The beauty of it all

"That sucks." trying to use [Reverse] to pull Xehnyier in, only for her to puke out some innards out of exhaustion. 

"Mind practicing basic hygiene?" with the gross stopping at an inch, with him disgusted by it with a dissentious look, followed by him hammering the floor beneath him, and seemingly making Nicole fall despite her grabbing hold of it, it... didn't.

She threw a couple more punches in as the two began descending but was countered every step of the way. [Acceleration] wasn't at its peak, nor was her overall performance, a 1/10 compared to her last scuffle with Blondie.

Getting thrown around like a ragdoll was one thing, but neither was the lack of time to think of a convincing strategy ever occurring to her with this amount of pressure this guy gave. 

Screams and yelping were only the things they heard, having some people filmed the fight on camera, despite the footage just being a bunch of rubble, dust, metal clanking, and bass-boosted sounds out of nowhere before cutting feed.

Leaked as it would be, the shakiness brought upon by the dying residents gave Nicole some form of question to ask. Opening her mouth to speak first, but...

"Don't sweat it. We're already far off from speaking about morals." interrupted Grey hair, who would knee her upwards and throw more rocks at her. Dodge as she might, said projectiles were like homing ones, shifting in angles that the guy would practically be using Telekinesis, despite not having any.

Goes to the left, and they follow the left. She ducks underneath a table, they'd somehow find their way to her. 

"Either exhausted or not, he's still keeping up with the offensive. Not just short burst..." she thought, trying to kick one for a change, but ended up receiving a paycheck's worth of lacerations from doing so. "Slowing them down would do, but using [Accelerate] is becoming a little too much!" not knowing but to just complain amidst the cool-looking persona she had when fighting with Naikhee. 

"She could either be regaining energy by running or just buying time for her to hide..." flinging more rocks in some strange pattern, they'd soon angle up against Nicole and checking his watch in case, "...not pulling any funny tricks either..." as he starts to look around, seeing the hologram computers seemingly taken, alongside the "...laser shredder too..." connecting two points and nodding, still keeping a poker face.

There were several swivel chairs he could use, taking them apart and keeping only the wheels and the lever. "Knowing [REDACTED], who knows if it's not just time she could control. If I let my guard down and gave up giving the offensive, I'd lose. But if I continue, my body will overexert..." shaking his head, he didn't bother considering that possibility and just remained patient.

For all that he could muster right now, revealing much of his technique was enough. "Going too far would only make her realize what it can do, for now at least. At this point, I'd assume it's best to keep it like this..." would be a sound judgment. Given...

huff puff

Breathing wasn't exactly the word, as that concept won't apply to her, but if you were asked to visualize it, it'd be this one. Running around, just dodging these not-so-magnetic rocks, they were slowly inching closer to her. 

Deflecting them just won't do, and looping back would only make this an even more goofier goose chase than it ever was.

In front, there were three sections: the ER, the Lab, and the Storage. 

"Miss, what are y-" silenced immediately by giving this girl a flashback. Others were just touched to the face, given the same treatment, all the while coughing more and more, leaving splatters for her to throw around as she broke it for the ER and just shutting the door, stopping time on it for good measure.

Several nurses rush to treat patients- ones who are unfortunately caught in the crossfire- as some are making it from one room to another, like some chain of cycle continuing the mantra. Though some gave looks, she'd be too fast for them to perceive. Gladly, only wind would come by them, footsteps unheard of and a white flash of light mistaken to be the ones from the ceiling up top.

"The homing attacks aren't part of his ability, or maybe it is?" stopping on the side of a corridor to calm herself down, holding a bleeding hand on her chest to breathe deeply, "No, maybe not. The earlier ones I saw were him just stopping the things [oxygen cylinders] behind him, so it's not connected with him somehow making random pebbles and pieces of destroyed debris follow me around..." snapping her fingers to try and think, the pattern of it.


"Sure, they're practically unpredictable, since deflecting them was a no-go. If that's the case then..." looking up, "It's not part of his ability then, Just him throwing rocks around to make it look like he's controlling them. All I'd need to do is to calculate every single angle they could move at even if they're impossible to anticipa- kinda contradicted myself there, but..."

Breathing out intensely, she'd start running again, now towards the fire exit from the corner and into the spiral staircase, having the clear exit only a hundred steps below. Hoping to get more rest and regroup her strategy, she'd find that to be the opposite upon seeing him a hundred steps above. 

Their eyes stared off for just a second, with Xehnyier scratching his itchy nose with his index finger and Nicole just letting her mouth bleed out, all before rushing towards the exit. 

Again, Grey would throw a series of rebar, still having that homing-unforeseeable-effect, with Nicole making a circle with her finger- stopping time on the said area- as said projectiles found a way to not pass through, before dissipating as she reached for the handle.

"Regaining stamina that quick or just forcing it?" as if asking her through his thoughts, as he attempted to throw the lever, only for the door to be shut and time-stopped.

For now, the best strategy?
