Chapter 74:Strategic Moves: Unveiling Deceptions in the Shadows

Prince Rogba materialized in the north, where the troops were in the midst of planning their next move. Even Akin displayed impatience as he appeared.

"We haven't found him, and there's no trace," Ojo reported, but Prince Rogba approached Akin, holding his shoulder and murmuring, "Be strong; we'll find him." Akin nodded in acknowledgment.

"Hello, dear generals, commanders, and princes. My humble greetings to Aje Kingdom's Crown Prince," Prince Rogba addressed the assembly from a higher vantage point, and the crown prince nodded in respect.

"Our general is missing, and we can't keep quiet without finding him. The strongest leopard is missing in our midst. We must find him. This absence shows that other greedy kingdoms supporting the invaders have him hostage. We'll wage war against them. No rest; we'll fight to the death. My brother, the second prince, move closer." Second Prince approached and nodded in respect. "He has done the needful to the other kingdoms supporting us. Thanks to these kingdoms, our cooperation won't falter, and we'll always be brothers, keepers of each other. Return to your kingdoms. We'll send a tribute as a thanksgiving after what we have done. Thank you so much, brothers. May the god of brotherhood be with us," Prince Rogba declared.

"Amen," the assembly responded. The Crown Prince of Aje Kingdom stepped forward, rallying support for the cause.

"This fight is ours. We are fighting alongside to free the general from captivity. Who is with me?" he asked, and the princes and generals expressed their solidarity. Other kingdoms hesitated, still recovering from the last war.

"We might not fight. Listen, we just recovered from the last war. Not everyone is ready," Prince Rogba cautioned, and the armies echoed their agreement.

"We humans, war doesn't make things better but worse. We'll send words to them to release our general. If they refuse, we wage war. The rebellion kingdoms are weak because their armies were wasted in this war, and no kingdom will support them, fearing the wrath of the Fàdákà Kingdom. Will you fight the war alongside me?" Prince Rogba asked, and the enthusiastic response from the troops, especially Akin, brought relief.

"Let's party, guys!" Prince Rogba shouted to boost their morale.

As the celebration continued, the generals, commanders, and princes initiated their war plans, sending spies to collect intelligence from the surrounding countries.

"Oh, Apata Kingdom is surrounded by mountains..." the third prince remarked, but the second prince, scrutinizing the map, interrupted him.

"That's why it's called Apata Kingdom. The second prince may not be familiar with neighboring countries because he doesn't have a good reputation in his kingdom," he remarked.

"What spoiled my reputation?" the second prince got enraged, moving closer to the third prince, ready to confront him.

"Did I steal? I went out of my kingdom to make a good reputation. Do you know who I am? I am the great businessman in the Oyo Empire, a warrior, and the king's favorite, with mutual relationships with many kingdoms like Baokuta, Èbúté, and more. I have my own family with sons, not a son of a maid through rape," he retorted. The third prince charged towards him in anger, but a guard knocked him down and restrained him.

Crown Prince of Aje Kingdom wanted to question the guard, but the fifth prince intervened, "Don't! It's palace rules. No prince must charge or pick a fight with his elder unless there is no more king. It's an act of rebellion, and he'll be punished."

"Take him out," Prince Rogba ordered. "Àpáta Kingdom is the most dangerous because of its surrounded mountains. We have only four kingdoms that support Jaguda invaders, and they'll want to fight us together or alone. We have to fight them with their defenses. We'll deceive them," the Aje Crown Prince was interrupted as a messenger arrived.

"Greetings to the superior. We have been to other kingdoms. None has asked for a bargain because they said they didn't hold the general hostage. The king of Baokuta has submitted their kingdom to Fàdákà Kingdom for not supporting us in the war. They'll be coming for their oath, but other rebellion kingdoms have refused. This information has already reached the king, and preparations for your march are underway," the messenger conveyed.