Chapter 1. The Birth of the Child of Chaos.

Before we get to the main story of our protagonist, the Chaos Child, let me share with you a legend from long ago.

In a time before the origin of universes, when there was not a single living soul, there was only boundless Darkness. The Darkness was so bottomless that it could extinguish even the faintest glimmer of light, leaving behind nothing but emptiness. And yet, amidst the vast shadows, a lone light flickered, a beacon of hope that burned fiercely against the looming blackness. Small and weak, it was the essence of Will, the indomitable force that could shape the very fabric of existence.

No one knows where this flame came from or how it came into being, but from its dying embers a spark of life emerged. This spark, ignited by the flame's dying breath, activated the dormant Will, giving birth to countless universes. Emboldened by its infinite potential, the Will ignited anew, casting aside the veil of Darkness and ushering in the dawn of creation.

Thus was born the legend of Chaos, the offspring of Will and Darkness. Born into a world teeming with life, Chaos witnessed the ebb and flow of life, the fleeting delights of newfound creation and the grim inevitability of death.

Yet amidst the tapestry of life, Chaos recognized only one fleeting moment of happiness, a brief respite granted by the Will itself. In a gesture of compassion, the Will breathed into the Child of Chaos a spark of exploding stars. But the joy was short-lived, for Chaos, driven by his own desires, condemned the Child to a thousand-year ordeal, casting him into the depths of the distant planet known as Garos. There, amidst the ruins of ancient civilizations and the whispers of forgotten gods, begins the story of our protagonist - a story of redemption, self-discovery, and the ongoing struggle between light and shadow in the youngest of universes.


As the Child of Chaos opened his eyes for the first time, he found himself surrounded by warmth and commotion. His chubby hands grasped at the air, his heavy eyelids struggling against the urge to close once more. Through the open window drifted the scent of warm air, mingling with the bustling of servants and the melody of birdsong. But the bright light streaming in prevented him from seeing his surroundings for long, and soon exhaustion overtook him, pulling him into a deep slumber.

In the courtyard of the illustrious The Clan of Despair, the toll of the fateful bell echoed through the air. The youngest son, born to the concubine of the Head, had entered the world. Masters from every pavilion rushed forth, warriors abandoned their posts, and servants bustled about in preparation for the celebration. Even the common folk lifted their heads, gazing towards the highest mountain where the Ghost Palace stood. 

Above, in the clouds, giant demonic creatures soared, with their masters, Martial Arts Masters renowned throughout the land. Immortals opened portals and mana, the source of all magic, burst forth from the Oblivion Lake, showering the courtyard with a cascade of vivid colors. Every being in the vicinity sensed the importance of this important day. The birth of the youngest child, the heir to The Clan of Despair, was foretold for generations. The prophets who predicted the end of everything left behind a single clue - that death could only be prevented by a child born into a family that has never known hatred or rage throughout its history.

Year after year, children were born without one emotion or another - some lacking the ability to feel joy, others sorrow, and others fear. As the signs of fate multiplied, the creatures living with humans began to decline, the days became shorter, and Darkness took more and more of their energy. Mana decreased, demonic creatures stopped reproducing, and people succumbed to madness.

It was then that the five families, attuned of the changing tides of the world, created ten barriers to enclose their land and protect them from the approaching Darkness. The Heads of the various clans, including the Clan of Silence, House of Desolation, Clan of Madness, Clan of Emptiness and Clan of Despair, joined forces to create a vessel that would be home to humans. They christened the artificial world "Home to a Myriad of Creatures".

As the chains of oblivion took hold of the ravaged Earth, the births of children with no emotions became more and more rare. Ordinary people revered those who could fight without fear, those unmoved by the loss of loved ones, prepared to defend all life without hatred or love for others.

 Now, the long-awaited day arrived when the destruction of the planet could be halted, time reversing to bring about peaceful days again. Every living thing trembled, eager to be touched by the savior.

The newborn, emerging from the womb of the late concubine to the Head of the Clan, was hailed as a hero. As the only son of the main line, his veins were flowing with the blood of those who had not been touched by hatred and rage for centuries. Each daughter born to their family brought no change to the toll of their bells, the clan silently enduring the cries of their infants, sometimes forgetting them in the labyrinthine corridors where their wailing faded away with hunger or cold.

The burden of fate darkened the eyes of all the Heads of the Despair Clan for a long time. They persevered, avoiding bitterness over their mistakes, their conflicting emotions growing as relief eluded them. The rock of fate extinguished the flames of struggle, leaving only embers of patience. 

Over a thousand concubines gave birth each year, not a single week passed without hearing the cry of a child. But were they desirable? The Ghost Palace housed many secrets, hiding the tragedy of unwanted births, adding yet another layer of agony to the already burdened hearts of the Сlan Heads.