#91-Are You Happy?

When he saw that Penelope had opened her eyes, there was nothing in this world that could describe how relieved and happy Edmund was at this moment.

The Duke immediately ran toward the bed and hugged Penelope's petite body tightly. The man kissed Penelope's forehead and face repeatedly and that made Penelope laugh out loud. The woman wiped away the tears streaming down her face and let go of Edmund's tight embrace. Then, Penelope cupped Edmund's face and wiped the tears off her husband's handsome face with her thumb.

"Hey, tears aren't suitable for a handsome and cruelest Duke like you, Edmund Gerwyn," chuckled Penelope. "You have to be strong for your people in this mansion as well as in this Duchy, right?"

Edmund shook his head firmly. He closed his eyes to enjoy Penelope's soft and warm touch on his face. Then, Edmund kissed Penelope's palm.