Ripper Ants

Archer watched as the Kraken Termite Queen swam through the mana infused water until her voice echoed in his mind. 'How is this place so pure?'

''It's my energy pouring into this place all the time,'' he replied while opening the Shadow Realm.

Millions of sea monsters rushed out of the portal and fled to find a new home, which caused the queen to grab a sleek shark before eating it. Archer watched this with a chuckle as he spoke. ''Do you want to join? You can bring your kingdom here. You're stronger than most here, so you'll be fine.''

Following that, the queen nodded in agreement before the two of them entered the portal as she started ordering the other Kraken Termites in a frenzy as a horde of them rushed into the Domain.

Archer sensed they were already constructing another termite mound field. Seeing this fascinated him, causing him to cast Cosmic Shield and summon the two women waiting for him.