I Will Always Be Yours

The wyverns struggled against the giants, but the relentless onslaught of mysterious spells caused them to stumble backward.

With continuous spells hitting the giants, the wyverns gained the upper hand and tore into the giant.

Archer directed Drakon to drag the defeated giants' bodies back to the nest.

The wyverns seized the pieces and flew through the portal Archer had opened. As the last wyvern entered, Sera appeared next to him in her dragon form.

Noticing that she was tired but Archer knew they couldn't rest as they heard more rumbling coming toward them and spotted a much bigger giant rushing toward them through the trees.

He walked away from Sera and let out a deafening roar toward the incoming giant, he unleashed a stream of violet fire, colliding with the charging giant.

Archer then charged forward crashing into the giant he started attacking with fierce his claws and teeth.