chapter 32 The only way is.....

The fifth prince's countenance was marked by sadness and inner turmoil, a fact not lost on his concerned bodyguard who questioned the prince's disquiet. The bodyguard speculated whether the prince's unease was due to a desire to reconcile with Sewa. However, the prince found himself at a loss for words, absentmindedly touching the spot where he had previously slapped the bodyguard in frustration.

Persistently, the bodyguard prodded the prince, reminding him of Sewa's immense struggles and the challenges she faced in raising a child with a rare condition. The prince's initial annoyance turned into a sigh as he confessed that Sewa had kept their child a secret, unbeknownst to him. The bodyguard's pointed question cut through, "Did you truly want your child to grow up without a father?" The prince's response was swift, "No."

Further pressed, the bodyguard asked the prince about what had befallen Sewa. The bodyguard's voice brimmed with empathy as he urged the prince to mend his mistakes. The prince's voice wavered with regret as he admitted, "I don't really understand why everything happened the way it did. I feel like I've ruined everything."

Amid the heavy atmosphere, the third princess entered the room, sensing the tension. Addressing her brother, she questioned, "What's happening, brother?"

The conversation shifted as she added, "I just heard about the daughter." The princess's curiosity was evident, seeking an explanation for the situation.

Her words led to a palpable silence as her gaze fixed on her brother. She couldn't ignore the circumstances, and her question held a hint of reproach, "You've had a child without marriage, have you forgotten our traditions?"

The question hung in the air, and the room seemed to hold its breath. In response to his sister's inquiry, the fifth prince's expression grew resolute. He finally spoke, his voice carrying a mix of determination and uncertainty, "The only way forward is..."