Koby's determination!

Garp brought Koby and Helmeppo, walking inside Galan's house and sitting at his table as though it was his own!

Galan was eating with Olvia and Sugar, completely expressionless. Olvia smiled "Garp!" Garp looked at her and grinned "Little lady! How are you?" Olvia smiled sweetly "Very good!"

Garp nodded and said to Galan, "Nice speech! These little brats were fooled by you." Koby and Helmeppo said angrily "Garp-san! How could yo-" Galan said flatly "Why did you bring them here, Garp."

Garp chuckled "To show them how the world really is. Oh, and push them into SWORD. Martyrs… Bwahahahahah!" Koby and Helmeppo were angry but Galan looked at them before saying "Too weak."

Garp shouted angrily "These are my precious students! Koby is my protege!" Helmeppo was stunned, "What about me?!" but nobody paid attention to him, ah no that's not true, Sugar laughed at him.

Koby said angrily "Why are you like this, Garp-san!? Fleet Admiral was clearly-" Galan shook his head and added "And too stupid." Koby froze and Garp picked his nose, retorting "I thought you could help with that." as he took out a thick stack of papers.

Galan waved and didn't care, Garp handed the papers to Koby, chuckling "These are your martyrs, boys. Take a good look." Koby and Helmeppo started reading the documents before their faces turned paler and paler!

Galan ignored them and continued eating, asking "What are you going to do now? Retire?" Garp sighed and scratched his head, "I don't know what Justice is anymore, kid… I wanted to rush to Marineford and help Ace… In the end if it hadn't been for Sengoku, I just might've done that…"

Galan nodded and said "You can stay as an instructor. Tell Sengoku he's been promoted to Inspector General… He doesn't have to dye his hair every day now, he can relax. I'm going to add Kuzan to SWORD and recruit new Admirals…" he sighed and frowned, "Momousagi would be a good Admiral, but she's too weak. It would be great if she was stronger, that way we can inspire more women to join… She's a good chess piece, it's unfortunate that she's too weak."

Garp chuckled, "Why don't you train her?" Galan frowned and replied slowly "I have enough women around me… I don't need more." Olvia smiled happily and Garp pointed at her, saying "Eh? She's good too." Galan frowned, "Absolutely not. She must stay by my side 24/7."

Garp was stunned and Olvia opened her mouth wide before her face flushed with a pink tinge full of excitement and tenderness. Garp laughed and slapped the table, "He has a heart! Bwahahahaha!" just as he was laughing, Koby slammed the papers on the table, shouting in horror, "What the hell is this?!"

Galan and Garp looked at him before Garp said "This is the real world, kid. Welcome." Koby was horrified and Helmeppo was frozen in disbelief, Koby shouted "This is the Marines!? This is what I've dreamed about for my whole life!?"

He turned to Galan and shouted angrily "Soe everything is fake! Your whole speech was just bullshit!?" Galan looked at Koby and said emotionlessly "Yes." Koby shook in anger and roared "HOW COULD THIS BE!? HOW COULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!?"

Galan tilted his head and pressed on Koby with his murderous aura, asking "Is there a problem, soldier?" Koby turned pale in an instant and Garp pulled on Helmeppo, who was grabbing his swords.

Garp whispered "Shush, Helmeppo… Watch carefully." Helmeppo grabbed his kukri and grit his teeth as Koby stood a step forward and pointed at Galan's nose, through his fear, shouting "You're not a Fleet Admiral! You're a heartless bastard!"

Galan snorted "And?" Koby was stunned and repeated "And?" Galan stood up and towered over Koby, looking down at him, "I am. So what? What can a dickless piece of shit like you do? Just a stupid kid that doesn't know anything about the real world, living in a fantasy that everything is sunshine and rainbows. Tell me, Koby, what the fuck are you going to do?"

Koby stepped back and sweat covered his body as his eyes widened in fear, but he still grit his teeth and said "I-I-I'll become the Fleet Admiral! I'll change the Marines!" Galan sneered "With your weak little strength? You're nothing!" Koby roared, "I can get strong! I'll get stronger than you and challenge you!" his eyes exploded with light, "I'm the man who will be the Fleet Admiral!"

Galan looked at him and suddenly punched Koby in the stomach, dropping him to the ground. His aura disappeared as he sat down, saying slowly "I like him." Garp laughed "Bwahahaha! Me too!" before pausing and pointing at Galan's nose, "Don't steal my precious protege, you stone faced bastard!"

Galan ignored him saying "Bring them back here to train from now on, we'll train them together. If he's going to be in SWORD, he can't be this weak…" he looked at Helmeppo and added, "Him too."

Helmeppo pointed at himself, saying in shock "You forgot my name!?" Galan frowned and Helmeppo fainted instantly before Galan turned back, sighing "They have a long way to go…"

Garp only laughed.