
Kikkie: A sequel/prequel to the madness that is...My Deku! Why, I don't knw, I just like this couple. Anyway, this will tell events between their highschool lifes and hero lifes. How its like to date Katsuki, and raise his child. Also, what's it like to be the new All Might. Plus, introducing a new character, AKA, my OC. Anyway, thank you for reading!

This story will contain mature stuff, such as cursing, lemon, and violence. Thank you!

"Party, like it's your birthday, …party like it's your birthday…come on and put your lips together, blow the candle out…"

Izuku sang as the sounds of sizzling onions begins to fill her ears. Next, to the stove she was cooking on was chopped meat, other vegetables, rice, and seasonings. Her hair was tied up in a bun and she was currently wearing a green dress with slippers. She was currently making dinner at home, although she found it very difficult.

She was using a recipe she found only for this dish. So she wasn't familiar with everything she was doing. To top it all off, her stomach kept pushing buttons on the stove. 10 months pregnant and ready to pop, Izuku was at her limit!

Apparently, she was due a weak ago but hasn't shown any signs of water break. The doctors inform her that it is perfectly normal to be late on your due date, but Izuku was not going to wait another day for this baby to come out. Especially Katsuki's baby. Just like the blonde psychopath, his unborn spawn was no different from anger and tantrum fits. Sadly Izuku suffered because it always kicked her from the inside.

"Get Kacchan in the mood, have sex, then finally get this thing out of me." Izuku thought before she threw in a few other chopped vegetables that were ready to cook. Soaking them in the onion oil she had just made, she places a top on the pan before shifting her attention to the meat. Lifting the seasoned meat from its bowl, she begins to place it in another pan that has been covered in butter and oil.

"Babe! I am home!" Katsuki shouted. The sound of his voice was soon followed by a door being slammed.

"In the kitchen!" Izuku shouted as she stares the meat. Making sure the read raw meat absorbs all the seasonings she used. Katsuki, still in his hero clothes, came walking to the kitchen scratching his blonde locks.

"Smells good, what are you making Deku?" He asked her as he walks up behind her to see her food. A smirk slowly appears on his face at the sight of vegetables and meat.

"Are you making Curry?" He asked her. His left-hand pulls her bang to the side to get a better look at the dish. To his luck, he was right.

"That's right! Treat for all the hard work you have been doing! I am so proud of you." Izuku lied, well half lied. She was proud of Katsuki for his work as a hero, but she didn't make this food for a treat.

"How thoughtful." Katsuki purred.

A second later, the sounds of his grenade-looking tools fell to the ground. Allowing his arms to wrap around her large stomach. Holding her gently, feeling a small bump around the bottom part of her stomach with his index finger. A blush soon appears on Izuku's face.


A moan escapes the lips of a green haired female. Her body trembles as two large hands make their way around her chest. Gripping the soft flesh of her warm breast, forcing more moans to escape her lips.

"What's wrong, is the famous Deku about to be defeated?" Katsuki purred into the young woman's ears. Causing her body to shiver at the warm breath brushing against her ear. A few seconds later, Izuku gasps at the sudden release of Katsuki's arms. Looking over her shoulder, she saw the blonde heading towards the fridge that was a few feet away.

"Kacchan?" Izuku asked the blonde male as he opens the fridge. Pulling out an orange can, he pops open the top and begins to drink.

"Oh…" Izuku muttered before looking back at her food. The meat was sizzling at this point, giving away a strong delicious aroma that would make anyone's mouth water. Katsuki's included!

"I am going to bath." Katsuki mutter before standing up from his seat. Izuku nods at his comment, not even bothering to look away from the food. She didn't want him to notice her sad expression or facial expression for failure.

Standing up, Katsuki walks over towards the exit, but not before slamming his large hand gently over her left butt cheek. A thick red blush appears on her face as she continues to cook.

"I'll see you soon," Katsuki tells her before giving her a sly wink. Izuku giggles like a school girl before continuing her cooking. Once done, she prepares her dinner by setting up the table then placing the plates down on each side of the table. When she was done, Katsuki came walking out of their bedroom and met eyes with her.

"Uh, Kacchan…" Izuku says with another blush on her face. Katsuki was standing before her in his boxers…that didn't cover everything.

"I am going to bed soon. I have an early shift." He tells her before walking over to the table. Taking a seat in front of his plate, he wastes no time digging into the large amount of food his girlfriend prepared. Izuku soon follows without hesitation. Soon, both their plates were clean of their food.

"So…Kacchan…" Izuku started as she pulls her hair back into a ponytail, exposing her cute dimples. "Its been so long since we…you know."

"Fucked?" Katsuki asked. The way he said it sent chills up her spine.

"Um…yeah." She says.

"I am not in the mood. I am tired Izuku, I just had to take down a dumbass." Katsuki informs her as he stands up from his chair. Picking his plate up, he looks over to her with one last glance before grabbing her plate. He then walks over to the kitchen. Setting the plates in the sink, he turns his head to the side a bit, allowing him to say:

"Go to sleep, All might wants you to come in tomorrow for a checkup."

"A check-up?" Izuku asked.

"He wants to see the development of our child and one for all quirk. He curious to see if it will transfer to our child." Katsuki explained.

"Well, I am not feeling any d…UGH!" Izuku growled before gripping her stomach. Katsuki stops what he was doing to see Izuku standing up smiling at him.

"What was that!?" Katsuki growled.

"What was what?" Izuku asked. Trying to hide the pain of her daughter's furry kick with a gentle smile.

"I am fine, I just felt a kick," Izuku responded. "Its nothing, I have to go get ready for bed."

Izuku tells her husband before scurrying towards her bedroom. Avoiding the gaze of Katsuki is not fun, but knowing you have to see it later was even worse! Especially when you're carrying his child. Scurrying her way into their bedroom, she closes the door quickly before walking into the bathroom. Once inside, a small box by the tub catches her eye. A small purple box.

Quickly, she walks over to the box. Grabbing onto the side of the tube, she leans down a bit to get the object. The last thing she needed was to be stuck on the ground again and have Katsuki help her up.

Holding the box firmly in her hand, she reads the cover that had big yellow words on top of a purple background.

"Pregnancy 2.4, help you find out if you have a child and its quirk..." Izuku read.

"Personally, I think the quirk part is crap," Katsuki tells her. Causing her to jump up a little and drop the box behind the toilet. She then turns around to see Katsuki leaning against the bathroom door, staring a hole in her head.

"Babe..." Izuku muttered.

"I remember this moment happening before. Although, you were skinnier and was crying." Katsuki says as he moves off the door frame. Walking over to the green haired woman, once close, he wraps his big long arms around her large waist, pulling her in close. Izuku blushes at the feeling of her large belly pressing against his tight abs.

"I feel fat..." Izuku blushed.

"You said something like that on that night too."

"I know...sort of..." Izuku said as Katsuki releases her. He then grabs her left hand and leads her towards their bed. Gently setting her down on her back, he climbs between her legs. Lifting her dress up, exposing her... cotton All Might face logo underwear?

"Really..." Katsuki muttered.

"Sorry, I forgot to do laundry today." Izuku chuckled.

Katsuki lets out a low chuckle before sliding his hands up to her hips. Tugging at the straps of her panties, he pulls the cotton fabric down her legs with ease, exposing her pink flower. Her face nearly red as an apple, Izuku covers her face with both her hands in shame. Its been a while since she was exposed to him like this. And for that, she was really embarrassed by it.

"I am fat..." She muttered in shame.

"Your not fat, you're holding my baby," Katsuki tells her. His large hand presses against her soft large stomach. "Soon, a little you will be running around the world."

"A little bit of both of us," Izuku tells him before turning her head to the side with a soft smile. Katsuki chuckles at her words before moving his body around a bit.

"Yea, let's help the fucker out, shall we," Katsuki tells her with a sinister smirk. He then adjusts her legs up a bit before leaning over. Izuku blushes ear to ear at the sight of his smile hovering over her.


Number 2

My name Deku and me and our friends all graduated from U.A and we all became pro hero's it's been few years since I moved out of my mother house living on my own wasn't so bad Ochako also said she liked me more than just a friend but I didn't feel the same way I just saw her as a friend nothing more also am 24 years old as I got up from bed to get ready for the day took a shower and fix myself breakfast after that I went to my room and put on my hero costume to go on Patrol as I left my apartment and into the city as I landed on the roof of a building looking out for crime or a villain I was there for an hour or so

Deku: hm it's really quiet I don't see anything out of the ordinary

That's when I heard a large explosion in the distance and I saw smoke

Deku: w..what heck I better go check that out

As I jumped roof to roof I made it to where the explosion was it was really hard to see through the smoke that when I saw Kacchan fighting a villian


I jumped down into the alley next to Kacchan


Deku: Am here to help you Kacchan!


Deku: Kacchan wait don't be reckless!

Why do Kacchan have to be hot headed he never listens to me that's how he almost died last time when he was fighting a villian

Villain: Now Now blonde why so angry


Villain: Hmm someone needs to be taught a lesson


Kacchan: Huh?!

That's when Kacchan got hit by a beam that sent him flying into a wall by the villian

Villain: I hope you like the way you are now~ because you'll be stuck like that permanently~ bye~

As I ran over to Kacchan something was definitely wrong he was still breathing that's good but his clothes looked way to big to be on him he looked young like 9 years old instead of 25 years old that's not good he's going freak out when he wakes up so I picked him up and took him to my apartment to figure out what to do since the villian got away it's been a few hours since Kacchan got hit with the beam he's still unconscious I was starting to get worry so I decided to call All Might for some advice

Kid Kacchan: ugh.. my head hurts huh what happened to my voice

Kid Kacchan P.O.V

As I looked down at my self what happened to my body and my hero costume I looked around this isn't my apartment where the hell am I as I got up I ran over to a nearby mirror and look at myself

Kid Kacchan: Ahhhhhh!

Deku P.O.V

After All Might finished giving me advice I ended the call what am I gonna do how do I tell Kacchan's parents as I was in deep thoughts I heard a scream from my living room as I ran in there I see Kacchan looking at him self in the mirror

Deku: Kacchan every is gonna be okay just try to relax


Deku: you was hit with a beam by the villian and turned into a kid you look to be 9 years old

Kid Kacchan: AM 9 YEARS OLD!

Deku: oh the villian also said you be stuck like that permanently I don't think she was joking

Kid Kacchan: stuck this f.. forever

Kacchan looked like his world came crashing down around him and he started crying I never seen Kacchan cry before I pick him up and set him on my lap and hug him

Kid Kacchan: I..I should have l..listened to you D..Deku

Deku: don't blame your self Kacchan it's not your fault

Kid Kacchan: No Deku it is my fault I should have listened to you

Deku: how about we get some rest and figure out what to do tomorrow okay

Kid Kacchan: okay

As Kacchan went to sleep on the couch I went back to my room and went to sleep as well

Kid Kacchan's Dream

I was laying in bed watching TV I heard someone walk in the room I looked up to see Deku not wearing a shirt and only had his boxers on

Deku: how's my little princess doing~

huh? I said looking at him

Deku: Kacchan your face is cute when it's all red~

he started walking towards me and got in bed with me then he told me to suck on his fingers I did what I was told but didn't know why then he turned me around with my ass up in the air and stuck his 3 fingers in my ass I started to moan loudly

Deku: I love it when you make those cute sounds Kacchan~

he then took off his boxers I looked back to see a 12inch dick my eyes went wide he then stuck it in me it was half way in my hole but eventually all 12inch was in my ass my eyes were rolling to the back of my head

Deku: your so tight my sweet Kacchan~

then Deku took both of my arms started fucking me so fast I couldn't even think straight

Deku: what's my name Kacchan~


Deku: wrong answer Kacchan~

he started fucking me even harder now


Deku: that's a good boy~

End Of Dream

Kid Kacchan's P.O.V

I woke up sweating my face was a deep red and my body was hot that dream felt so real the sun was just coming up I went back to thinking about the dream i had deep in thought until

Deku: good morning Kacchan

I looked up at him my face started turning red

Deku: Kacchan are you okay?

Kid Kacchan: am fine just some weird dream I had

Deku: want to talk about it

Kid Kacchan: No!

Deku P.O.V

that's when Kacchan got off the couch and ran to the bathroom and closed the door with a red face

Deku: I wonder what his dream was about


It's been a month since Kacchan got turned into a kid he basically stays with me now most of his clothes didn't fit him anymore so i to buy him kid clothes and shoes but Kacchan's been acting weird lately his face is always red around me I wonder why as I thought I left Kacchan a note that said I'll be out on Patrol I'll be back later as I looked at Kacchan sleeping on the couch

Deku: he looks cute sleeping I thought

what hell am thinking I shook my head and walk out the door

Kid Kacchan P.O.V

I woke up having another dream with Deku fucking me senseless I looked around to see the sun is already up then I saw a note on the table I then read it

Kid Kacchan: so Deku won't be back until later

As i put the note back on the table I fix myself some cereal and when I was done I was walking back to the couch until I heard a vibrating sound it was coming from Deku's room as I went to his room his bed was really big then I saw his phone on his dresser

Kid Kacchan: that idiot forgot his phone

I wonder if his phone has a lock or a password on it but it doesn't I started to look through his phone I didn't see anything out of the ordinary that's when I hit images and saw Deku taking a picture with his shirt off I started bitting my lip and my face got red that's when I saw another picture it was his dick it was so large and long and his balls were fucking huge my mouth started drooling my body was getting hot and my breathing was getting faster

Kid Kacchan: I want it inside me

I started fingering myself thinking of Deku's dick going inside of me

Deku P.O.V

As I got home I opened the door I didn't see Kacchan watching TV

Deku: I wonder where he is

As I closed the door I heard moaning

Deku: what the...

It was coming from my room as I walk to my room my eyes went wide at what I saw

Deku: K..Kacchan what are up doing?


He said pulling his pants back up

Kid Kacchan P.O.V

Deku begin to walk towards the the bed and he picked up his phone and looked at the picture I was looking at then he looked at me and set down on the bed looking at the the floor I started to panic when he didn't say anything

Deku: Kacchan come here

I didn't say anything I just did what I was told to as I stood in front of him

Deku: get on your knees Kacchan

I did as I was told to by getting on me knees he then pulled his zipper down and pulled his dick out

Deku: suck it

I did as I was told I started suck him off the whole thing couldn't fit in my mouth but eventually I relaxed my throat and started taking all 12inch in my mouth I looked up at Deku he was bitting his lip

Deku: fuck Kacchan~

He grabbed my head and started fucking my throat my eyes were rolling to the back of my head

Deku: Kacchan am cumming OH! FUCK!

There was so much cum going down my throat to my stomach I started to look like I was pregnant he then pulled his dick out of my mouth I was breathing really hard he picked me up and put me on the bed he took my pants and underwear off and started licking my hole after he was done he stuck his dick in my hole all 12inch

Deku: Kacchan your so tight~

He laid down on top of me and put his arm around my neck and started fucking me senseless

Kid Kacchan: D...Deku your dick is so big HA! ~

Deku: do you love my dick Kacchan~

Kid Kacchan: AH! y..yes Deku love your fat cock~

Deku: fuck Kacchan am cumming!

Kid Kacchan: cum inside me Deku~

Deku: OHH! FUCK!

There was so much cum going inside of me my eyes were rolling to the back of my head eventually I passed out

Deku P.O.V

I pulled my dick out of Kacchan's hole a lot of my cum came out his hole

Deku: I think he passed out

A week has passed eventually Kacchan wanted to tell his parents about how he was turned into a kid again surprisingly they handled news very good they asked him if he wanted to live with them again but Kacchan wanted to stay with me his parents were shock but his mom told me to take care of him I do in ways I can't tell them

Kid Kacchan: hey Deku can you come here for a moment

Deku: sure Kacchan

I got up from the couch after watching some crazy game show

I saw Kacchan trying some clothes on I bought for him

Kid Kacchan: so how do I look?

I looked at him for a minute or so he had a red shirt with long sleeves and tight blue jeans that hugged his ass in all the right places

Deku: you look hot Kacchan

He face was the same color as his shirt eventually he put his red shoes on and I put my clothes on to we out to eat it was kinda like a date


We made it back to my apartment I opened the door and closed it behind us

Deku: did you enjoy our date Kacchan

Kid Kacchan: I did Deku

I walked to the couch and pulled my pants down and set down

Deku: now Kacchan come here suck my cock~

Kid Kacchan: y..yes Daddy Deku

He got on his knees and took all 12inch of my cock into his mouth he looked up at me his eyes was shaped like heart's full of desire

Deku: fuck Kacchan am gonna cum!

He started sucking harder

Deku: OHH! FUCK!

He drunk all of my cum and pulled my cock out of his mouth with a popping noise and smiled at me

Kid Kacchan: did you like Daddy Deku~

Fuck I couldn't resist him anymore I took the rest of my clothes off and I took of Kacchan's clothes off and started fucking him senseless

Deku: fuck Kacchan your so tight it's like your hole is sucking me in~

Kid Kacchan: I can get tighter if you want~

That's exactly what he did

Deku: fuck I can't hold it anymore am gonna cum!

Kid Kacchan: cum inside me Daddy Deku~

Deku: OHH! FUCK!

Kid Kacchan: AHHHhhh...!

Deku: I love you so much Kacchan

Kid Kacchan: I love you too Daddy Deku~