Spinning up to face the tips on Zehnyier, the latter quickly disappeared, using the still air as a cover. Though most would see through using normal cybernetics...
"Interference?" was all Nicole could ask, as the stoppage of her momentum from earlier made a slight lag in processing the moment, even with the notion that it'd be sound to assume that she was expecting him rather than the actual coincidence of the plan- speaking of the devil- to somehow be found by a man with grey hair holding this mysterious grudge.
With a spur from [Accelerate], temporal boosted her movement to block an incoming attack through his stacked rocks. Swinging from a spin behind, Nicole ducked under to strike the spears backward and kick ones up front to push herself back.
From the stoppage of the crystals, he'd throw sand- having the same following property- like a clout chaser starting beef using an A5 Wagyu's worth of sheer lacerations upon hitting the fleeting girl, who responded with [Displacement] to make a U-turn and block said projectiles.
At least reducing the resulting damage would do, though having used the same formula wouldn't be a one-fix-all tape to the boat that's been sawed in half by a chainsaw. Sure, there could be a product that seals the deal in one go, but that's a scam she's not willing to bet her money on- or in this case, her own life.
With the violation of road laws applied to her pointy DIYs, Grey's hair raised a little eyebrow, though piled on the offensive again by stomping the ground and sending solid shockwaves to push the sands forward and pierce through the shallow defense.
"Emulation of my formula to counter my projectiles..." he thought, with Nicole making use of [Displacement] but instead dispersing the spears and applying the same equations. "Fast learner." muttered, before countering with his other self-made telekinesis, neutralizing the second attempt as the spears striking made the rocks crumble and bore a hole through, another try at disorientation.
Striking a spear to the side of the falling scaffold from the collapsing construction plummeting towards Xehnyier, Nicole hangs on rather than float upwards, observing and bringing her hand down to cause more collateral than she could ever pay more with her nonexistent money.
"If theory serves right, there still should be things that he is letting pass through that barrier of his..." she thought to herself, her bloodshot eyes slightly bleeding from exhaustion. "Dust and air would be considered normal given he still was breathing."
As the debris crumbled on the still air Grey was blocking, he started to collect the dust and the air in the same way he could interact with space.
"Unlike Naikhee, this guy probably can't withstand big attacks that affect a large area- either poisons, smoke, or dust- would make him susceptible if he can't contain the area with his Daydream/Innate Ability..." placing a hand on her chin, duplicating more spears to send them directly to him, "Sure, there are arguments given Naikhee controls vectors, and this guy just "stops" or "squeeze" something to immobilize them, but trying is better than fruitlessly attacking..."
Glancing at her hand, "If only I didn't overuse my powers, I probably should have enough stamina. [Reverse] can't exactly rejuvenate as that'd only do worse than heal me if I'm this tired... Only [Accelerate] and [Displacement] would work as of now..." noticing the cracks slightly growing, "However, I could only rely on my power for so long... If I need to beat him..." now switching her glare with a pair of projectiles- rocks, and crystals- coming towards her.
"I'd need to know how his ability works and defeat him..."
Right as she tried to dodge- of course, still getting hit- Nicole didn't hesitate to simply endure and launch more spears down, even if they were less likely to hit. Sure, the possibility of it not hitting was in the realm of outcomes more to occur than not. However, even with that mindset, it was due to random patterns that led her to get out of the shackles Xehnyier placed on her before her escape from the hospital. Applying that logic should at least give the advantage.
To her thoughts, at least.
Under the massive rubble of the crystal heads which bored through the construction site down below...
Huff puff
Wounds and spears surprisingly struck through parts of his body, breathing out and wincing as he pulled one on his cheek- which pierced through his skull.
"So randomized attacks got her to escape, accelerating time to utilize uncalculated movements..." looking up and leaping up in the air, leaving the struck attacks behind as he met the girl already set for the meet-and-greet from their dating app. Supposedly catfishing for a pair of spears making a pincer strike Grey from two directions, they stopped, with him throwing a couple of punches.
Yet this was met by said blocked spears lacerating his knuckles as [Displacement] took place. Widening both eyes and leaving Nicole with a slight smile.
"So sudden bursts of movement can ruin his ability?" she thought, though was short-lived as the man pushed his punch further, pushing the ends to her stomach and delivering an axe kick from a flip and into an arm lock, but countered with her closing her fists together, making the former stop in place.
"Stopping time?" an assumption normally sound with how her ability works, "No, wai-"
As he found himself unable to move and now knocked back with Nicole utilizing the sudden hesitation to form an attack using her spears.
A temporal ability that "moves" something through time, allowing her to even duplicate it through [Reverse]. Though [Stop] was its successor, usage of it through the dust collected from the falling debris made it impossible for him to escape, leaving him wide open for indirect attacks thanks to his barrier blocking the dust surrounding him, with some seeping in like an entrance being made.
"So that's how it works. Not exactly a complete barrier but some sort of maze containing patterns..."
Charging forward, she'd follow the seeping dust and summon the duplicated spears to pierce him through.
Unfortunately, attacking without any backup plan was her mistake. Sure, there was a considerate approach to her method to trap him.
But not once did she ever think of...
Commiting to the attack, she fails to realize the dust perforating through her body, the arm she swung her spears with becoming Swiss cheese.
... him trapping her.