Olvia's consensus


Galan had finally finished sifting through decades of information. He was currently reading a report and twirling a chess piece in his fingers.

The entire office was extremely neat and well organized. There wasn't even a paper out of place! Galan jumped on top of everything he needed to do instantly and finished it with the utmost haste. He didn't waste any time with problems, sending the solution back in an instant.

He was also highly dissatisfied with the current Marines. They didn't have to be like him, but they could have some chops. The Marines were like a joke, relying on propaganda to recruit soldiers. It was pathetic, he had been trying to fix this, but the deeper he dug, the more corruption he was finding. It was absurd.

Hence why Galan started planning an operation called Axehead. This operation would begin when he successfully created a special ops team to dig into each and every Marine.

Galan would mark the dirty Marines and ostracize them in some way. He wouldn't kill them outright, no… that would be too simple. The amount of dirty Marines was simply such a big number that he would be short on manpower if he lost them all at once.

Without necessary preparation of course…

Galan pushed a chess piece on the table and tilted his head, he pressed his fingertips on the chessboard and spun it to the other color. He gently pushed a piece forward and took out one from the opposite side while thinking.

Each and every dirty Marine was marked on their records. After that, there was no hope for them any more. Dirty Marines had no place in the Marine force.

When he had an opportunity to cleanse the Marines, he would do so.

For now, the dirty Marines would be singled out and found by the Special Force as the rest received better training.

Galan was going to make the Marines something to be idolized and feared again, not some joke organization that pirates allow to live if they feel like it… But this would require an enormous amount of time. Decades even.

Therefore it was imperative to improve the image of Marines around the Blues to start with, slowly bolster their forces there. Tough on crime and piracy with a no tolerance policy.

People needed safety, when they felt safe they would think of the Marines, when they thought of the Marines they should feel awe, when they felt awe they would strive to have justice in their hearts.

More than likely as children age, that Justice will transform into dreams of being a Marine.

Galan picked up a chess piece and took the opposite end's King, twirling it in between his fingers as he tilted his head.

Try it and test the waters.

If the plan is too slow or unsuccessful, other measures will be taken.

He wrote down in his book while twirling the King, plans can be adjusted on the fly. Propaganda will continue. However, there needs to be inspections in the Blues at every Marine base.

Dirty? Change commanding officers.

Galan didn't care if the dirty Marines didn't know Haki, he would send them to the New World and feed the wolves. His face was expressionless. He didn't have time for pirates in Marine clothing. He needed soldiers.

He held a Marine file for Sakasuki and frowned, speaking of Pirates in Marine clothing… This little rat climbed high enough…

It was time to feed the sharks.

Just as he was thinking, someone knocked on the door.

Galan said "Come in." a tall man with blond hair opened the door and smiled "Hello, Fleet Admiral!" Galan looked at him and said slowly, "Rosinante, what do you want." Rosinante scratched the back of his head and smiled "I was wondering if it was possible to start now?"

Galan put down the King piece and flipped the pages of his book, saying "The plan isn't complete at the moment. I like to think that you would rather live through the operation instead of die miserably like a dog." Rosinante froze and Galan went on, finding the page, "Your Op will be secret infiltration of the enemy. That means not only will you be amongst the filth but you'll be swimming in it."

He looked up at Rosinante and shook his head, saying "You don't know a single thing. They'll eat you alive." Rosinante stood there, unsure of what to say, asking "Why do you say so, Fleet Admiral?" Galan pointed at the chair in front of him before standing up.

Rosinante walked over and sat down as Galan took his white suit off, revealing all his tattoos and scars, explaining expressionlessly "You see this? This is the extent of an Op of this nature. You must become the filth you want to infiltrate. You're too clean, you look too good, you don't look like a pirate at all. You look like a well trained good boy soldier."

Galan slowly put the upper half of his suit on again as Rosinante sat there, stunned. He slowly said "So I need to think more like a pirate?" Galan nodded and said "You'll leave for your Op in 2 years. During this period, I will send you to an intensive training program. Learn what you can and don't interact with the ladies."

Rosinante was confused and Galan sent him to Yeard Island with the Viper Team. He hoped they would tougher the kid up, it was a bit unbelievable that Sengoku thought it was fine to send this boy to such a dangerous mission.

He didn't even teach him like how they were taught. The boy was nicer than a whore begging for money. The girls on Yeard would tougher him up, he was sure of it. Those women were tough as nails.

Galan considered sending Olvia with them but given her strength at the moment, it would be useless. She would slaughter them. That was the result of intensive training for years by him personally.

Olvia was probably the toughest woman he had ever seen. In his opinion, much better than Linlin. Mainly because Galan thought Devil Fruits were a burden and useless. He figured, if he could beat the shit out of someone with a Devil Fruit then why did they eat the fruit. Most people with Devil Fruits rely on them too much, they forget to train their body.

Excellent example is Tsuru, she got her Devil Fruit and had been semi-retired. Galan didn't like it. Her muscle definition was gone and she had lost the charm that he liked in the first place. All her determination, drive, and abhorrence of evil that made her so beautiful was gone.

That's why he moved Doll away from Tsuru to be trained by a Special Unit under Zephyr. First of all, Doll would not be taking any Devil fruits. Secondly, she wouldn't be like her mother.

Galan learned from a young age that strength is king. Without it, you're nothing. Sure, Tsuru was still a woman to be feared, but she could've been so much more. Her strength declined from what it was. Earlier in life, she could smack around the top dogs of the Sea, now she was a trophy Marine. A relic waiting for death.

Galan was surprisingly excessively frustrated with what she was doing now. He didn't quite know why, probably because she was the mother of his only child. It had to be this because Galan had literally no romantic feelings for her.

He never had any romantic feelings for anyone.

The only 'Love' he had was for his mother.

Which is why he keeps the Sun Pendant with him despite not believing in God anymore.

Galan didn't know how to feel about Doll, maybe it was love. But it wasn't as intense as the love he had for his mother, it was more like protective love? Galan didn't know how to explain it, this was a knowledge gray area for him.

He knew a lot about the Human psyche but the only thing he could never wrap his head around was love…

Al he knew was that he cared what happened to Doll specifically. What he found out recently was that Doll, who was 21, had a child. Galan felt unspeakable rage when he found out. He was so busy with his work that he missed the rat bastard that touched his daughter!

Apparently, they were dating for a while but when he found out she was pregnant he vanished. Doll was sad about this for a long time, she didn't have a father and now her daughter wouldn't either. She wondered if this was why her mother had an all women crew on her ships…

The baby was 1 year old, Galan had seen her already. Not in person, but from afar. She was named Kujaku and she was a very cute baby. Due to Galan's orders, however, Doll would only be able to see her every night instead of staying with her all day.

Galan didn't care too much. Tsuru was doing nothing anyway, she could take care of the baby. Plus, Doll needed to be strong. This was non-negotiable. However, it seemed like her Genes were very good.

Doll had Rear Admiral Strength as a Commodore and her training was just beginning, when Galan was done with her she would blow Tsuru out of the water. And after her, Kujaku would receive the same treatment.

He wouldn't allow his bloodline to be weak, although they all seemed to be women…

Regardless, everything was progressing as per usual. Galan found the man responsible for leaving Doll as a single mother and looked up his files, coincidentally, he was a dirty Marine!

Galan made a visit to the man's house that night and stumbled across the man in bed with another woman. He was very happy with this! He'll have a lot of fun tonight.

Olvia was training at home when Galan passed by her, dragging a man by the throat to the tree grove by the beach. She also noticed that he had a black bag with him. She was very curious!

The next thing she knew, she heard sounds that she never thought possible for a human to make. She stopped training and stood there listening in silence. Was this what he was talking about?

Olvia didn't know about it… It didn't seem so bad to her. Mostly because her preconceived notion was that Galan only killed criminals so what was the different between killing them and making them feel the same pain they inflicted on others beforehand?

In actuality, this Marine, not to Olvia's knowledge, had actively participated in the slaughter of the evacuation ship. Being one of the Marines that fired the cannon therefore responsible for the murder of innocents.

There was an array of violent reports and murders swept under the rug that Galan had found. It was usually like this in most cases, bribery, murder, drugs, prostitution, even sexual favors were exchanged constantly to keep things silent.

Galan had seen too much homosexuality from dirty Marines to even dirtier Marines. He was putting an end to it. Kong was extremely disgusted with faggots and so was Galan, he didn't like 'em.

Granted, not all of them were dirty, only a handful, but even the clean ones were generally Petty Officers.

Galan didn't care at all, they wouldn't be promoted at any rate. They were too weak. Every single one of 'em. It wasn't a big loss, but this was the reason that Galan and Ivankov from the Revolutionaries didn't get along. Galan was severely disgusted with him and Dragon found out after their first meeting.

Ivankov and Galan were never in the same place at the same time again.


The sun rose and Galan stepped out of the grove with a few buckets in his hand. Olvia looked over and saw him covered in blood from head to toe, she paused and looked at him very carefully.

Learning something that might horrify others.

This was the first time she had seen anything resembling peace and happiness from Galan. The very first! He seemed… so peaceful at the moment, as though everything that was wrong with the world disappeared in that moment.

He was… absolutely charming at this very instant.

His soft and peaceful eyes gazing at the sun as his skin was coated with the blood of an evil man. Buckets carrying the mess of bones and flesh of the sinned filth. His completely relaxed body and muscles, embracing the warmth of the sun and bathing in it.

Olvia was entranced for a brief moment before losing the feeling as Galan returned to normal. She looked at him and added something to her growing list of traits that he had.

This man, he lived for war and blood.

If he didn't have this grand goal. He would be hunting on the sea for the rest of his life until he died, even if he lost his legs, he would find a way.

Even if he lost his eyes, he would smell the way to his next target.

Whatever he needed to do to hunt, he would do because that was who he is!

In that moment, she came to understand, he may have been shaped by the trauma of his past, but from the very beginning, Galan was never normal. He was a man created for war, he sought war, indulged in it, bathed in it…

He was the kind of person who was happiest when they were bathed in the blood of the enemy…