Wary Women

Archer arrived back at Aqauria and was in the East; without wasting any more time, he checked on the 3rd legion traveling north. Soon enough, he found them battling a Swarm army.

He watched as the determined Dragon Legionnaires and Dragonblood Knights held the line while the Drakeguards harassed the enemy. Spells bombarded the large Swarm of monsters that were approaching the soldiers.

'Mohamet has trained them well,' Archer mused. 'They will be useful in the coming wars.'

The Spellfire Battalion continued to cast their magic while the Healers tended to the injured. While watching this, Archer spotted a group of Outriders peppering the enemy's rear with spells and arrows.

But soon enough, the Drakelord Knights slammed into the monster's flank, trampling hundreds of Ratlings and Blight under their beast's hooves while swinging their deadly weapons that cleaved the creatures in half.