Uncle Mike's 12yo niece catches him fantasizing about her

Sarah catches Uncle Mike with a hard cock

Mike often watched his niece while his brother and his wife were away. They'd often do family vacations followed by a trip for just the two of them.

Sarah was 12. She'll be 13 in a couple of months.

She'd been at Mike's house for two days now. She'd be with him for another 4. Mike was divorced and kidless, so he enjoyed trying to be the cool uncle and enjoying a little "kid time". They'd hang out, watch movies, eat junk food, go out to eat, etc.. Normal stuff. At least that was what they typically did. This time Sarah was "almost 13!" as she reminded him, and didn't want to do a bunch of kid stuff. (That was kid stuff?!)

So they spent a lot of time separated. She'd hang out in her room and play on her phone, while Mike just puttered around the house.

That night, Sarah graced Mike with her presence in the same room. He sat in his chair while she laid along the couch. She was with her belly propped up on her arms while she texted or played some game on her phone.

She wore a loose tshirt and shorts. The shorts were fairly short and form fitting to say the least. Occasional peeks of ass cheek revealed themselves every now and then.

Mike was trying REALLY hard not to stare or judge.

Glancing over at her, Mike had to admit, Sarah WASN'T a kid anymore. She has really developed over the last year or so. She went from a skinny curve less stick to a young woman with one hell of a figure! Her mom was pretty hot, and Sarah was taking after her. Her breasts were a solid c-cup maybe, and she had a thin waist that curved back out to a plump but tight-looking ass.

Mike shook off the thought and went back to his magazine…

A "ding" from her phone got Mike's attention and again his eyes scanned her body up and down. Embarrassingly, Mike's cock started to swell…

He tried hard to NOT think of his niece like this and keep his cock at bay, especially since his sweat pants would surely not keep that boner a secret should she look his way.

The more he tried not to think about her body, the more he thought about her body. He was nearly fully erect and a good tent was popping in between his legs. He closed his eyes. "Just don't look!" He thought to himself. Don't look and calm down.

"Uncle Mike… Are you OK?!"

Mike jumped and his eyes shot open. He slammed the magazine on his lap. "Huh? Um, yeah… Just maybe dozed off for a second."

"Uh, are you sure? You looked like you were starting to pee yourself!"

Mike suddenly could feel what she was talking about… fucking precum had soaked through his pants! "No.. it's nothing. Adult stuff. When you're older…"

"I'm almost 13!" Sarah interrupted him.

"Look… still… you're…" Mike fumbled. "Sometimes when guys sleep things happen to them."

"You pee yourselves?!"

"NO! Ugh! This is something your mom and dad should explain…" Mike said, then wondered if it would be a good idea to let her ask them why Uncle Mike's crotch gets wet when he sleeps… "Look.. Sometimes our penises get hard and they sometimes ooze something called precum. It's natural."

"We learned about that in health class. I thought it happened because you guys got horny or something."

"Well, yes… that's true too."

"You're horny now?!"

Yes, thought Mike, but… "No, it happens other times too!"

"You weren't snoring. You snore when you sleep."

Fuck child!… "it's hard to explain. Yes, I thought about something and my dick got hard, OK?!"

"What were you thinking about? Was it a girl?! Do you have a girlfriend?!"

"No, I mean yes… I mean, no, I don't have a girlfriend… Look… I know I shouldn't have noticed, but I was looking at you. It was just a passing thought. It's nothing. I'm not even hard anymore! See?" He moved the magazine to reveal that the tent had subsided, but the precum stain remained.

"You got hard looking at ME?!" Sarah's face was smiling, almost laughing.

"Don't say anything to your parents! It would be really weird. It just happens to guys around pretty girls. The guys at school… you must have seen or heard them talk about it?"

"Eh, yeah… I guess so… I don't think their dicks get hard around me."

"Guys your age are good at hiding them. I bet they do."

There was a weird silence for several minutes. Sarah sat on the couch and looked deep in thought. Mike was nervous as fuck! His heart was about to pop out of his chest. If his brother heard about this…

Sarah broke the silence. "I've never seen one."

"Seen what?"

"A dick. Not a real one. Just drawings in the health book."

Mike swallowed hard but didn't say anything…

"Can I see yours?" Sarah asked quietly.

"What?! No! That would be wrong."

"I won't tell! I'm just… curious I guess. I mean, if I ask a boy at school, he will tell everyone!"

Mike was actually sweating… He wanted his next words to be "No. not at all. Never", but his brain seemed to shut off and he stopped doing the thinking.

His cock started to stir again and took over.

"You have to swear not to tell anyone, EVER!"

"I swear!" Sarah seemed legitimately excited.

Mike stood up and slipped off his shorts. His semi-hard cock sprung out and bobbed in front of him.

Sarah stared at it wide-eyed. "Is that hard?"

"Almost. It's kind of in between."

"Can I touch it" Sarah asked without actually asking and reached out and pushed it down with a finger, then letting it go. It sprung back up a little further than before. "Oh my gosh!!" She exclaimed. "Did I make it harder?!"

"Yeah… touching it can do that."

A drip of precum had formed at the tip. Sarah noticed and reached out to it with her finger. "Is that the precum?" She touched it gingerly and then pulled away, making a long string of jizz… "Wow!! It's slimy, sort of!"

Mike was bolt upright hard now. He couldn't believe he was letting this happen. Another glob of precum slowly slid down his shaft.

Sarah swiped her finger down his cock, spreading the precum… Mike couldn't help but sigh from the feeling.

"Does it feel good when I touch it like that?"

"Yeah.. very."

Sarah did it again, but this time brought the finger back up. She repeated this a few times.

Mike's cock bounced with his heartbeat. He was oozing precum over his little 12-year-old (almost 13!) niece playing with his cock.

"Mmmm… Sarah, that feels really good, but if you don't stop… I'm going to cum."

"Really? Like, more of this stuff?!" She was rubbing the precum all over his head now. It was almost unbearable!

"No, it's different… it's.. Oh, shit!!" Mike's orgasm came quickly. He wouldn't have been able to stop it if he tried. "FUUUUCK!" He groaned as his load shot out over and over. Ropes of cum hit Sarah across her arm and on her shirt and more landed on the floor and the couch cushion.

"Ahhh!!! Ewww!! What is that?!" Sarah yelled, surprised! "It's all over me! Gross! You guys do that all the time?! You do that INSIDE a girl?!"

Mike caught his breath as the throbbing subsided. "Yeah… it can be messy. Sorry. I came so quickly that it surprised me too. I tried to warn you, but…"

"Your dick is smaller now!"

Mike looked down. He had almost entirely deflated already. That fast a strong orgasm took a lot out of his cock, apparently. "Yup… for now." He half laughed.

"We should clean up. Now, not a word about this?!"

"I promise… if you answer some more questions…"

Mike wasn't sure what those questions would be, but he quickly agreed.

A/N: Please comment if you find any grammar mistakes as it's for all of us to enjoy. Powerstones would be appreciated to keep me motivated! Please leave a review, I'm currently trying to reach 10 reviews in order to gain more exposure!