Ordering over 100 ships

They walked in the city and bought a Yagara bull. The seller chuckled and said "On a date? Our Yagara rides are perfect!" Olvia smiled happily while Galan said expressionlessly "Just get us to Galley-La." The seller smiled "No problem!"

He even prepared a heart shaped boat.

Galan frowned and Olvia gushed, dragging him into the boat as a Yagara started dragging them through the canals. Olvia pointed around at little shops and started talking to Galan, who sat there expressionlessly with his arms crossed. She held his arm and laughed at the funny faces other Yagaras made.

Her laughter brought attention from the surrounding people and they smiled while continuing on whatever they were doing.

Many couples were like this, Yagara boats were mostly used for dates in Water 7.

However, Galan was more concerned with his purpose here, than a date with Olvia. He frowned slightly at the masked individuals walking and sailing around. He passed many people with Masks and costumes, not liking it.

There were too many people wearing these costumes. It was disorienting. Observation Haki can't see through clothes, it wasn't invincible. He could only tell there were people in them but who they were, he didn't know.

He tapped the Yagara bull, saying "The Mask shop." the Yagara turned and swam to the Mask shop, Olvia picked out a mask and wore it, giggling happily. Galan looked at her and exhaled from his nose, very cute.

Before he paid the person and sailed away.

They passed many people and Galan watched them all closely, his Observation Haki covering a wide area all around him.

Nobody was watching them at the moment, making Galan suspicious. He had interacted with Cipher Pol enough to know their protocols. This was too strange… It was impossible for them to be stronger than him in his own personal opinion.

Olvia enjoyed the trip and said happily "How nice would it be if we could do this everyday?" before sighing. Galan stopped his thoughts and looked at her out of the corner of his eye, sighing to himself. He patted her hand and she looked at him, he looked into her eyes through the blindfold for a moment before turning away as she smiled, "One day!"

Galan sighed again, "One day." as the Yagara bull continued onward.

The duo passed a woman walking behind a masked man. She froze and turned her head, only catching the back of Galan's boat, his marine coat covered by the large seat. The woman doubted herself, it was impossible for him to be here…

The Masked man asked "What's wrong, Nico Robin?" Robin shook her head and replied coldly "Nothing." as she continued following him, being spotted by Sanji, who shouted "Robin-chwan~!?"

Olvia froze and turned her head, looking at Robin turning the corner with the masked man. Her heart clenched up and Galan patted her hand, "Olvia…" Olvia turned back and reached under the mask, smiling "N-Nothin-Nothing~ Haha…" while wiping her eyes.

Galan looked at her and rubbed the back of her palm, showing a strange compassion and gentleness that she was unfamiliar with… She turned to him and leaned on his arm, saying nothing.

The Yagara bull continued on, going to Dock 1.

They arrived to see Nami running off in a hurry.

Galan and Olvia got off the Yagara, who neighed indicating it would stay here and wait. Olvia stroked its neck and smiled "Thank you, Yagara-chan." The Yagara neighed happily, rubbing her head on Olvia affectionately.

They walked into the Dock and Olvia looked around, holding onto Galan's arm. Although she looked a bit strange, wearing a mask over a blindfold, what was the point? But Olvia didn't care, just saying she had Observation Haki was enough.

What were they supposed to say? No she didn't?

Galan walked into the Dock yard before being stopped by a man with a top hat and a bird on his shoulders, the bird spoke "Who are you looking for?" Galan looked at him and said "Iceberg." showing him the Fleet Admiral epaulets.

The Man didn't even flinch, the bird shouting "Oh my! The Fleet Admiral! Of course, Iceberg is right this way! Follow me!" Olvia pretended to really be blind, tugging on Galan as he led her away, following the man as the bird turned around saying "I'm Hattori! Welcome to Galley-La, Fleet Admiral!"

The rest of the foremen looked over at the exclamation and Galan frowned, Hattori covering his mouth, "Ah! Oops! Sorry, Sir!" Olvia smiled happily "What a cute bird!" Hattori saluted "It's my specialty, ma'am!"

Galan noticed several people staring at him and Olvia intently, however it was impossible to judge who they were… Galan was starting to get bad vibes. He didn't like this, there were too many variables.

They entered a building and came to a bespectacled woman. She pushed up her glasses, saying "Lucci? Who-oh!" before bowing "Mr. Fleet Admiral! How can we help you today?" she was very professional.

Galan looked at her for a moment before saying "I came to talk to Iceberg. Where is he." The woman pushed up her glasses, replying "Just behind this door. However, he's in a meeting at the moment." Galan didn't care and pushed the door open, Olvia following along blindly.

The Woman looked at Lucci, who glanced at her quickly for a split second. She shut her mouth and pushed up her glasses.

Galan saw Government Agents talking to Iceberg, they turned around shouting "Who in the hell- Fleet Admiral!?" Galan looked down at them with a blank face, "Get out." they got up and nodded before leaving quickly.

Iceberg blinked, looking at them leave before turning to Galan as they closed the door. He smiled "How can I help you, Fleet Admiral? Was there a problem with the ships?" Galan sat down and Olvia sat down next to him as he said "No. I'm here to order another batch of ships."

Iceberg was confused, asking "You made a trip in person? Normally, we just call-" Galan cut him off, saying "Not 1 or 2… I came in person because I wanted to order over a hundred standard cruisers along with a couple dozen battleships." Iceberg's jaw dropped and he stuttered "F-F-F-Fleet A-Admiral, this! This a huge order! I don't think we can even accept it!"

Galan frowned and Iceberg swallowed, explaining "Not that we want to refuse your service but the time it would take to accommodate your order is astronomical. Even years aren't enough! You have to understand, these ships are made with care and a lot of effort. Blood, sweat, and tears go into every single ship…"

Galan waved his hand, stopping him, as he said "I understand. I'm not pressing you for results, Iceberg. You will be paid for your work, no matter how long it takes. However, I don't know how much time you estimate it to be? 2-3 years?" Iceberg's scalp was numb and he said "Around 200 ships in less than 3 years? Pardon me, Fleet Admiral, but that's insane!" Galan sighed in disappointment.

Olvia asked gently "Iceberg-san, perhaps you could give us a rough estimate of how many ships could be built including rests and other accommodations your foremen must have within a 2 year time span?" Iceberg calculated roughly, saying "Forget 200 ships… But 80-90 is possible with the number closer to the lower end…"

Olvia smiled gently, asking again "Could you give us an estimate?" Iceberg blinked and said after a few moments "At least 6-7 billion beli." Olvia was stunned and Galan said "That's it?" Iceberg's eyeballs almost exploded, repeating "That's it?! That is more money than I've ever seen! The cost for Marine cruisers is less than personalized Pirate ships in the first place, but due to the volume…"

He rubbed the sweat off his forehead, big business!

Olvia looked at Galan, saying "We can't really afford that much, Fleet Admiral." Galan frowned and replied "The World Government is footing the bill…" he looked at the bounty poster of Robin when she was a little girl behind Iceberg's head before continuing "I can provide 100 Marine Shipwrights to aid you as well as a few Devil Fruits in storage."

Iceberg was startled, "Devil Fruits?" Galan nodded, "We have an array of Devil Fruits for Marines to purchase with Merits… For example, there's a Tree fruit that produces wood, a glass one, etc. I'll provide these Fruits to you for free, however I want at least 100 ships within two years. The Price stays the same… I'm not paying it at any rate."

Olvia giggled and Iceberg's eyes bulged, "If you can really provide all these… forget 100, I can add 20 more! Let me discuss with my secretary and foremen… It won't take long, maybe a few days, is that possible? I can provide the best Inn in Water 7 free of charge of course!"

Galan frowned, he wanted to leave as soon as possible, even today if time allowed… he replied "Please hurry. I'm slightly busy at the moment." Iceberg nodded and replied "Of course! Thank you for choosing Galley-La, Fleet Admiral. Even if we can't take this task, a couple dozen ships are not a problem! Oh!"

He seemed to have just remembered something, "Aqua Laguna will be rolling in by tomorrow night, hopefully we can settle this business by then, otherwise I'd have to recommend you secure your vessel in one of our garage ports in the upper levels of the city. Sorry for the inconvenience." Galan frowned and Olvia smiled gently, "Thank you, Iceberg-san." Iceberg smiled happily, "Not a problem at all! I'm happy we can be of service! Also you did me a favor getting rid of those agents, so annoying!"

Olvia giggled and Galan said "I'll wait for your decision, Iceberg." before leaving. Iceberg stood up and walked them out, saying "Kalifa, could you please escort these two to the Water River Inn?" Kalifa pushed up her glasses and nodded, "Already taken care of, sir!" Iceberg shouted in wonder "SO EFFICIENT!"

Kalifa nodded, pushing up her glasses, "Of course, sir." before leading Galan and Olvia away as Iceberg sighed, holding his hips "What a great day!"