Chatting with Mihawk

Mihawk easily deflected all of Zoro's attacks, not even changing his expression. As though he was asleep.

Mihawk commented "What drives you? Why do you fight so hard when you cannot win? You're a weakling…" The two men next to Luffy jumped up shouting "Brother Zoro is no weakling! You bastard!" Luffy smashed them down and his body was tensed as he said "Stop! Don't interfere!"

Zoro positioned for a big move and attacked Mihawk, who simply stabbed forward, piercing Zoro in the chest.

Galan suddenly lost interest, saying "Dead." Luffy shouted at him, "SHUT UP!" Galan glanced at him and Luffy was gritting his teeth, glaring at him. Galan narrowed his eyes and there was a touch of surprise in his pupils.

This boy… very interesting.

The battle continued as Mihawk asked "You want your guts cut out? Why don't you retreat?" Zoro looked at Mihawk and replied "I… can't… If I retreat even one step… My vow, my ambition… everything I… care about… will be shattered. All my dreams… will… be los-lost… forever."

Mihawk looked at him replying slowly "Yes. That's defeat." Zoro scoffed, "Heh… So I can't retreat." Mihawk asked "Even if it means death?" Zoro grinned, "I prefer death to defeat!"

Galan turned back and squinted, frowning. What was going on today… so many interesting kids in one place. Olvia looked up and whispered "What's wrong, honey?" Galan ignored the last word and replied in a voice only she could hear "These two boys… have Conqueror's Haki."

Olvia was stunned and covered her mouth in shock, saying "Oh my!" Galan frowned and looked at Mihawk, it was a pity to kill the boy. However, it was a Swordsman Duel. He couldn't interfere.

If he dies, he dies.

Mihawk took out the knife and said "Boy, speak your name." Zoro held up his swords and replied "Roronoa Zoro!" Mihawk nodded and grabbed the sword on his back, saying "I'll remember it. It's been a while since I met one so brave. I will honor the Swordsman's code and send you to your death with this Black Blade- The finest in the world!"

Zoro started spinning his swords as Mihawk charged at him with his sword.

Mihawk and Galan's eyes widened slightly in surprise as Zoro and Mihawk clashed, appearing behind each other. Two of Zoro's swords exploded into pieces and Galan muttered "What a talent…"

Zoro just used Armament Haki just now! However, it was clearly a fluke! Mihawk shattered the Haki like it was paper and turned around to see Zoro sheathe one sword, turning around, stretching out his arms.

Mihawk was startled and asked "What are you-" before he could finish, Zoro grinned like a maniac "Wounds on the back… are a swordsman's shame!" Mihawk grinned with the same madness in his eyes, saying "Magnificent!" before cutting Zoro down, slashing him across the chest!

Luffy roared "ZORO!" before stretching his arm, but Galan grabbed him. Luffy glared at Galan, who's lips started getting infected with hints of madness. This boy… made him very excited.

Luffy felt the world melt away to ashes and flames as Galan looked at him, nearly entirely blank but his lips almost resembling a curl. However, Luffy wasn't scared, glaring at him, his eyes getting more and more frantic!

Olvia poked her head out and smiled "Monkey-chan, your friend is still alive."

Everything disappeared and Galan let go as Luffy forgot about it, turning to see Zoro getting pulled onto a small boat. He let out a huge breath of relief and Galan returned to expressionless, glancing at Olvia.

She looked up at him and stared into his eyes, smiling slightly. Galan turned away.

Annoying woman…

Mihawk turned to Zoro and shouted, "My name is Dracule Mihawk! It's too soon for you to die. Discover yourself. See the world. And grow strong, Zoro!! However long it may take… I shall await you at the top! Strive with your whole heart and mind to best this blade, fierce one! Strive to surpass me, Roronoa Zoro!"

Zoro raised his sword suddenly, everyone turning to him from Mihawk, he shouted "Luffy… can you hear me? Were you worried? If I fail… to become the World's Greatest Swordsman… You'll be disappointed, right?!" he coughed up blood and tears spilled from his eyes as he roared, "Never again! I will never lose again! From now to the day I become the World's Strongest Swordsman! I will never lose again!"

Luffy grinned, while Galan looked at Zoro, there it was again… The King's Haki… This kid next to him had it too.

Zoro's wounds spurted blood as he added, "You got a problem with that?! King of the pirates!?" Luffy chuckled with a big grin "Hehe~ Not at all!" Galan snorted and Olvia smiled happily, "How touching!"

Galan said slowly, "Stop being annoying." Olvia spat out her tongue at him, "No~" Galan frowned, muttering "Stupid woman…" Olvia giggled and leaned her head on his shoulder, however Galan didn't push her off or move. She smiled warmly at that.

Mihawk turned to Galan and narrowed his eyes, grabbing his sword, saying "I wonder." Galan stood there and said slowly, "Take your shot." Mihawk lifted his sword and a goopy aura covered it, black electrical arcs surrounded the sword as his eyes sharpened.

Galan stared at him as the people around started suffocating.

Suddenly, Mihawk put his sword down and touched his neck, frowning "Unbelievable." before looking at Galan, saying "If I hadn't met this boy, I would've. However, I am required to live on now. I cannot die today."

Galan frowned and turned around walking back into the restaurant. Mihawk slowly walked forward and the people moved out of the way as he passed them, going into the restaurant as well, closing the door behind him.

Luffy shouted "Usopp! Set sail!" Usopp waved and nodded, "No problem! I'll go after Nami with Zoro! You get that cook and meet us there! Then we'll set sail for the Grandline!" Luffy grinned and nodded as he turned to Don Krieg saying "Hey old man chef. I got a deal for you!"

Galan was sitting at a table as Olvia served wine by the side. Mihawk sat across from Galan, saying "Fleet Admiral." Galan looked at him and said "And?" Mihawk frowned and replied "Not exactly my place to pull people into camps…"

Galan looked at him flatly and Mihawk took out a few snails saying "However, I accomplished the task." Galan looked at the snails and passed them to Olvia, replying "Good. The other thing?" Mihawk looked annoyed, replying "Very difficult. The man you spoke of, I've heard of him as well, however, he is difficult to find… I'm interested in him, but the problem is I don't know where he is. He seems to know when I'm around…"

Galan nodded and crossed his arms, saying "Not an issue. It was only a piece of information. The Blind swordsman… We'll find him soon enough. As for your monthly quota, I think you should know best who to find." Mihawk nodded and asked "The hidden Swordsmen…"

Galan held out his hand and Olvia handed him her small notebook with both hands. He took it and licked his fingers, flipping the pages before copying the information on a separate sheet. He folded the paper and added, "There is another, however you may never have the chance to cross swords."

Mihawk raised a brow as he took the paper full of hidden swordsmen, asking "Who?" Galan replied flatly "One of the 5 Elders." Mihawk's eyes widened and Galan went on "He wields the Shodai Kitetsu, it never leaves his side. At least, of all the times I've seen him, he was always carrying it with him. Bald, glasses, wears a white kimono. Most likely stronger than you, by how much.. I don't know."

Mihawk frowned deeply and Galan explained "The World Government rules the world, it would be a bit outrageous if they were weak. This is speculation on my part, however all evidence points to them being extremely strong powerhouses. I may be wrong, however, by my calculations… 90% sure of this."

Mihawk took in a breath and shook a little, saying in a firm tone, "Seems like I've been slacking." Galan let out a breath from his nose, "He may not be, he may have a devil fruit, he may be an impure swordsman. The fact is; speculations will always be just that. Speculation. Although I encourage you to train harder, I may be wrong about him."

Mihawk nodded and replied "I see. Perhaps it is time to accept challenges once again." Galan was silent and Mihawk crossed his legs, intertwining his fingers around his raised knee, changing the topic to Zoro and Luffy, "I assume you've noticed."

Galan nodded, "Naturally. Not suitable for Marines." Mihawk snorted "Clearly not. Have you prepared for the storm?" Galan looked at him with a blank expression, his eyes half open, cold flames flicking deep in his pupils, "The Evil in this world will receive their reckoning. A storm of this scale is nothing to what will come."

Mihawk let out a breath like a sword, replying "Hopefully you can live to tell the tale." as he got up, walking away. Galan closed his eyes and replied "I've been dead a long time, only the evil in this world allows my corpse to carry on." Mihawk paused for a moment before walking out the door, "Then I can only pray for the poor souls in your way."

Galan sat there and Olvia put the wine bottle down. She walked to his back and leaned on him, wrapping her arms around his neck, resting her chin on her head, whispering "Are you mad at me for stopping you?" Galan stayed silent for a few moments before replying softly "No."

She turned her head and rested her cheek on his head, smiling "That makes me happy, Galan." he replied "I don't care."