientist as Olvia chuckled at Vegapunk, letting out a 'Fufufu~'

Galan said "The progress with Elbaf?" Dragon smirked and replied "Who do you think I am? We have a ranging army ready to rip apart the World Government for lying to them." Galan tilted his head and replied "It's a bit soon to be antsy. Have you come into contact with any Fish-Men?"

Dragon shook his head and said "No, but I have talked to a few Minks who left their home. They all agreed to join the cause, mostly because Minks are nearly the most expensive on the Slave Trade. However, they stated that they couldn't lead me to their home because they abandoned it and it was impossible to find without a Vivre Card."

Galan nodded and touched his pocket before Olvia held out his notebook for him. He took it and wrote what Dragon said down, asking "Any details on their home?" Dragon shook his head, saying "I already have it, look." as he showed Galan his own book.

'Zou- Giant Moving Elephant'

There were even three question marks.

Galan copied it down and nodded, "The Fish-Men are a bust. Did they simply reject you from entering?" Dragon frowned and said "It's complicated… When I arrived at Fish-Man Island, Whitebeard happened to be there. So I simply left, haven't been back since, but Fish-Man Island itself is a territory of Whitebeard now."

Galan wrote it down and nodded, "I see. Then we're playing a waiting game now." as he put the book back in his pocket, looking at Dragon, adding "You need weapons and time as well a heavy increase of troops. I assume you have a person who you trust to copy these?" while hanging Dragon a roll of books for Haki and 6 Powers.

Dragon took the books and nodded, "Yeah, I have one. Although, I'm not too sure on the loyalties of my army as of yet. Even the Heavenly Tributes are getting more and more heavily guarded, we're burning money fast." Galan waved and replied "Simple solution. Start opening taverns, use the connections with Elbaf for alcohol and open up bars in all the Blues. You can use the revenues from them to fund your operations."

Dragon replied "I thought of that too, but it's harder than you think. Our forces aren't anywhere big enough for that yet. I've already opened a Tavern on 5 Islands with trusted officers stationed at them. We're collecting information through rumors and collecting funds. That's the main reason why we're hurting on cash at the moment."

Galan frowned and muttered "An issue." Dragon nodded but Vegapunk said simply "You can just offer your services as an acting Mercenary group to War torn areas. This way you train your troops, and make money on the side to support your Tavern business before disbanding the Mercenary group once your profits become positive."

Dragon and Galan looked at him and he blinked "What?" Dragon grinned, "Are you sure you don't wanna join the Revolutionaries, Vegapunk? Put that cement head of yours to good use." Vegapunk waved his hands saying with a jump, "You're kidding! You're poor! How can you fund my research if you can't fund a single army?!"

Olvia was on the side, just listening quietly.

Galan shook his head and said "It's too flashy. The World Government isn't stupid. They'll realize you're running low on funds as the Tribute thefts drop drastically. If a Mercenary group shows up suddenly, it will be a simple trap away from complete collapse. However, you could form a Bounty Hunter association of sorts. This achieves the same effect."

Vegapunk nodded, adding "Also this way, only your members would know of the organization. All the bounties would funnel back into the funds for the Army…" before turning to Galan, asking "I say, boy! Would you like to become my assistant? Learn about the wonder of science!"

Galan commented lightly "I know 17 anatomical spots that would kill you in an instant." Vegapunk pulled on his collar and replied "I meant technological science, not medical science…" Galan ignored him as Olvia giggled, liking this strange little man.

He said to Dragon, "A Bounty Hunter organization is a good cover, countless groups like this form and collapse every day. You would simply be another grain of sand on the beach." Dragon held his chin and nodded, "I'll give it a go." before grinning at Vegapunk, asking "Any Seastone weapons for me?"

Vegapunk nearly collapsed and asked speechlessly "Am I a warehouse for you!?" Dragon nodded with a smile "Yes!" Vegapunk was dumbfounded and Galan cut in, saying "Stop fooling around. Supplying you with weapons will compromise Vegapunk's position in the World Government at this juncture. When Seastone is more mainstream and introduced into the Underground circles, then we can talk about weapon supply. However, now they will be very rare and come from Vegapunk exclusively. Even a single one of them ending up in your hands without the blood of the previous owner on it, will blow our entire operation."

Dragon raised his hands and said "I know, I was just asking." Vegapunk stared at Galan with shining eyes, "Come work for me!" Galan said "No." before continuing "However, I need around a baker's dozen of bulletproof vests, several long range rifles, optimized pistols, and finally my shotgun."

Vegapunk froze and Galan nodded, "I will expect a shipment to my office in Marineford before the end of the year." he turned to Dragon and nodded, "Godspeed." before nodding at Vegapunk and walking away, returning to the small ship he came in on.

Olvia watched him go as Vegapunk turned to Dragon saying speechlessly "Who's the boss here-quasar!?" Dragon rolled his eyes and replied "That's just the way he is." before looking at Olvia, asking "Having second thoughts?"

Olvia frowned and muttered "Not really, but I'd rather not become a Bounty Hunter…" Dragon's lips twitched.

Galan stepped on the ship and grabbed the anchor when Olvia came running down the hill, shouting "Wait! Wait!" He looked up at her and ignored her, pulling out the anchor and fixing it to the ship, getting ready to sail off.

Olvia felt a vein throb on her forehead as she jumped from the shore, landing on the taffrail of the ship, swaying back and forth, before falling backwards. Galan grabbed her hand just before she fell into the water.

She let out a breath and smiled "I want to stay with you instead." Galan blinked at her before letting go as she dropped into the water and he walked into the cabin, the ship sailed away.

Olvia climbed onto the deck, dripping wet as she said hatefully "Asshole!" Galan opened the door and threw a towel and fresh clothes at her, saying "Don't get familiar. I'm not your friend or dead husband." before closing the door.

Olvia held the towel and let out a breath, muttering "Thanks, jerkoff…" as she dried herself off and changed, she heard the door open and close again as a clanging sound rang at her feet.

She looked down and saw a crude wooden mask of a strange looking cat. Olvia picked it up and blushed slightly.

So cute!