Punish Me

Archer looked at the two women and spoke. ''Stop your senseless competition or I will punish you both. Everyone knows I love each of you equally. I'm not asking you to be friends, I'm just asking you not to argue.''

When he finished talking the two women turned to him with lust-filled eyes and spoke at the same time. ''Punish me.''

Their responses caused him to laugh but he answered. ''Soon ladies, I will spend time with each of you.''

Archer looked at each girl before continuing. ''For me, it feels like I haven't seen any of you in a year, even though it appears to have been only two months here, which is quite fortunate."

After saying that and winking at the two which instantly killed the tension. Archer went on to explain what happened to the two of them.

He told them the attackers sent him to the Nether Realm where the natives wanted his heart but they ended up underestimating him.