Kidnapping A Willing Princess

Archer watched as hundreds of people entered the garden, but Seamus and Maeve appeared just as everyone settled down. The scene made him laugh as the orange-haired girl avoided the boy's touch at every turn.

When Maeve saw Archer, she gave him a beautiful smile that angered Seamus, but completely ignored him. As they passed, he cast Plasma Missiles that shot into the air like fireworks, surprising the crowd and making Demetra laugh as she got ready to fight.

Soon after, Maeve and Seamus reached the stage where the priests were waiting. An older woman walked up to the podium and was about to speak when the Plasma Missiles fell back to earth. When they were ten meters above the garden, they exploded.

The sudden detonations caused the crowd to panic, and they started to flee like a tsunami of ants, allowing Archer to act. He jumped up and rushed toward the stage; Demetra jumped forward and skillfully took out several royal guards who tried to stop him.