Chapter 10. Childhood.

The celebration stretched on for a span of seven weeks, during which the tables groaned under the weight of lavish feasts, their aromas wafting through the garden for days on end. Chefs toiled tirelessly, ensuring a continuous flow of sumptuous dishes, while guests reveled in the melodious tunes of musicians from Mount Tian and the mesmerizing performances of pavilion dancers.

As time flowed steadily, Lustos was ushered into the main chambers, marking a significant transition in his young life.

For Iris, cradling the baby in her arms was a novel experience. Prior to this moment, she had only heard the distant cries of infants, but now she beheld one up close for the first time.

"What a tiny nose he has!" remarked a servant standing beside her, a young and inexperienced girl who had not yet been jaded by the constraints of the Ghostly Palace. "And his eyes? So blue, like the summer sky."

"Hush, you'll startle him," Iris cautioned softly, her fingers gently tracing the contours of the baby's cheeks. They were as red as ripe berries, soft and tender to the touch.

With a smile, the matriarch pulled the infant closer, inhaling his light, milky fragrance.

"Alright, alright, as you wish, mistress," seeing such a cozy atmosphere, the servant acquiesced, stepping back with hands folded before her.

Iris began to hum a song, its melody distant yet familiar, evoking memories she had long forgotten. Though the words eluded her, the tune remained etched in the recesses of her mind like a cherished relic.

The Child of Chaos beamed a toothless grin, his chubby fingers tangling in his foster mother's scarlet curls. There was something about this enigmatic woman that captivated him—a sense of nobility and purity that seemed to encapsulate the essence of the world itself. In his young mind, she became the epitome of maternal grace, a figure trapped in a gilded cage—a bird born without wings, yet possessing a voice that could enchant the masses and a beauty capable of toppling kingdoms.

After the naming ceremony, Elder Gufu entrusted the child to her care, declaring that he would grow under her watchful eye. Mei, the appointed mentor, visited twice daily to assess the infant's progress. Aware of the dangers posed by the darkness energy to a still-developing body, Mei opted to observe before initiating formal instruction.

"Mei should be here soon. Prepare everything," Iris instructed, her gaze lingering on Lustos's locket, which the Head had hung up to facilitate the care of his son. The abnormal weight of the child remained a pressing concern for the servants. The locket boasted a dual enchantment—devastation and protection. The former aided in reducing the weight of the load during transport, while the latter served as a formidable shield against the attacks of the gifted.

Multicolored mana stones adorned the golden circle, their ancient runes imbued with necessary spells. A single glance at the delicate craftsmanship hinted at its extraordinary nature.

However, Iris couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't enough. She fretted over Lustos's health and safety, lamenting that the medallion alone wasn't sufficient for his protection. Only the elders' assurance that an excessive number of artifacts would hinder mana absorption prevented her from adorning her adopted son with dozens of protective and offensive artifacts imbued with silent spells.

She arranged for her son to be guarded by secret sentinels—some of the strongest gifted individuals, each teetering on the brink of immortality.

Sitting by the tranquil Sai tree, Iris gazed out at the crystal-clear pond.

"It's going to get colder soon," she murmured softly, her voice laced with concern. As if in response, the baby nestled in her arms shifted, a gentle movement that drew her attention.

"Gya," the infant cooed, his innocent babbling accompanied by a trail of saliva rolling down his chin. His azure eyes, filled with adoration, met hers, stirring a swell of emotion within her.

Overwhelmed by affection, Iris pulled the child closer, pressing a tender kiss to his tiny face. Retrieving a white handkerchief from the folds of her loose robe, she gently wiped away the drool, her heart swelling with maternal love. Just as she was about to embrace him once more, a faint sound of footsteps caught her ear, causing her to turn her head.