On The Road Again

"Would you like breakfast, Master?" the brownie asked.

Archer nodded and walked over to the table.

He sat down and said. "Thank you."

After waiting for a little while, the brownie brought some food over, and Archer looked at it.

It was a red soup with a chunk of freshly baked bread.

He took a spoon and started to eat, enjoying it.

Sera opened her eyes and leaned over to try the soup, slurping it.

Archer stared at the cheeky dragon and went to get another bowl, shaking his head.

As he savored a mouthful of tasty food, he felt a soft nibble on his ear, sending a shiver down his spine.

Turned to the cheeky dragon and he said. "It feels nice but it's really distracting you know."

But she paid no attention to his words and continued nibbling on his ear as if it were a normal occurrence.

He gave up and resumed eating, occasionally getting shivers from her playful actions.