My hero academia Ashido

Ashido walked up to the door to Izuku's apartment just as his mother was leaving.

"Oh, hello there," Inko greeted, "Here to see Izuku?"

She nodded, "A bunch of us from class 1A planned to have a day out together, here to bring him to the others."

"How nice. I'm just leaving, he'll be out of the bathroom. Feel free to wait for him inside." Izuku's mother said before heading off.

Ashido thanked her before heading into the apartment. Ashido let herself into Izuku's room, intending to spend her time waiting by amusing herself joking at the sheer quantity of All Might merch his room contained.

When she did, she found that his computer had been left open. She grinned mischievously to herself as she approached the computer, curiosity overtaking her. At Izuku's computer she found that several pages had been bookmarked.

Hoping to find something embarrassing she could joke at him with, she began opening the pages. Her eyes opened at what she found.

What she found was smut. Plain and simple. And quite a lot of it. Pictures, videos, hentai, stories; you name it. At first it was just some vanilla hetero stuff, mostly hero themed which surprised Mina about as much the sun rising in the morning. But as she opened more, she found more scandalous stuff.

Hardcore femdom, dick girls and futanari pounding cute looking boys, a mountain of foot fetish content. Mina's jaw dropped at everything she was seeing, her panties growing uncomfortably tight as she began growing stiff from what she was seeing.

"It's always, always the quiet ones.." Mina muttered to herself, unconsciously rubbing her bulge as she looked over the various pages.

She tensed at hearing the bathroom door open, and swiftly closed every window she'd opened.

She spun the chair around, crossing one leg over the other and crossing her arms; posing herself to make it seem as though all her attention had been on waiting for Izuku in said boss pose, the computer disregarded.

"M-Mina!" Izuku tensed at seeing her in his room, blushing as he glanced around at all the All Might merchandise.

Mina rolled her eyes, "Oh come on, its just cute." She assured him, though couldn't help but snicker at realizing that that only seemed to embarrass her more.

"Anyway," Mina said as Izuku sat on his bed, "My feet are killing me after all the walking, think a cutie like you could help me?" She asked with her usual grin.

"H-help you how?" Izuku questioned, looking up to try and hide his having glanced to her feet.

"How do you think?" She said. Her voice was right on the edge between casual and sultry, just enough to make Izuku freeze up, the beginnings of a tent starting to form as he tried desperately to figure out what she meant; but still normal sounding enough that Mina could claim full innocence.

Giggling to herself, Mina removed her shoes, placing her sock covered feet in Izuku's lap; pretending not to feel the growing stiffness as she said, "A foot massage of course. If you don't mind I mean." She said with a smile, pretending to be none the wiser to his secret kinks. Izuku began sputtering at this.

Mina couldn't have begun to guess what exactly he said exactly, but managed to figure he was claiming something to the effect of worrying it'd be wrong for him to be touching a girl like that.

Mina rolled her eyes, feigning annoyance, "Come on Izuku, nothing wrong with giving me an innocent foot rub~" She said.

Izuku bit the inside of his cheek, and Mina could see him thinking so hard the air would likely have started smelling like burnt rubber and melting metal had it gone on much longer.

"O-okay." Izuku finally said, beginning to gently rub Mina's feet through her socks.

Mina pulled her feet back-a mix of equal parts relief and disappointment on his face until he realized she was simply removing her socks, leaving her pink feet fully and telling him to, "Really get in there." She placed her feet back, Mina fully able to feel how hard he'd gotten; though maintained her oblivious expression as Izuku began to rub her feet.

Mina purred happily at the feeling of the foot rub. It felt good, better than she'd been expecting; then again maybe she should have guessed that he'd have gotten good at them.

Izuku gulped as silently as possible as he felt Mina's soft foot rubbing against his tent. Believing it to be unintentional, just her idly moving her feet without realizing she was doing so against a, he assumed, hidden hard-on.

Mina kept teasing him for a few minutes before starting to grind the sole of her foot down too obviously to be by accident. "Did you get this hard just from rubbing my feet~?" She questioned with a smirk. Izuku's mind seemed to short circuit.

"I-you-wha-I-n-n-no I would never I-I didn't I-" The words, or in some cases just the syllables, spilled out of him like a burst pipe until Ashido stopped him.

"It's okay Deku, I don't mind~" She purred, foot grinding down against him even harder, sending shivers of pleasure through his entire body.

"I saw all those naughty little secrets on your computer. I can't believe how kinky you are under that shy outer shell~"

"N-no, I'm.. I don't-" Izuku was cut off by Mina pouncing suddenly from the chair, smashing her lips against his own as she pinned him beneath her against the bed.

She held the kiss for several moments before pulling away, "I told you Izuku, it's okay," Mina said, "Cause guess what? I'm kinky to~" She giggled at his cute, shocked expression.

"I thought you were hot from the first day I saw you you know," Mina said, grinding her own stiff tent against Izuku's to inform him exactly what she was under that skirt, "That body of yours really helps of course." Mina moved down, stripping Izuku's pants and underwear.

She whistled, admiring his stiff eight inches. "Not bad~" She purred, licking along it teasingly, tongue swirling around her tip before her head lowered down, taking in his length.

Izuku moaned, gripping the bed as Mina's head bobbed, sucking as she steadily took one inch after another. But she wasn't content with just this, wanting to tease him more as well.

Happily, she was more than flexible enough to pull off her next move, back bending to arch her legs over Izuku's body; her cute pink toes wiggling in front of Izuku's face as she continued to suck his throbbing rod.

She giggled, able to feel his cock twitch as he began sucking on her toes desperately. She shivered at the feeling herself, enjoying the control she had over the situation, how Izuku was too desperate for more to even try stopping her despite how innocent and shy he usually was.

Poor thing didn't last long enough despite her being certain he probably could normally. Mina swallowed his release as he gave it, slowly moving her body back and lifting her head.

"You've got an impressive cock, but I'd suggest eating more fruit," Mina suggested, "Helps the taste of what you give out." Izuku's blush-potentially permanently staining his cheeks at this point-grew deeper at this.

Mina moved back, removing her skirt and underwear to free her member. Her thick, eleven inches sprung up throbbing with need.

"I helped you with yours, now you've gotta help me~" She purred.

Izuku stared at her rod with a mix of desire and nervousness.

Mina giggled, "Don't worry, I'll be gentle...ish." Izuku practically whimpered at this, a sound that nearly made her pounce him right there.

She managed to hold herself back, having him remove the rest of his clothes as she did the same before he moved onto his fours for her. She crawled onto the bed, her fingers growing damp with a fluid. She was so glad she'd learned how to control not only the viscosity of her acid but also the strength of it.

Rather than strengthening them, she put both as the weakest they could reach; essentially coating her finger in the perfect anal lubricant. She pushed her fingers inside, spreading the lube while also loosening Izuku's tight hole; her other hand spreading the same lube along her cock.

When she was ready she brought her tip to Izuku's puckered hole, "Get ready~" Mina warned him before pushing in.

True to her word, Mina held herself back and took it slow at first, working her member in deeper but going slowly as she began to fuck him. It didn't last forever mind you, the sound of Izuku's moans too much for her.

Her hips slowly started to pick up speed, throbbing inside of Izuku as she stretched his tight, formerly virgin hole more and more, forcing herself in deeper.

"S-so fucking good~" Mina moaned, hips starting to smack against his ass as she buried herself in fully. Izuku cried out, his own member throbbing as well; having grown stiff again while being fingered.

Mina could tell, and leaned over Izuku's body, sucking on his neck as she continued to pound into the boy, grunting as the bed shook from the force of it. When she could tell that neither of them were going to last much longer, she changed their position.

Izuku yelped as Mina flipped him over onto his back, lifting his legs up over her shoulders as she hammered into him harder, drilling him in a mating press. He cried out, throbbing as he got even closer.

Mina reached for her discarded socks, pressing one against Izuku's face and pulling the other down onto his stiffness, stroking him with it.

Izuku groaned as he inhaled, taking in the scent of Mina's feet. It was too much for him. He shook as he unloaded into the sock, soaking it through with his cum and spurting onto Mina's chest.

Mina groaned, shaking as she felt Izuku's walls squeezing so tight around him, like she was being milked. She couldn't hold out any longer, letting loose into him.

They both collapsed to the bed, panting heavily. They laid together, Izuku holding onto Mina. She hadn't pegged him to be a cuddler but wasn't shocked by it in the slightest.

"The others can wait," Mina said, "We need to get cleaned up."

As she got up to take a shower, she grinned to herself, excited to share their little secret with the girls.

You.. you aren't serious." Uraraka questioned, her eyes as wide as everyone else's.

Mina nods, "Serious as the heart attack I nearly gave him" she snickered.

Mina had gathered all te girls of class 1A, Uraraka, Momo, Toru, Tsu, Jirou, Iida, Kirashima, Todoroki, as well as Aoyama-she may not have been with them for long but she certainly was now, and told them about what she had learned about/done with Izuku the day prior.

It sounded unbelievable, but it was also a bit too much to just be some kind of a prank.

Mina hadn't shared it for nothing either. She was well aware that all of them, if not crushing on Izuku, were at least attracted to him; partially because of his cute and heroic nature, partially because of how physically jacked he'd gotten from his training.

Everyone reacted slightly differently to the news.

Mina watched Uraraka blush herself into a stupor at the news, meanwhile Tsu simply stared into space as though trying to remember if she'd called it or not.

Iida's complaints at Mina over jumping Izuku the way she had was drowned out by Kirashima's complimenting her on scoring a win with him.

Toru's expression couldn't be seen of course, but her heavy breathing and the movement of her sleeves made it clear enough what was on her mind.

Jirou and Momo seemed to be awkwardly asking each other about it; being as coy with each other as they were about Izuku.

Aoyama was shocked, and made a point of making her shock known dramatically while nearby Todoroki simply expressed her confusion at feet being a kink at all; for which Momo explained to the best of her flustered ability.

"Ladies please, let's get organized here," Mina said; the fact that she of all people was saying it making it clear how serious she was.

"Point one: this is hella good news for us alts," Mina said, giving a wink to Momo specifically, who blushed nervously.

While she was more than happy with her relationship with Jirou,they were both aware that they shared certain desires for Izuku; desires that Momo had been fairly certain would go eternally unfulfilled due to her massive rod.

Now, though, knowing that her having such a member might actually be increasing her chances, had Momo in much better spirits; as well as Jirou by proxy.

"And for the rest of you, if you want to shoot your shot, you'll have to rely on your feet. Should be easy for you tsu, with those big sexy ones of yours."

Tsu blushed at this, not having ever heard of her large feet considered sexy. If anything she was quite certain most people found them to be a turn off.

Mina could read this on her face and gave her a smirk, "Trust me, they'll drive him wild if you play your cards right." Mina said as she brought out her phone and sent a mass text to the girls.

The message contained various links to the sites she'd seen Izuku frequenting. "Take this and consider it.. Research material. Ammunition to help you with Izuku."

"This all seems very.. Shady at the very least, downright reprehensible at worst.." Iida said nervously.

Mina rolled her eyes as she moved behind Iida, "Oh come on, we aren't doing anything wrong here. We're just all trying to have a good time with someone else who also wants it. Come on, I know you want a try just the same as the rest of us~" Mina purred.

Iida adjusted her glasses as a means to hide her blush, saying nothing further; as nothing she could say further would work as an argument against Mina.

"I don't think I'll bother," Todoroki said with a shrug, "Even knowing his kinks, I doubt he'd really find me attractive."

This was met with a silence someone could have cut with a steak knife and a collective look of 'what the actual fuck' form the others.

After everyone realized she was serious, Mina rubbed her temples as she tried to explain, "Trust me, he will. You just need to get his attention first. You're already closer to him than most of us." Mina said, unintentionally making Uraraka wince.

And with that, everyone set to studying and preparing their plans of attention. Some intended to work as groups, others planning solo missions.

Uraraka watched Mina herd Todoroki away, evidently intent on giving the poor girl the assistance she clearly needed comprehending the material at hand. She sighed, the envy in her spiking to new weights.

She didn't like that Mina had gotten to go first, or that she'd shared this with everyone instead of telling her first. She guessed it wouldn't be fair to keep it secret, but that didn't stop her feeling it.

Nevertheless, she intended to get her share of the treasure so to speak.

Izuku exited the bathroom stall with a sigh.

He moved to the sink, and no sooner had he finished washing his hands did he feel someone grab him from behind.

"Found you~" A feminine voice purred.

Spinning on his heels, Izuku simultaneously calmed and grew more nervous at seeing a school uniform floating.

"T-Toru? What are you doing in the boy's restroom?" Toru giggled, "I heard a little rumor about you from Mina!" she said, Izuku tensing up nervously at the mention of Mina, mentally kicking himself for believing she'd have simply let it go.

He felt Toru's hand grab his own, moving it towards her crotch. Before his usual amount of panic at the situation could set it, he started to feel the growing stiffness there, his eyes widening.

"So, is it true you don't mind girls with a little extra equipment~?" Izuku's attempts to respond were silenced by her leaning in to kiss him, making his eyes widen even further; threatening to make them simply fall out of his head.

When she broke the kiss, the invisible hero student moved down onto her knees in front of Izuku. He attempted to say something, but found himself stunned into silence as Toru undid his pants, freeing his steadily stiffening member.

"Not bad Midoriya~" She purred before leaning in.

Izuku shivered as his member vanished from sight steadily as he felt her warm, wet mouth working around it. He moaned as he felt her head bobbing back and forth along his shaft, sucking as he grew to full stiffness.

As she sucked, Toru's hands moved to Izuku's ass, gently groping it to feel what she was working with as she sucked. Feeling it in her hands had her stiffer than she already was~

Izuku let out a quivering groan as Toru pulled off his member, giggling mischievously as she hopped up onto the counter , removing her shoes but not her socks.

"I heard about your other thing to~" she purred as she pushed her feet out towards him, "I know you can't see them bare, but hopefully you'll still enjoy it~?"

Izuku hesitated, still coming to terms with the fact that what was happening was real.

Toru giggled, "Come on Midoriya, give them some love~"

Izuku, spurred on by her words, Izuku leaned in, taking Toru's ankles and bringing them both to his face.

He shivered, member twitching as he inhaled the scent of them before starting to lick and kiss at them, occasionally sucking as well. Toru fidgeted, moaning softly at the worship she was getting.

She moved one foot down, letting Izuku continue to suck and lick along the other as her socked foot moved down to rub along his member. Izuku moaned more against Toru's foot as he felt her other foot working along his length, stiff from the indulgence in his hidden fetishes.

Feeling how much he was enjoying it, she moved her other foot back, removing one of her socks so he could at least feel what her bare foot was like, then moved both to grip his member between them.

Izuku squirmed as Toru worked his member with her feet, throbbing between them. Toru was slightly in shock just how into it he was, but seeing his cute face contorted by the pleasure had her just as excited.

She pumped back and forth along his rod, which didn't take long before it started to leak from the soft, smooth and contrasting feeling around his cock. Toru kept going until she milked a release out of him, making him spurt over the floor beneath the sink.

"Wow.. thats a lot," Toru noted at the amount he let out, "Must have really liked it~"

Izuku blushed as he stammered out a, "Y-yeah.."

Toru giggled as she raised her bare foot, visible from the ropes of thick white seed painting it, "Mind cleaning up a bit~?"

Izuku didn't need to be told twice, immediately leaning in and dragging his tongue along her bare foot. Toru watched with glee at the sight of him scooping the cum off her foot with her tongue so eagerly, he

r cock pulsing at the sight.

When he had finished, she hopped off the counter and made her way towards a stall, "Now its your turn to make me cum~" She said, dropping her pants to free her stiffness as she took a seat.

Izuku followed her, moving onto his knees in front of her. He felt her cock press against his face, shivering heatedly at feeling its size against him. He didn't need to be instructed, guiding it to his lips and starting to suck around it.

Toru purred, holding his head and helping him work it down more and more onto her member as he sucked. And here she'd thought she'd been good with her mouth~

She supposed part of it was how intensely into it he was, seeming to lose himself as he felt her thick, turgid rod stretching his throat as he got down towards her base.

"O-oh god Izuku~" Toru groaned, "S-stop, I want to cum in your ass like Mina~" She groaned.

Izuku pulled off her member with a pop. He looked to her for a moment, still nervous about it all despite knowing inside how much he wanted to feel it.

Finally, desire won out. He moved up, turning around and pushing his pants down more, freeing his cute, firm ass. He felt Toru's hands on his hips and let her guide him down. He let out a soft moan as he felt her cock stretching his walls.

Toru felt like her brain was melting as Izuku took more and more of her cock into his lovely ass. Mina hadn't been exaggerating it at all~

Both of them groaned in delight as Toru's hips started moving, bouncing Izuku's muscled body on her cock, watching his juicy ass bounce with the force of the thrusts.

He'd grown stiff again from the feeling, hardened cock swaying from the movement and causing the precum to drop from it.

Toru's movements didn't stop when she heard the door open and boys talking-she doubted a villain attack right that moment could make her stop from how good it felt-but she needed to quiet Izuku down.

Thinking fast, she grabbed her underwear and forced them into Izuku's mouth like a gag.

"Sh~" She warned, "Unless you want to get found out~" She added.

Izuku groaned softly, holding his moans in as he heard the boys pass. Because of her being invisible, with her legs apart, from the outside they'd only see Izuku's legs and see nothing wrong.

But while it successfully muffled him, Toru's panty gag actually made it harder for him to focus as the taste of her member and leaked out precum from it assaulted his senses.

Thankfully they weren't found out, the boys eventually leaving as they finished their business.

When it was clear they were alone, Toru moved, turning them around and bending Izuku over the toilet; forcing him to hold it, "Sorry Izuku, but I can't hold back anymore~" Toru groaned, slamming in hard to the base.

Izuku yelped at the feeling of her cock grinding against his prostate; but that thrust proved to be the first of several aggressive movements as Toru, true to her word, began all out rutting him.

Izuku whimpered and groaned, leaking over the toilet below him as he took it.

She felt Toru's arms wrap around him like a barehug as she held onto him, "Th-thank you for letting me do this~" she groaned, "And thank you for being my first~"

She kissed Izuku's cheek with as much genuine affection as she could so he'd know she was serious as she unloaded into him, painting his walls white.

Izuku followed her over the edge, making even more of a mess of the floor and toilet. The two panted heavily as they basked in the afterglow. As they both started recovering from it, Toru said she had to go.

"Still have classes and all." She giggled as she got up. The two set to cleaning each other off, as well as the bathroom.

They left a few minutes apart to avoid anyone noticing the two of them leaving a bathroom together, wanting to be discreet.

But neither of them noticed the eyes watching them from far off down the hall; because neither knew that Izuku's secret was out to more than just the girls of class 1A...