Boys are weird

Raising my son as a single mother wasn't always easy. Especially when he discovered his penis and the pleasure it could give him.

I'm a single mother to a now 14-year-old son, but my story starts when he was at the tender age of 11.

I finished cleaning up the house and locking up, and I made myself a nice cup of hot chocolate and headed upstairs for a well-earned rest. As I was walking by Luke's room, I heard some very strange noises and his door was a quarter of the way open because he was afraid of the dark, even at his age, so I gently nudged the door open a little more to look inside.

Looking over at his bed, I saw him underneath his sheets, lying on his front and rubbing himself up and down the bed, just wriggling himself up and down the length of the bed. I figured he was just having a dream or being an idiot, so I quietly closed the door back to where it was and headed to my room without giving it another thought.

It was only later, when talking to a male friend, that I found out what he was doing was rubbing his cock up and down the soft cold sheets because it made his cock tingle. Apparently, it was the early stages of masturbation, which my friend had also done as a child.

Fast forward several months when he'd turned 12, and I was heading in to the bathroom to collect the laundry basket. I wasn't expecting Luke to be in there because he was normally in his room playing video games at that time of day, but there he was, pantless, on the bathroom floor, in front of him was a page torn from the catalogue from the women's underwear section, he was hunched over it, his cock in his hand and he was jerking off to the image of the woman in her purple lace underwear.

"Oh, dear lord." I screamed in shock.

"Mom, get out!" he snapped.

I couldn't get out of there and close the door fast enough, no mother needed to see her son doing that, that image of my little boy playing with his soldiers has been burnt into my memory forever.

However, I did have to have "The talk" with him, telling him all about the birds and the bees and reassuring him that what he was doing was perfectly normal, very healthy, and he shouldn't be embarrassed about it, though perhaps lock the door next time.

Finding out that he was growing up and doing this type of thing, I decided to be a supportive mother and while he was at school I bought and left some lubricant and a box of tissues on his bedside table for him.

Fast forward again and he was 13 now. I came home from work and was bursting for the toilet, so I ran upstairs, but as soon as I got to the top of the landing I stopped at his bedroom door after hearing weird noises coming from within, he was groaning, breathing heavily, and there was a strange squishing sound, at first I was hesitant to go in because of what I'd caught him doing in the past, but then he groaned out loud and it sounded like he was in pain, and I couldn't let that go.

So I pushed open his bedroom door, "Luke, are you alright?" I said as I walked in. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw, absolutely nothing…NOTHING!

He was lying on the top of his bedsheets, as naked as the day he was born, with his hands down on his hips. In his hands was a watermelon, yep, you read that correctly, a watermelon, he was fucking a god damn watermelon, holding it in his hands and bouncing it up and down on his cock.

When he saw me he got such a fright, he sat up and jumped off his bed standing up, "Mom!" he shouted in surprise at seeing me, "Is that my watermelon?" I asked, I didn't know what else to say, he let go of it and the watermelon dropped off his cock and on to the floor with a loud thud, for a brief moment I saw his huge erect cock sticking out from between his legs, covered in watermelon juice, "Oh my god!" I gasped before quickly turning around and walking straight out, closing the door shut behind me.

Fast forward again to when he turned 14, and I'd had several months of therapy to get over the watermelon incident. Once again, I'd just got home from work. After hanging up my coat and passing by the bottom of the stairs, I heard noises again.

A lot of heavy breathing and the sound of bed springs and floor boards squeaking, and a repetitive knocking sound. I went upstairs and listened at his bedroom door. The sounds were definitely coming from his room. I had my hand on the door handle but quickly changed my mind about going inside. I didn't want to see him doing anything weird again.

I stood on the landing biting my fingernails, I was nervous as hell thinking about what he could be doing in there, then I heard very loud moans coming from inside, "Ungh – Ooooh – Ungh.", and I just had to know.

I quickly opened the door and walked in, but I was pleasantly surprised, he was on his bed, having sex with a flesh and blood girl. They both hid under the covers when they saw me, "Oh, I'm so sorry." I said in embarrassment.

"Jesus, Mom. Don't you knock?" he complained.

I quickly left the room and closed the door. I was very relieved. I can't say I approved of him having a girl in his room without my permission, but I was happy, he finally figured out what to do with his cock. It was a big leap from a watermelon.

I sat downstairs in the kitchen and waited for them to come down. He introduced me to his 12-year-old girlfriend, Georgia. I thought she was a bit young, but whatever, she was a lovely girl.

Of course, he then had to endure the embarrassment of me taking him to the chemist for condoms, but if he was having sex, then it was my job to make sure he did it safely.

Boys are so fucked up, but I love my boy, I love my son.

And I'll never eat watermelon again.

A/N: Please comment if you find any grammar mistakes as it's for all of us to enjoy. Powerstones would be appreciated to keep me motivated! Please leave a review, I'm currently trying to reach 10 reviews in order to gain more exposure!