Mikazuki and Yuuma continued to hone their Gunpla skills, competing in virtual tournaments and building even more custom models. While Gunpla battles were a fun diversion for Mikazuki, he couldn't help but feel like something was missing. As much as he enjoyed the creative aspect of building models, he longed for the adrenaline rush of real battle.
One day, as he was walking through the city, Mikazuki saw a sign advertising a local mecha battle tournament. It was an underground event, not sanctioned by any official organization, but Mikazuki's curiosity was piqued nonetheless.
He found the location of the tournament and made his way to the entrance, where he was met by a burly man with a scar across his cheek. "You here for the battle?" the man asked, eyeing Mikazuki warily.
Mikazuki nodded. "Yeah, I want to compete."
The man shrugged. "Suit yourself. But I'll warn you, this isn't a game. You mess up, you might not walk out of here."
Mikazuki didn't flinch. He was no stranger to danger. With his skills as a pilot and his natural spatial awareness, he knew he could handle whatever came his way.
The mecha battle was intense. The arena was a small, enclosed space, and the combatants piloted their mechas with ferocity. Mikazuki's opponent was a seasoned veteran, but Mikazuki was faster and more agile. He dodged the opponent's attacks with ease and landed several well-placed shots.
In the end, Mikazuki emerged victorious, his mecha still standing while his opponent's lay in pieces on the ground. The crowd cheered, and Mikazuki felt a sense of satisfaction that he hadn't felt in a long time.
As he walked out of the arena, he knew that this was what he had been missing. The rush of battle, the thrill of victory, the sense of purpose that came with being a pilot. He knew that he had to continue down this path, even if it meant taking risks and facing danger head-on.