
While walking back to the shack the humans were trapped in, he started to loot the village after he dismissed his teeth and claws, leaving his wings and tail out. His tail gently swayed behind him like a soft beacon of light amidst the darkness.

Every movement was effortless and fluid, the tail's snowy scales shimmering in the afternoon sun's glow. As he moved, the tail trailed behind him, its serpentine curves forming hypnotic patterns in the air.

The tail seemed to have a life of its own, twisting and turning perfectly with Archer's every step. Its delicate and graceful motions belied the tail's astonishing power. Though soft to the touch, the tail could deliver a devastating blow when used as a weapon, easily crushing a boulder or felling a tree.

Archer himself seemed to embody the peaceful yet potent nature of the white dragon. His movements were gentle yet purposeful, his aura radiating calming energy that put others at ease.

As he paused, his white tail settled into a gentle sway behind him, like a soothing wave on a still sea. He found 129 gold coins, 370 silver, and 344 copper during his looting spree. ''They had good loot, but not enough to compensate for the two months of playing hide and seek with the cannibals.''

Approaching the shack, he used a claw to cut off the lock and opened the door. Peering inside, he saw twenty people huddled in the corner; he gagged as he smelt the shack and quickly stepped back.

He waited outside until the people started making their way out. There were many women and girls, but also a few men. An older blonde woman approached him. She stopped in front of him with a scowl on her face. ''What are you doing here, boy!''

Looking at the woman, once upon a time, she was pretty, but hard work and stress have taken their toll. ''Saving you.''

As he finished talking, he left the woman standing there. When he got far enough, he leaped up and started flying out of the village. Spotting a tree not far from the village, Archer landed on a branch; he sat down, trying to get comfortable.

He started watching them from his vantage point as he began to eat some chocolate. Some people were searching for stuff, while others huddled together, frightened; he had no idea what they went through.

The afternoon sun was high in the sky. ''Hello, sir. Thank you for saving me and my daughter.''

Archer heard a man's voice and looked over the branch to see a middle-aged man and an older teenage girl. He nodded at them before returning to his position. An hour passed as the rescued villagers gathered below the tree he was sitting in.

He jumped off and started walking back to the village with the people following. By the time the sun set, they had returned to the village to see Ralf and his wife waiting for them at the entrance.

He smiled as he saw the group approaching the village, and the older man spoke. ''Archer, thank you for helping.''

Archer looked at the man. ''Are there any more cannibal villages close by?''

The man got confused, so he asked the boy. ''Why do you want to know?''

Archer stared at him. ''I want to party with them. Anyway, I'm going to go now. Make sure to report the cannibal attack to the local guild.''

He opened his Domain and stepped through the portal under the astonished looks of the villagers. When Archer entered the portal, a wave of fatigue hit him as he went to the cottage. He dismissed his Draconic Form and slumped on the sofa.

Sitting there for a while, he needed a hot bath. ''I need to create a bathhouse.''

He started picturing the cottage with a bathhouse, and he needed one for now and in the future. A small shake was felt throughout the Domain. Archer got off the sofa as he checked his mana.

[Mana: 5500/7000]

''It didn't use that much, let's go.''

He made his way to the new bath chamber as he stripped off. When he entered, he was shocked. The bath chamber was a private oasis, a haven of tranquility within this fantastical world.

As one entered the chamber, the soothing sound of water cascading from the ceiling into the pool below could be heard. A light mist hung in the air, filling the chamber with the gentle scent of lavender and rose petals.

The room's centerpiece was a large pool warmed to the perfect temperature, with steam gently rising from the surface. The water was crystal clear, and soft cushions of bubble froth slowly drifted across its surface.

Small waterfalls spilled from the ceiling into the pool, creating a gentle, cascading sound. In one corner of the room was a marble tub, large enough to accommodate a family of four. It was filled with rose-scented water, with bubbles rising in small, frothy clouds from the jets along the edges.

Embroidered towels of the softest, fluffiest cotton were placed off the side. Archer didn't think he could create something like this. ''It's beautiful.''

What he didn't know was that this would be a future favorite place among his wives. Archer lay in the bath, sinking in the hot water surrounding him like a warm embrace. The air was thick with the scent of roses, the petals floating in the water around him, adding a touch of ethereal beauty to the already luxurious surroundings.

The water was perfectly heated, delivering a soothing warmth to his skin and muscles, making him sigh with contentment. Leaning his head back against the tub's smooth marble, he closed his eyes, allowing the heat and fragrance to work their magic.

As he relaxed, he could feel his tensions melting away, his body surrendering to the pleasure of the moment. The sound of a gentle waterfall nearby added to the tranquil atmosphere, a gentle murmur that matched the rhythm of his breathing.

Archer took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent of roses, and a small smile appeared on his lips. It was a moment of pure indulgence for him; he was so relaxed he nearly fell asleep while relaxing in the bath.

While there, he decided to make the Domain more like the outside world. He pictured a beautiful moon in the sky and a beaming sun during the day, creating different weather.

Archer wanted it to be its ecosystem. After getting out of the bath and drying himself, he wanted to examine the results. He walked around his Domain, marveling at the vibrant and thriving ecosystem he had created with his mana.

The air was thick with the scent of blooming flowers, and the ground was covered in a lush carpet of emerald-green grass. Thick trees towered over him, providing shade and shelter to the creatures that lived within them.

He listened to the chirping of birds and the hum of insects as they went about their daily activities. Small beasts scampered across the forest floor, their tiny paws barely making a sound.

Butterflies flitted from flower to flower, their delicate wings casting shimmering colors in the moonlight. Archer watched as a family of deer-like beasts grazed on the grass, their red coats shining due to the moonlight.

A nearby stream burbled merrily, providing water for the creatures that called the forest home. As he continued walking, Archer realized that he had created an entire ecosystem, each part of it interconnected.

Deciding to get some sleep, he returned to the cottage while pulling out some Elvern cake and started to eat. Walking up the wooden bridge, he entered the cottage and went to his bedroom.

Stripping out of his clothes, he jumped into bed and fell asleep. He woke up in an unknown bed, seeing a ceiling he'd never seen before. Archer looked around and started to panic. He noticed a girl in her teens lying next to him.

Recognizing the smooth blonde hair. ''Ella?''

It was a girl he knew all too well lying in front of him. He hugged and held her close, but she sat up and stared directly at him.

Archer saw blood drip down from her eyes and lips. ''Help me.''

She collapses, causing Archer to panic and rush towards her, but that's when everything changes. Before he can see anything, he wakes up. Remembering that he was in the cottage, he calmed down; he was sweating, so he cast cleanse on himself. ''I'll take this stress out on the cannibals.''

Archer got up and dressed before heading for the jungle.


Archer's current status.

[Name: Archer]

[Race: White Dragon]


[Rank: Expert]

[Exp: 8600/9000]

[Level: 76]

[HP: 2000/2000]

[Mana: 7000 /7000]

[Magic: Fire-Water-Earth-Wind-Lightning-Space-Darkness-Light.]

[Strength: 1200]

[Constitution: 1300]

[Stamina: 1200]

[Charisma: 1800]

[Intelligence: 1000]

[Status Points: 0]

Spells: Void Blast(4)Cosmic Shield(3)Cosmic Sword(4)Cosmic Enhancement(-)Blink(4)Cleanse(-)Eldritch Blast(4)Plasma Shot(3)Fire Missiles(4)Thunder Wave(3)Call Lightning(2)Fireball(2)Element Bolts(0)Dragon's Breath(0)

Skills: Spell Creation(-)Mana Regeneration(-)Regeneration(5)Dragon Senses(-)Short Sword Mastery(4)Aura-Detector(3)Dragon's Domain(1)Draconic Form(-)