Mia Silverthrone

Archer awoke the next morning but the sun hadn't risen yet and felt the sting of the ice-cold air hit his skin as he looked to the side.

He saw Sia sleeping peacefully on his shoulder, Archer soon noticed the dark room with a roaring fire but it could no longer keep the cold at bay.

After moving Sia off him and making sure she was wrapped up in covers he got out of bed and felt goosebumps all over his skin.

Archer cautiously approached the fire, crouched low, and inhaled deeply before exhaling a gentle stream of dragon fire.

When it touched the wood it went up and pushed back the cold. Archer stood up and stretched his arms as he made his way to the window that was covered in ice.

In the dimly lit room, Archer stood by the window, clad only in his pants, and gazed out at the world beyond.

His breath created a faint mist as he peered through the frosted glass. Outside, the land stretched far and wide, blanketed in pristine white snow.