chapter 11 Did you know how much losses you have cause me? (side story)

Note: This chapter is dedicated to jay_5192. Thank you so much for the power stone. I deeply appreciate your support. You're the first fan to show appreciation for this precious novel, and I hold your kindness close to my heart. Sending you kisses in gratitude.

"If we are strong, our strength will speak for itself. If we are weak, words will be of no help." - John F. Kennedy

The general's words prompted a hearty laugh from the king. "Your Majesty, there's no need to be concerned about the forbidden forest. I've discovered a path within the forest where the effects of the black magic are nullified. I've also prepared potent charms that can weaken the beast. Once they explode, they'll draw out some of the beast's blood. Blood is one of the main sources of their power," the priest elaborated.

"I hope everything goes as planned. You may leave now, and kindly summon the second princess," the king stated, his tone indicating a desire to rest.

...At the Feast...

The feast was a grand affair, attended by both commoners and nobles, including the royal family and subjects. Everything was meticulously arranged, from the food and drinks to the ambiance.

"Greetings, my beloved commoners and nobles of the silver throne. Special salutations to the royal family and our subjects. I, the king's right-hand chief, declare this to be a blessed night. Let us indulge in food and drink to our hearts' content," he declared before retaking his seat.

"Good evening, my dear people. Some of our beloved entertainers are eager to perform for us. I invite them to take the stage and grace us with their performance," the king's left-hand chief announced. The crowd erupted in excitement as the entertainment group took the stage.

Sewa and Ifafunto entered the hall with grace, capturing the attention of all. The room fell silent as they took their seats. Moments later, Arẹwa made her entrance with her beautiful younger sister. Their elegance and poise filled the hall, and their maids followed closely behind. They occupied the seats reserved for noble families, and the atmosphere buzzed with excitement as the hall brimmed with attendees.

"Would you like a drink?" Ajoke asked as she joined Ifafunto and Sewa.

"I'm not fond of wine, I'm afraid," Sewa declined.

"Ladies, there's a rumor circulating about how you've ensnared the king's right-hand chief," Ajoke revealed mischievously.

"Why did you come to tell us this?" Ifafunto inquired.

"I assume she has her reasons," Ajoke replied, her intent clear. Sewa, however, seemed preoccupied, her attention wandering until she locked eyes with the fifth prince, who regarded her with a cold, intimidating gaze. She quickly looked away and grabbed a glass of wine, consuming it voraciously. She continued drinking until Ifafunto intervened to stop her, a sudden shift in Sewa's demeanor surprising her.

"Hello, Sewa. It's been quite some time," one of the men sitting across from her greeted. She immediately stood up and joined them. These men hailed from her hometown, and Sewa had been a young lady admired by all for her beauty. However, everything changed when she became pregnant. Such an occurrence was scandalous and unacceptable in a society that adhered strictly to customs. According to the kingdom's norms, her father lost his esteemed position as the royal physician due to his failure to raise a well-mannered child who adhered to the customs. He accumulated debts from the king's right-hand chief and perished while serving his sentence. Her mother had since replaced him in servitude and struggled to earn her freedom.

The fifth prince appeared visibly uncomfortable as Sewa engaged in lively conversation with the men, drinking to her heart's content. She eventually became inebriated and abruptly left the hall, stumbling out. She was overcome with nausea and vomited outside.

"Here, drink this water," the fifth prince offered, holding out a glass. Sewa was surprised by his assistance but accepted it, using the water to cleanse her mouth. The effects of the wine still lingered, leaving her intoxicated.

"What are you scheming now?" the fifth prince inquired coldly.

"That's none of your concern. I wish I never had to see you for the rest of my life," Sewa retorted.

"After you deceived me for three whole years in a false relationship... Ah, so you plan to charm every man in the city now?" he said with a mocking laugh.

"What are you saying? Just leave me alone. I'm tired of you. If only I had known you were a prince, I would've fled while I had the chance. I despise that I once loved you," she confessed tearfully. "Regret fills me for ever meeting you in the first place. You deceived me for an entire year, pretending to be innocent. You're the true embodiment of deceit, a shameless woman. You did everything for the sake of men. I wonder how many men you've been with," he added, his wicked smile amplifying his words.

"What do you mean? I tried to reveal the truth to you, but you never gave me the chance. I detest you. Do you realize the magnitude of the losses you've inflicted, all in the name of your amusement? Answer me... answer..." she sobbed, her small fists pounding his chest as she cried. The fifth prince's demeanor remained unaffected as he listened to her outpouring of emotions.

Doctor Dayinsi emerged from the hall and approached them. He grabbed Sewa, looking sternly at the fifth prince. "What have you done to a young lady who's clearly inebriated?" he questioned with disapproval.

"Ask her!" the fifth prince retorted before turning away and heading back into the hall.

"Leave me alone," Sewa pleaded, attempting to free herself from Doctor Dayinsi's grip. Her cries echoed in the air, her distress evident.

Doctor Dayinsi picked her up and carried her away, leaving the feast behind.


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