Chapter Twenty

As I continued to head toward the fading scent, Hera was behind me, his stance ready to jump in front of me and push me behind him once I had located the vampire. The pack had joined us, and we ran alongside each other. 

"Hera, this way, through the trees," I hissed at him as he ran directly beside me, watching either side of me for any possible danger. His slight mewing told me he had understood the message, and now it was time. I remained quiet and allowed him to lead his pack to the hunt. 

Looking through a clearing between the trees, I couldn't believe my eyes and saw Majentic. Her back was turned as she raced through the trees carrying someone in her arms. Knowing the power of Majentic, who could sniff out the tiniest mouse, it seemed doubtful that she didn't realise we were hot in her tracks. She dashed about the trees, using her speed and strength to jump and run effortlessly through the trees that surrounded us.