Chapter 12. Energy imbalance.

"We don't know for sure when the heir will be cured," Elder Lin announced solemnly, his gaze troubled as he addressed the gathered audience.

"What kind of nightmare is this?! How did we lose sight of this... ailment?" Immortal Ah Lung erupted in indignation, his frustration palpable.

"Since he was born healthy, perhaps the situation with the cursed stones influenced him?" another elder suggested, seeking to rationalize the unexpected development.

"I knew that nothing good should be expected from the weak," a voice sneered amid the cacophony of opinions.

As voices clashed and tensions rose, the Head sat silently in his seat, contemplating the results of the examination.

"Energy imbalance."

The concubine, Lustos' mother, suffered from the same affliction, likely due to a hereditary predisposition. For many, this revelation was confounding. How could the child prophesied to be a hero be so afflicted? Doubts began to cloud their vision of the future, questioning whether the heir of the Despair Clan, believed to be favored by fate, could fulfill his noble destiny with such a handicap. They had envisioned him effortlessly mastering the resistance to darkness and absorbing mana, yet reality painted a starkly different picture.

Worst of all, external intervention would only exacerbate the situation. Neither energy distribution nor medication offered a solution. The fate of the child would hinge solely on his own actions.

"That's enough," the Head intervened, his hand covering his eyes in weariness. The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air. "He already has a mentor. She will guide him in cultivating his own strength."

"The Head, are you going to entrust the treatment of the heir to the weak?" the elders exclaimed in disbelief, their skepticism evident.

"The Head, come to your senses, we can think of another way!" pleaded one of the elders, desperation evident in his voice.

"Yes, the Head, there must be some other solution," chimed in another, his tone urgent.

The Head listened to their pleas, his expression grave as he weighed their words. "I understand your concerns," he began, his voice steady but tinged with sadness, "but we cannot risk further harm to the child. We must proceed with caution."

"But surely there must be alternatives," insisted a third elder, unwilling to accept defeat.

The Head shook his head solemnly. "Any hasty action could prove disastrous," he cautioned, his gaze sweeping over the gathered assembly. "We must tread carefully."

As murmurs of uncertainty filled the chamber, the Head knew that his decision would not be easily accepted. But he also knew that the safety and well-being of his son were paramount, and he would do whatever it took to protect him.


Under normal circumstances, a child typically begins to absorb mana around the age of two, though this can vary based on individual physical characteristics. However, it is crucial to commence this process by the age of six. Failure to do so greatly diminishes the likelihood of the child achieving Immortality in the future.