Succubus deku

Izuku walks into his room and falls onto his bed, but instead of sadness it was delight. After his meeting with All-Might and how he agreed to train him to become his new successor, Izuku became ecstatic due to not only be trained by All-Might but obtain the heroes power.

Izuku got under the covers of his bed as he began to fall asleep, happy for the next day of events to come

——————————-the next day————————————

The alarm next to his bed woke Izuku up, causing him to slam his fist on the off button. He body sat up at an angle with his back aching for some reason but he just chocked it up to his sleeping funny. He walked up to his door, opened it and headed to the bathroom across the hall. He was gonna start his morning routine but stopped as he looked in the mirror at his reflection.

Staring back at him was himself but with two green horns, two dark green wings and a tail with a pink heart at the end of it.

That's not all as he also had the physique of someone like the R-rated hero, Midnight. Except he swore he looked bigger than her which seemed impossible. He had a pair of massive tits, a nice hourglass figure, a plump ass, a thin waist and thick thighs.

Izuku thought he was dreaming until he looked down and saw the pair of boobs on his chest and did the only logical thing as he firmly grabbed his new "assets" and confirming correctly that they were real. After confirming this he did the only logical thing.

He screamed

(PS his mother isn't the small version we see in the show and is like she was when Izuku was younger)

Inko, his mother, rushed to her son only to see a female version of Izuku screaming at his reflection with her hands grabbing her tits.

Inko: Izuku, is that you

Inko's voice was shaky as she didn't know who Thai stranger was, she just assumed that it was her son since she sounded like him.

Izuku: Mom, what happened to me?

Izuku's voice conveyed his fear, the face he made was a cry to help as she hugged her son as she patted the boys head. She began to pat his head as the two went to the ground with the boy sobbing.

Inko:(calm) it's okay, it's okay, mommy's here, I'll keep you safe.

She then cupped her hands around his face as her son looked her in the eyes.

Inko: now go get changed into some cloths then let's go the hospital for a check up, sound good?

He nods as the two get up and walk to his room, today was gonna be a long day


Izuku was currently sitting in a room with his mother as they awaited for the results from the tests they ran on Izuku from an MRI scan to a blood test to and X-ray. The door opened as a man in a doctors uniform walked in, he had black hair and brown eyes.

Doctor: okay Mrs. Midoriya, your son is fine it's just he seems to have awakened his quirk

Inko and Izuku sighed in relief at the news, turns out Izuku was worried over nothing.

Inko: what is his quirk anyway?

Doctor: from the tests we have decided to call it "succubus" as we have determined that he has the powers of a succubus, a sex demon in the underworld

Izuku gulped at the mention of his quirk resembling a demon and one that specializes in sex.

Izuku: w-w-well what can I do?

Doctor: increased strength, speed and reflexes, flight capabilities, increase hormones, both male and female special parts, a female reproductive system and, of course, the horns and tail, as well as some other abilities we are unsure of. I suggest you take it easy for the next few days and try to learn about how your quirk functions. Mrs. Midoriya please make sure to keep us posted for each new development made, okay?

Inko:*nods* is he safe to go?

Doctor: oh, yeah he fine, we'll run a few last tests her and figure out what other abilities he has but he doesn't need to be here for them, you can go now.

Izuku and Inko thanked the man as they walked back out to the car. When they got in, Izuku asked his mother to drive to Dagobah beach as he needed to meet with All-Might today.


All-Might was pacing back and forth as he waited for young Midoriya and his mother to arrive. said that he awakened his quirk and was late because of a quirk check up. All-Might didn't have to wait long as a blue car pulled up to the beach as a familiar faced stepped out of the passenger side.

The symbol of peace was taken aback by the boys change in appearance as he looked more like a girl than anything else. The next participant was the boys mother who looked like Izuku does now but with longer hair and no additional add ons.

Izuku: Mom this is Mr. Toshinori Yagi, my mentor. Mister Yagi this is my mother Inko Midoriya

His mother and his mentor shock hands with one another

Inko: pleasure to meet you Mr. Yagi, my son speaks highly of you

AM: pleasure to meet you Mrs. Midoriya. So young Midoriya, what is your quirk?

Izuku: uh, it's called "succubus"

AM: like the sex demon?

Izuku: yeah

AM: well than, that's certainly, an interesting quirk

Izuku: it gives me increase strength and agility as well as flight to boot

AM: impressive young Midoriya

Inko: so, what exactly does Izuku do with you for "training"

AM: I'm having him clean the beach to increase his muscles. I have a med kit with me should Izuku get cut by something and infected.

Inko: well at least I know you mean well

AM: you son truly has the heart of a hero and that is why I'm training him to be my successor

Izuku: thanks All-Might

Izuku and All-Might went pale when Izuku finished his sentence. His mother took a good look at Toshinori before realizing that Izuku wasn't lying.


Izuku: ugh, suprise?

Inko: why didn't you say anything Izuku

AM: this training its top secret, the only ones who knew about it was Izuku and me.

Inko: anything else I should know??

AM: well

Inko: oh for gods sake

So for the next hour, Toshinori told Inko One For All and how he intended to pass it down to Izuku. Inko was stunned before collecting her cool.

Inko: as long as your okay with this Izuku than so am I

Izuku: thanks mom

AM: now then I think you should go home young Midoriya, get some rest and try to gain control of your quirk. Also maybe get some new cloths.

Izuku than waved goodbye to his master as Ink and Izuku went off to a clothing store.


Inko and Izuku walked in with Izuku being extremely embarrassed since, due to now being a female and having EXTREMELY large boobs, he needed to get a bra as well as some custom clothing made for him due to his wings and tail.

Inko took him to the back as she meet with the designer in the back who just so happened to by Mitsuki Bakugou

Inko: hello Mitsuki

Mitsuki: hey there Inko, haven't seen you here in a while, what's the fuss all about?

Izuku puked Izuku into the room as Mitsuki's brained stopped working before she blinked a few times and just stared. Inko than did a very quick explanation of what Izuku's situation was minus the bit with All-Might.

Mitsuki:so let me get this straight,*points to Izuku* that's Izuku

Inko: yes

Mitsuki: and he has a quirk now

Inko: yes

Mitsuki: and said quirk turned him into a succubus

Inko: yes

Mitsuki: and he's still a male?

Inko: yes

Mitsuki: and now you want me to make a bra for your son

Inko: yes

Mitsuki: welp I've just about seen it all. Anyway Izuku let's get you measured up.

Mitsuki took out a measuring tape as Izuku took of his shirt, revealing the ample set of cleavage that was his boobs. She measured and found them as 101 centimeters or 75 F-cup is size. The size shocked Mitsuki as her own were around that size and Izuku was 16 still. She noted it down on a sheet of paper as she want to his waist.

His waist was round 84 centimeters, which was normal for a kid his age. She then went to his ass as he had a nice heart shaped but also noticed his groin tucked away within his underwear. She did a few more measurements of his body like his new wings, his tail, legs and arms just in case they ever needed something involving those measurements.

Mitsuki: well you in luck, there's bras within the store that fit you perfectly kid. I'll send you out to find them while I talk with your mother about some clothing options. Once you find it, come back here with at least three different ones and we'll try them on.

Izuku sighs in relief as he is handed a note with the bra size he needs, his his swaying back and forth as he walked with his boobs bouncing back and forth with each step. He closed the door as Mitsuki sat back in her seat.

Inko: so any advice?

Mitsuki: well for starters keep him away fro strip joints and porn studios

Inko slapped her friend on the head

Inko: Mitsuki take this seriously

Mitsuki: sorry, sorry, it's just weird to see a guy with boobs as big as your own

Inko: seriously?

Mitsuki: yup, 101 centimeters, exactly my bra size

Inko was surprised, she knew her son now had big boobs but not that big

Mitsuki: anyway, there are plenty of clothes her with holes in the back for those who's quirks give them wings so just look for those and you'll be all good

Inko smiled as the door opened to reveal Izuku with three bra's with all three in varying shades of green. Izuku removed his shirt once again as he began to place the bra on his chest with him struggling to attach it at first due to his wings but, eventually, was able to attach it.

Inko: how's does it feel Izu?

Izuku: weird. Comfy but weird

Mitsuki: and that surprises nobody

Izuku tries the other two on with little effort as he wa getting the hang of it as time passed. He eventually walked out with his mother as they followed Mitsuki to get some normal clothing. Thankfully to cure Izuku's inner fanboy they had a selection of hero theme clothing, including and All-Might hoody with spots for his wings that fit just perfectly.

After the Midoriya's made their purchases they both got home with no issue whatsoever. When they enters inside, Izuku went right to his room as he began to organize his new wardrobe as Inko made Izuku katsudon. After about and hour or so Izuku finished his organizing, they had their bowls of Katsudon as the sun began to set with Izuku kissing his mother goodnight before heading to bed.


The doctor Inko and Izuki visited earlier looked over the new abilities of Izuku's quirk, his left hand covered his mouth as he looked over the data. The doctor made a call to Inko. The doctor began to sweet as he was sent to voicemail.

Doctor: hello Mrs Midoriya, I am doctor D and please call me back as this involves your sons quirk, thanks bye.

After he left the voicemail, he took one final look a the sheets in front of him.

"User needs to have sex with the opposite sex (can have sex with the same people twice) once a month as they get slightly weaker each day they don't have sex"

"User releases pheromones that make those of the opposite sex lust to have sex with them"

"After having sex with someone of the opposite gender, the use make a deal with them and control them"

"This quirk cannot leave its user"

Doctor: this is an SS tier quirk After five months of training, All-Might gives Izuku One For All earlier than expected thanks to his new quirk. Sadly though All-Might fails to account for what OFA would do to Izuku's original quirk and it ends up backfiring in more way than one.

Chapter Text

Izuku was currently finishing the last of the trash on Dagobah beach as he moved it to the back of the beach and near All-Might and his mother. Aside from having to getting used to having a female figure despite being a dude, Izuku's new found quirk helped him a lot when it came to training for One For All. Not to mention with his mother now knowing his secret he had some huge weight off his shoulders.

Izuku: that's the last of it

AM: well done young Midoriya

Inko: you did great sweety


AM: now than, thanks your new found quirk allowing you to not only complete this four months before the entrance exams but also have a better handle of One for All

Izuku smiled, all his hard work was paying off and he was finally getting One For All. As much as he liked that he had a quirk, it was very weird. All-Might than transformed into his buff form as he pulled out a strand of hair


Izuku and Inko: heh

AM:you have to ingest some of my DNA in order to inherit One For All

Despite Izuku's protest he eat the hair which, fortunately, wasn't as bad as he though. Sure it still was bad but it could've been worse. All-Might returned to his smaller form as to not draw any attention

Izuku: so how long until I get OFA?

AM: within a few hours, I suggest getting plenty of rest before hand

Izuku and Inko said their goodbyes as they got in their car and went to there home. After a little while they got home and decided to order some pizza and watch a movie afterwards. Izuku's new quirk thankfully did have any negative drawbacks to his diet, aside from the whole "have sex once a month" thing which really didn't seem to phase Izuku as he felt fine. Sure he did feel weaker but only slightly.

After a little while of waiting, Inko began to grow concerned of how Izuku felt due to what she had been told by the doctor


Izuku and Inko were once again in Doctor Dee's office after Inko got the voicemail concerning Izuku's quirk new abilities.

Inko: so let me get this straight, in order to not grow weaker he must have sex with a female which would then cause them to be mind controlled and become his faithful servant

Dee: yes sadly, though this might be a good thing

Inko crossed her arms as Izuku tilted his head to the right

Dee: I did a bit or research and your husband is dead and—

Inko: are you telling me that I should have sex with my son

Dee: I'm merely stating it as a possibility until he gets a willing girlfriend

As much as Inko would hate to disagree he had a point. Hisashi had died several years ago in a terrible car accident that also destroyed any chance of Inko every having children ever again. Plus Izuku could relieve some stress and not become so weak he can't walk.

Inko: I understand

Dee: just please, think about it

End of Flashback

Inko looked over to her son as he went to get the food from the delivery man. She knew Izuku was getting weaker by the day and she needed to help one way or another. As Izuku set the food down and they began to eat, Izuku gripped his head in pain.

Inko: you okay sweetheart

Izuku: yeah just a minor headache that's all

Inko: maybe one for all is manifesting inside you?. How about afterward you take a shower to clean off and cool your head

Izuku: okay

Dinner went on normally and uneventfully as any dinner would. Izuku went to take a shower as Inko stayed to clean up the food much to Izuku's belligerence. After about ten or so minutes, Inko was about to head to the couch when she smelled something sweet and delicious coming inside the house. She followed the smell to the bathroom and opened to door to see Izuku taking a shower whilst listening to some music.

Inko watched as his boobs tossed with each motion his upper body made. His ass jiggled to the beat of the song in the radio. But what caught her attention most of all was his big, fat, juicy cock, is was just so meaty and thick that she needed it, she wanted it.

Izuku turned off the music and the water in the shower as he stepped out and dried himself off only to see his mother in the doorway as he covered his groin up. Izuku was about to panic until he saw the look in his mother's eyes, she looked surprised as she was also salivating.

Izuku: you okay mom

Inko: my room, five minutes, only a bra and underwear

With that Inko left and Izuku did as instructed by his mother more confused than ever before. Once he got a good sleeping bra on and some underwear, he went to his mothers room only to not find her there when he opened the door. He entered further until he head the door shut and lock behind him. He turned to see his mother only she wasn't in her underwear.

She was full blown naked

Izuku quickly covered his eyes only to learn that was a big mistake when he was tackled into the bed behind him by his mother. Izuku was about to question and speak his mind but his mouth was covered by his mothers hand.

Inko: Izuku, I need you to have sex with me. The walls are soundproof so there is no worry of the neighbors hearing us

He then stripped her son of his underwear as she went to detach his bra. Izuku wanted to say something when he suddenly undid his own bra. Izuku began to panic as his mother grab his bra and threw it to the side. Inko pulled him off the bed and into a standing position.

Inko: come get you prize Izuku *giggle*

Izuku decided that this was happening where he liked it or not and decided to go with the flow. His mother was very hot and she was also single so there was little issue there. Izuku hoped onto the bed and above his mother, his tits pressing against his mothers.

Izuku then inserted his dick into his mothers pussy as she moaned. Izuku then began to suck on his mothers tits causing her to lactate milk. He moved his dick back and forth within his mother with her mowing each time his snake reached the top of her cave. Izuku reeled his head back to catch some air from sucking his mothers boobs.

Inko: Okay Izuku, my turn

She grabbed Izuku's massive jugs and began to suck on him, causing him to moan very womanly causing Inko to stop in realization, his boobs were sensitive. She went back to sucking on them which cause Izuku to bounce up and down which made his sick move back and forth until something strange happened

Inko moved her head back to look at her son as his boobs suddenly doubled in size and grew a pair of lips, each cover in emerald green lipstick. The mouths open to reveal a set of teeth and a green tongue each at least six inches in length.

That's not all as it seems Izuku also had green lipstick on that matched the boob mouths and had a tongue now equally as long but with a fork in the middle like a snake. His horns grew longer, his tail doubled in length(from three feet to six), his hair got longer to make him look even more like a girl and his dick got even bigger becoming two feet long and thee inches thick

Inko: Izuku, what happ—

She was unable to question this when Izuku's boobs began to suck on his mother's tits and his duck was reinserted into his mother. Inko's face was grabbed before Izuku began kissing his mother with his long snake like tongue entering her mouth and beating her in a tongue battle for dominance.

Izuku's boobs soon eat her own boobs whole and began to suck them despite the boobs basically drop throating them. His dick continued to move back and forth inside her before Inko was lifted into the air by her son Izuku had grown to be twice her size making him 9'10" tall. Their mouths soon parted ways for air as Inko's heart filled eyes meet Izuku's green eyes as he began to chant a deal for Inko

Izuku:you are forever my personal fuck-toy, I can fuck you whenever I so please and you will never, ever have sex with another man until I say so. In return you can have as much of me as you please my dearest mother

Inko: yes my master

Izuku:also just call me son or Izuku, master just feels weird

Inko: okay my son

They went back to kissing as Izuku and Inko were oblivious to the new tatto of Inko's face on Izuku's stomach. All these new changes that have awakened in Izuku were thanks to the addition of One For All. Izuku and Inko soon grew tied and fell asleep as many of the changes reversed themselves back to normal


Izuku woke up from his slumber as he went to take a shower, again as he had no recollection of last night. When he looked in the mirror he noticed that he was naked, nothing special but he new had mouths in his boobs as well as a tattoo of his mother's face on the right hand side of his stomach.

That's not all as when he attempted to open his mouth boobs not only did he succeed but he learned that they had teeth and everything. He then tire to control the tongue inside the mouths and found them to be six inches longer. He then tested his own tongue and found it to be the same length but with a fork in the middle, like a snake.

Izuku: what happened?

Inko: we had sex last night and that's were the changes that appeared to be permanent.

Izuku jumped when he heard his mothers voice as his boobs jiggled once again with the force of gravity. Izuku saw his mother still naked and was gonna gmcover his eyes till his boobs latched into his mothers boobs and began to suck once again.

Izuku couldn't believe it his own boobs had sentience and it was really frustrating that his mothers tits were what they like. He then waked them off his mother which cause them to calm down as he took a show with his mother walking back to her room to use her personal shower. After getting out of the shower he found the bras and underwear from last night on the sink. Thankfully his new mouths didn't get in the way of his bra fitting so he was thankful there.

Izuku just sighed as he knew he was in for a LOOOOOOONG next few months till the exam. Izuku was currently standing in from of the gates of UA, his hard work and training with All-Might for both OFA and his own quirk had now allowed him to make it here in front of the most infamous hero school in Japan and possible the world even.

The last four months were weird with the negative affects of Izuku's quirk taking place at the end of each month with him blacking out and suddenly waking up in his mothers bed. Izuku had to get used to the whole "tit mouths" thing but fortunately they weren't noticeable when he was wearing anything and only really acted up towards the end of the month or whenever someone, AKA his mother, would act seductively towards him. It also didn't help that, since they had their own sentience, they could access OFA and do sort of pseudo boob smash.

Speaking of that quirk, thanks to obtaining OFA four months prior Izuku has had time to try and get used to it. Whilst he couldn't use it at 100% without breaking his limbs, he could use it in smaller doses and around his whole body in what he called "Full Cowling". Whilst it was weaker it did give him a good power boost and allowed to become be even more efficient with OFA than before and his percentage went to about 15% from the training over four months.

Izuku took a deep breath before walking towards the massive compound before bumping into someone he really hoped he wouldn't run into

Katsuki Bakugou

Izuku:(nervous) hey Kachan, how are you today?

Katsuki took one look at the boy before a realization hit him and his eyes widened in shock.

Katuski:(confused) Deku?

Izuku:(nervous) yeah thats me, Izuku Midoriya, heheheeeee

There was an awkward silence before Bakugou dragged Izuku to somewhere more private and out of site of any of the camera's UA had installed, but in lay mans terms he just walked into the bathroom with Izuku despite him looked like a chick. Katsuki managed to find one with nobody in it as he shoved Izuku in and locked the door

Izuku:(scared) Look I know this looks bad but its actual--

Katsuki: I'm sorry

Izuku:(confused) heh

Katsuki:my mom told me about what happened to you, how you became whatever the hell you are

Izuku: a succubus

Katsuki: yeah that and it got me thinking if whether or not this was all my fault. I read the quirks like yours come out due to extreme stress or from a combination of their parents quirks which I know for fact that's not the reason. Look I know what I said and that I could never take back all the horrible things I did but I just want you to know I truly am sorry.

Izuku didn't know what to say, Katsuki Bakugou was apologizing to him. Izuku was happy to finally have his friend that he hugged him, his tits rubbing against his friends chest as the boy was taken by surprise by Izuku being so forgiving. Izuku put his friend down as Izuku wiped away some tears of joy.

Izuku: thanks Kachan, lets start over, as friends, K?

Katsuki: Thanks you damn nerd, also just so you know this doesn't mean I still won't whoop your ass in this exam nor am I gonna stop calling you Deku

Izuku: good, it would feel weird if you did

Katsuki: gotta say though when you hugged me your tits felt weird, I've been hugged by woman with big tits before and they didn't feel like that so whats with them anyway

Izuku: you wouldn't believe me if I tried

Katsuki: it couldn't be that bad

Izuku took his top and bra off to reveal the two lips that were on his boobs as the one on his right licked its lips with its long, black tongue. Izuku put them away before things got really weird

Katsuki:(frighten and aroused) your right, thats very fucking weird

Izuku: how do you think I fell? I'm the one with them on my body

Katuski: lets get going, we don't wanna be late

The two boys left the room as they hustled to the first area for the exams, the written exams. These weren't that hard for Izuku as he was very smart so it wasn't a big issue. After completing the test and handing it in, he walked to the waiting room where he meet up with Bakugou and they began to talk. Eventually the stadium began to fill up with people arriving presumably from the same area they both came from. Most the guys looked at Izuku with lust-fullness whilst the girls looked at him in jealousy, well it was less him they were looking at and more his massive tits on his chest.

Suddenly the sound hero present mic came up and presented himself to the crowd of students. It was nothing special just him explaining the rules of the exam to use. There was this one guy but he was mostly quite aside from his one remark of the exam.

Anyway as Izuku got to the physical part he waved goodbye to Bakugou as he was in cite C whilst Izuku was in site B


Everyone began waiting for a countdown, well everyone except for Izuku as he burst forward and flew into skies as he began to attack the robots below.


Izuku began to destroy robots left and right but didn't destroy all of them as he didn't want to take away possible points for other competitors. He quick found two 2 pointers before destroying them with an 8% smash. He was about to be attacked by another 2 pointer when he used his boobs and they did a 10% smash, wrecking the robot.


In the observation room, the staff of UA watched the examine's take the exam. They stopped to look at Izuku as he broke the robot with his boobs. One of those people examining the kids was All-Might who was impressed at Izuku's ability to use OFA, especially since his master, Nana, never once used her boobs to smash a robot to bits. This stunt didn't go unnoticed, especially by the R-rated hero, Midnight

Midnight: man, that was impressive, using her boobs to smash a robot

Snipe: is anyone else both frightened and aroused

The other males in the room as well as Midnight also nodded. Nezu immediately pulled up Izuku's file and everyone, minus All-Might's, jaw dropped when they saw that Izuku's gender on the paper was listed as male.

Mic: okay, either that's some sick joke or it's a fake ID

AM: I can attest to the whole ordeal. I meet young Midoriya before and he was a guy before his quirk turned his body EXTREMELY feminine

Cementoss: what's "his" quirk anyway

Nezu scrolled down further as he read it aloud

Nezu: succubus

Ectoplasm: like the sex demon?

AM:*nods* Midoriya has stated it as such, the power gives him increased physical abilities as well as a tail and wings.

Midnight: not a bad quirk but it kinda sucks that he's a guy, kid would KILL in the modeling industry.

Nezu: as much as discussing about this student intrigues me, it's time to release the zero pointer.

With Izuku, he just finished off his last robot getting him a perfect 69 points which just made him giggle internally. Suddenly the ground shock as the massive robot that was the zero pointer suddenly appeared before the students. Izuku was about to run away when he saw the girl that he meet earlier was trapped an about to be crushed by the robot.

Izuku blasted off at lightning speeds towards the robots head. When he got at point blank range, he fired off a 100% smash into its cranium as the machine toppled over beaten. Izuku smiled as he fell to the ground only to be saved by the girl he just saved as she smacked him in the face.

When Izuku and the girl landed on the ground safely he noticed she had an injured ankle and picked her up and brought her to the incoming nurse, Recovery Girl.

RG: place her here dearie

Izuku placed her down as he fell on his butt use to how sore his arm was. Fortunately he had a lot of stamina to spar which allowed him to be healed by Recovery Girl's quirk but he was still tired and he fell asleep. When he woke up he found himself within the nursing ward if UA and was approached

RG: your awake good, fortunately enough though you only were asleep for about 30 minutes to so. You'll feel a little fatigued due to my quirk healing you but other than that your free to go. Just take these gummies and be careful okay kid.

Izuku nodded as he took and ate the gummies as he left the school grounds. Izuku checked his phone only to realize that he would miss his train home as he had about a thirty minute walk from the train and the next one wouldn't be there for a while so he just decided to walk home. He texted his mother the situation and she said that she was fine so long as he got there within the hour.

Some time later

Izuku was walking through Musutafu city on his way home, he decided to take a shortcut through an alleyway as to avoid people and get home faster. The alleyway was simply go straight, the right than left and you'd be Scott free. As he was running through the alleyway he began to fell weak as he took a wrong turn and ended up at a dead end. He would normally if not for the fact that his quirk was beginning to act up due to needed to have sex, meaning it would outputting pheromones to attract a girl to him to have sex with him

In the middle of the day, in public, in an abandoned alleyway.

He was gonna run until a girl suddenly showed up outta nowhere, The girl had periwinkle hair, blue eyes and a blue dress in her body. She had a perfect hourglass figure, a nice heart shaped ass and a very nice big set of tits, whilst her boobs weren't as big as Izuku's, they were will still very big at 84 centimeters in size which was the size of his mothers set. Izuku got rock hard as he steed at the girl in front of him.

Girl: hey are you okay, you seem lost?

Izuku: no I'm good, miss

Nejire: Nejire Hado to you madam

Izuku: Izuku Midoriya and I'm actually a guy. Well I was a guy till my quirk made me look like a succubus, which is female.

Izuku did what he could to not try and let his body overpower him

Nejire: REALLY THATS SO COOL, the whole you being a guy in a girls body not the whole succubus thing. So what's it like to have boos? Do you have lady parts? Have you had sex before?

Izuku: Yes to the last two questions. My boobs are sorta weird as they have these mouths on them

Nejire: can I see them?

Izuku didn't know what to say till his body began to undress itself with his tail unsnapping his bra and his arms peeling off his shirt and bra. Nejire got a good look at his green mouth tits. She than began to inspect the one on the right as she opened it to reveal its long, black tongue. She then stuck her head inside much to Izuku's dismay.

Nejire: wow, this is so co—

Nejire was cut off when his mouth tongue wrapped around Nejire before it pulled her inside until her entire upper body was inside before closing shut on the girl. Nejire didn't immediately panic unlike Izuku who began to freak out.

Nejire:(muffled) hey Izuku, can you let me out

Izuku: I can't, my boobs have a mind of their

Nejire:(muffled) what do you me—

Nejire was cut off one again when the boob mouths stuck its tongue around her neck before pulling her in the rest of the way and closing shut. Izuku couldn't believe it HIS BOOBS ATE SOMEONE. He began to punch the mouth with his hands as she failed to notice his tail undoing the button on his pants. This of course didn't go on for long since Nejire was soon spit out by the mouth.

Izuku: OMG, Nejire you okay?

Nejire tossed her head as she was super confused on what happened until Izuku's pants fell down, revealing his dick, hard as a rock and one and a half feet long and three inches this. Her mind went into overdrive as Izuku's pheromones began to make her kind think things she normally wouldn't.

She needed to suck

Izuku was unable to get a word out as she pressed his dick against her lips and inserted it into her mouth. Izuku began to moan as he was worried about getting caught but this was abandoned alleyway, the building walls had no windows and to make matters worse(or better depends on who's talking) the building that surround Izuku and Nejire was sound proofed due to being a sound studio.

Izuku began to panic until his eyes went pink with hearts in them. His succubus personality kicking in once again and taking over his body. His new personality liked Nejire's body and knew she was the perfect one to test their new ability. Using his tail, he then pulled Nejire away from his dick.

Izuku: you can have this first but I'd rather not get you clothes dirtier than they already are.

Nejire complied as the two began to strip naked. Nejire began to stroke his dick until Izuku grew to be ten feet tall, fortunately still short enough at to not get seen over the building. His dick basically doubled in length to three feet long

This new size however didn't stop Nejire as she began to deep throat it as Izuku picked her up and rotated her 180 degrees so that her pussycats was right in front of his face. He tit mouths used their tongues to grab her legs and hold her steady as he inserted his snake tongue into her pussy as he continuously moved it back and forth inside her. This caused her to make a muffled moan as she continued to swallow his dick as well as message it and his balls.

Izuku began to feel something raising as he began the feel the need to do cum but also felt something else inside him rise as well.

Izuku: here it comes Nejire, I'm gonna, I'm gonna

Izuku blew his whole load in Nejire's mouth as she began to swallow it all into her stomach, as well as something else. This results in Nejire climaxing and passing out on the ground. Izuku shrunk back down to his normal size as he boobs began to suck on Nejire's boobs before being slapped.

Izuku:Girls behave, that's not how we treat our newest pet

Izuku's boobs kissed Nejire's boobs at the same time he kissed her. He then whisper something into her ear

Izuku:When you wake, you will tell no one of this. From now on you are my personal pet, anytime I'm in your presence and I snap my fingers whilst saying 'pussy' you shall begin to act like a cat, as well as tall like a cat. This will also happen if you attempt to tell anyone else about what happened but you will also begin to look for the nearest dick to suck, even those of your family.

He got the girl dressed as he also got dressed with him leaving the girl to her mortal wow's but not before adding his number to her phone. He placed it down as he walked back home to do whatever Izuku does.


Nejire woke up, remembering everything that happened to her in the alleyway. As much as she wanted to panic she honestly kinda liked it and hoped to do so again. When she opened her phone, she found a text message from Izuku.

Izuku: make it back home safely, hope to see you soon my little kitty

She remembered what Izuku said and wonder if what Izuku said was true about the whole "you will act like a cat" thing. She just floated her way in home as she texts Izuku saying "I'm okay, thanks for the great time . Hope to see you again soon. :p". When she got home her parents weren't home as they were out on an anniversary date so she just decided to take a shower.

Once she got in the shower, her stomach felt off but paid no mind to it as she did just drink a lot of Izuku's juices. As she stepped out of the shower she felt a pain k her groin as if it were on fire as she fell to the ground in pain. She looked at her vagina and passed her boobs as she say something she though she would never have. She got up and immediately ran to the nearby full body mirror.

That right, she had penis

That's not all, her body shot up in pain again, time her boobs which grew their own set of identical mouths like Izuku's only instead of green lipstick they had blue and their tongues were also a shade of light blue whilst also being six feet long. Her boobs also grew to be at the same size at Izuku's pair. Her lips got puffier as they became blue, she grew a pair of dark blue horns, a dark blue pair of wings, a long blue snake-like tongue and a blue tail with a green heart at the end. She also noticed a tattoo on her stomach with bold letter saying.


She heard a buzz behind her as she looked to her phone as saw a text from Izuku.

Izuku: your welcome for the upgrades, you just have to say "not horny" and they'll go away. To bring them back say "I'm horny". When I'm around I can say "Nejire horny" and your transform into this, you can also be affected by my enchantment whilst in this form. Your welcome :)

Nejire did as he said and said "not horny" and they disappeared. She then said "I'm horny" as the reappeared. She then began to pose as she kissed her boobs which kissed her back. She then went back to normal before changing into he pajamas and heading to bed.