Mommy's boy

Mom taught me everything I know about sex, and we had a baby together. Now she wants me to do the same for our daughter.

I've always been a mommy's boy, I was very close to my mom growing up, and she taught me everything I know about sex.

It started when I was just 10 years old, I started to get erections at a young age, the first erection I ever had, at least the first I noticed, was when I was taking a shower one night, and it just sprung up out of nowhere, I was washing myself and my hand just sort of hit it, I was quite surprised to see my cock had grown bigger, harder and it was sticking upwards.

I touch it and it ached, and kind of hurt a little, I got scared and called out for my mom, she came running up the stairs and in to the bathroom, "What is it – What's wrong?" she said in a panic, hearing my desperate cries.

"It hurts, Mom." I said, showing her my huge aching cock.

She gasped out a breath of relief, "Oh – Oh that's okay sweetheart…" she said, rubbing my face to reassure me, "…Don't worry. This is normal." She said.

"Why is it doing that?" I asked.

"Is this the first time it's happened?" she replied.

"Yeah. It hurts mom. I don't like it. Make it go away." I said, starting to cry.

Mom saw the panic on my confused and scared face, "Ok – Ok – Ok. I'll make it go away, but I'm going to have to touch it. Is that alright? – Can mommy touch it?" she asked, I nodded quickly, I just wanted it gone.

She reached out, gripped her fingers around my cock and began to stroke it back and forth, it felt kind of nice, and made my balls tingle, my legs shake, but her stroking made it get harder, and it started to ache even more, "Arrgh – Ooh – Mom it hurts.", so she stroked it faster, and faster.

My heart raced, and my breathing became more rapid, I could feel something happening, I started thrusting my hips forward in sync with her stroking, like I was fucking her hand, and I felt like a needed to pee real bad, then I felt a sharp pinch in my balls, and then felt my cock swell and white stuff shot out of the pee hole of my cock, "Ooh – Aah – Argh." I grunted and groaned.

"There we go. That's it – Good boy. It's over…" mom said, putting her arms around me and giving me a hug, "…It's over now." She said.

The aching stopped, and my cock slowly shrunk back down to its normal size, to my relief, then mom took me in to my bedroom and told me what just happened and what the white stuff was that came out.

For months afterwards, every morning I'd wake up with an erection, mom taught me how to masturbate myself but I preferred mom to do it for me, she was better at it than me, so she would always come in to my room in a morning to wake me up for school, and the first thing she did was pull back my bedsheets, if I had an erection she would jerk me off before breakfast, and I always went to school with a smile on my face.

Same thing at night, I'd often have an erection in the evening, mom and I would be sat downstairs on the sofa watching TV, and mom would reach over and pull my cock out of the front of my pyjama bottoms and jerk me off before sending me to bed.

When I was 11 and a half, mom started doing something different.

We were on the sofa watching TV as usual and as usual I got an erection, mom reached over and pulled my cock out of my bottoms, and she jerked on it for a minute but then stopped, which I thought was strange, she never stopped before, "You okay, Mom?" I asked.

"Yes…" she replied, smiling at me, then she slid off the sofa on to the floor on her knees, "…Stand up." She said.

So I stood up off the sofa.

Mom pulled my bottoms down to my ankles, kneeled on the floor in front of me and started to jerk on my cock again, which was nice, but then she leaned forward and put her mouth around my tip, "Argh – Mom, what are you doing?!" I asked, panicking, I actually thought she was going to bite my cock off.

Her eyes rolled up to look in to mine, and she started sucking on my cock, it was the most amazing feeling ever, the inside of her mouth was warm, her soft lips clasped all around my shaft, her tongue like a silk cushion and as she slid my cock in and out of her mouth, covering it in a thin layer of saliva….. It was heaven.

I felt kind of woozy but blissfully happy, mom grabbed my butt cheeks and pulled my forward constantly thrusting my cock in to her mouth, I could feel my tip hitting the back of her throat, and she continued to do it until I ejaculated in to her mouth, she stopped sucking when I came, just suckling on my tip, extracting every drop of my seed.

"Where did it go?" I asked.

She smiled at me, "I drank it." She replied.

"Eeew." I sounded, that was gross.

"It's not eew. It taste good." She said, then we both laughed about it.

I spent the next few months getting jerked off in the morning, and blown at night before bed, it was great, and it got better on the night of my 12th birthday.

Mom didn't jerk or suck me that night, instead she took my hand and took me upstairs in to her bedroom, I stood in my pyjamas and mom was wearing a pink silk night gown, she stood a few feet in front of me, "I think you're ready to see this now." She said, then she opened up her gown and she was naked underneath, as she let her gown slowly fall to the floor, so did my jaw.

I was in a trance just staring at her naked body, her big boobs and seeing a pussy for the first time in my life, she'd shaved it so I could see it clearly, she walked up to me and slowly removed my pyjamas, was cock was already erect from seeing her naked.

Then she took my hand and walked me over to the bed where we got under the covers, and she let me play with her boobs for a while, then she pulled me on top of her and my hips fell between her open legs, she had them spread with her knees up at my sides, and I could feel the heat from her pussy against my crotch.

She held my cock and pushed my tip between her flaps, I gasped feeling the warmth and wetness of it, and my whole body was shaking, she held my face and lifted my head to look at her, "I love you, my boy. Push – Just push it in." she whispered.

So I gently pushed forward, and as my cock slid in to her tight wet tunnel, she gasped out of moan, "Are you okay, Mom?" I Asked.

"Oh yes. I'm okay. I'm very okay. – Don't stop – Keep pushing." She replied.

I pushed more and then pulled back a little, then forward again, and it felt good, real good, I quickly gained the confidence to thrust faster, and the faster I thrust, the better it felt, I was fucking my mom, my first pussy, and it was great.

With my arms around and under her, holding on to her warm body, and my head pressed between her big boobs, I pumped her pussy hard, mom was moaning, I couldn't stop grunting, I just kept thrusting and thrusting, and then I ejaculated inside of her after a few minutes, it was the most intense and incredible few minutes of my life.

I must have fucked my mom at least 5 times that night, I just couldn't get enough of her pussy, her pussy was good! – and we fucked every night for weeks.

One day I came home from school and mom was sitting on the sofa crying, "Mom – what's wrong?" I asked, rushing over and sitting beside her.

She had a long talk with me and made me confirm to her that I understood what can happen when a man and woman have sex, "…I use a pill that stops babies growing, but sometimes they don't work, and on this occasion, it didn't work. – I'm pregnant." She said.

I was in shock, "Did I do it – is – is it my fault? – I'm sorry, Mom. I'm so sorry." I said.

Mom looked at me angrily, "Don't you dare. Don't you ever say you're sorry to me. This is not your fault. It just happened, there was nothing we could have done about it." She replied.

That weekend we had another long talk and mom said she wanted to keep the baby, but no one could ever know it was mine, and that was fine with me.

9 months later mom gave birth in hospital, I was allowed in the room when the baby was born, mom let me hold it, it was a girl, and mom let me name her, I always liked the name Chloe so that's what we called her. Chloe.

Mom raised her as my sister and told everyone she was my sister, only mom and I know the truth, I helped her care for a raise Chloe, I changed nappies and fed her and took her to the park and things as she got older, she's 11 now.

The other day mom told me that Chloe had started her period and she got scared, "Did you talk to her about it?" I asked.

"No…" mom replied, "…That's your job." She said.

"I don't think I can talk to her about it." I said.

"When you started getting erections, I showed you how to deal with it and explained why you got them. You're Chloe's father, so I think you need to explain to her why she's bleeding down there, and show her what it's for." She said.

Basically my mom wants me to explain periods and sex to Chloe, and show her what her pussy is for, mom wants me to fuck Chloe, my daughter, only, I'm not sure about doing that.

This is going to get weird.

A/N: Please comment if you find any grammar mistakes as it's for all of us to enjoy. Powerstones would be appreciated to keep me motivated!