Femboy deku

champagne, confetti and cock



"Please-", his hands scramble at Katsuki's shoulders. He needs more, wants more, wants to cum; he's been on edge for so long, all evening in fact. The large bulge pressing against his thigh has him trying to shift down, to feel it against his cock or his hole, anything to get a little friction, a little pressure. Subconsciously, he clenches down and he's reminded of the plug inside him. "Daddy," with what little coordination he has, he grasps the hand still groping at his tits and drags it down to his ass, "I- I've been a naughty boy." Katsuki's eyebrows raise, his gaze focused and searing into Izuku's very soul, coaxing out an explanation for such a statement. And instead of explaining, because his tongue feels too heavy and glutinous in his own mouth to speak right now, he shows.

Deku may top the Hero Billboard Charts but there's nothing he loves more than bottoming for his boyfriend in the bedroom.


Izuku becomes Number One and Kacchan rewards him.


Starting the year right by writing Deku getting fucked. This is just porn.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

The evening had been spectacular. The culmination of a childhood dream finally fulfilled, the result of countless moments of blood, sweat and tears shed to reach this one moment. Being Number One was something Izuku had once thought impossible. A futile dream for someone who had been born quirkless but one he silently clutched to with all his strength nonetheless. Honestly, apart from the almost surreal joy and lingering nostalgia, he didn't feel too different. It wasn't something life altering as he'd once imagined. A wonderful evening but the novelty had worn off quickly and despite the atmosphere, all Izuku wanted was to go home and share in the joy with the one person who truly understood. Who knew him best and who was with him every step of the way. The champagne and confetti were nice, his friends were sweet and the congratulations pouring in from all around made him blush but- but there was something else he was looking forward to. Something a certain blonde was aware of if the heated looks he had kept sending him were any indication. Mm, yes. Topping the Hero Charts was quite an achievement but tonight Izuku wanted a different type of reward.


It's heated as they stumble into the bedroom. As soon as the front door had closed, Katsuki had pounced, backing Izuku into the wall and kissing the breath out of him like a man drowning, lungs gasping for air. Drunk on expensive champagne and overwhelming joy, the shorter man had reciprocated enthusiastically, climbing the blond like a tree until his legs were wrapped around a trim waist and Katsuki had an armful of his boyfriend, whiny and needy, clinging in his arms. His clothes had been the first to come off. Kacchan's large hands relentless in their pursuit to touch skin, his coat had been tugged off him, and without much prompt, his nice shirt was all but ripped off his slender frame, a few of the buttons scattering in various directions but given no heed; both of them far too busy with eachother.

"Fuck, baby. Congratulations, you're Number One. How's it feel?" the words are said haltingly between quick kisses and sharp nips, on his cheeks, his jaw and down his neck, leaving in their wake pretty red teeth marks and glistening trails of saliva.

Izuku giggles. Arms tightening around Katsuki's broad shoulders and pulling himself closer, he says with an innocent tilt of the head, "Good. But better now that I'm here with you and we can celebrate properly."

His hunk of a boyfriend, as observant as ever, doesn't miss the twinkle in those green eyes or that specific, almost coy tone reserved for special nights. Nights like tonight. He smirks, voice deepening just a tad, "Yeah? Babyboy wants a reward?"

The switch is almost instantaneous, the kindling fire that was burning in Izuku's stomach grows into a proper flame at the words; feeding into his arousal like gasoline added to a bonfire. It's thrilling and sends tingles up his spine. He knows that voice, that tone, knows what those words mean, what those words bring. Being Kacchan's babyboy. Anticipation licks at his insides, his mind and body ready for anything, everything, that he'll be given tonight. God, it's ridiculous how easy he is for this man. Impatient, he grinds down onto the large hands cupping his ass and effortlessly holding up his not insignificant weight.

When he speaks again his voice is breathy, "Yes, please."

"Yes please, what, babyboy?", a smack echoes through the room as Katsuki brings a hand down, quick as a whip, to spank the shorter man through the fabric of his dress pants.

"Yes, daddy", he can't help the squeal that escapes his mouth. His asscheek smarts slightly from the spanking, a delicious burn that has his cock stiff and aching in his pants and his hole clenching tight around the plug still in him. The plug that he's been wearing all evening, the plug Kacchan has no idea about. Just thinking about it has him flushing ten different shades of pink. It had been an impulse decision to wear the princess plug. But one that was definitely worth it. Something about having his hole lubed, fucked and stretched around a pretty plug, all neatly tucked away from sight, under his formal clothes while he went about socialising with his peers was so inherently lewd. It had been a struggle to not squirm and grind and instead play the part of the well respected pro hero in front of the entire industry - his friends, the higher ups, all the cameras and fans - when he'd been feeling wonderfully full and wanted nothing more than to drag his boyfriend into the nearest bathroom and bend over and beg for him to put his big, fat dick in him. Fuck, he moans into daddy's kiss, what would the people say if they knew - if they knew what a slut their No.1 was.

"Daddy please. I need- need you. M'ready."

Katsuki moves through the dark apartment, expertly navigating the space while still kissing his tiny boyfriend in his arms. They make it to the bedroom and with one final squeeze of Izuku's plump ass, Katsuki drops him in the middle of the bed. They haven't even begun but Izuku looks so fucked out. Cheeks ruddy and eyes starting to take that familiar hazy look, he lies back squirming, rubbing his legs together. Katsuki wants to devour him.

"Daddy", his back archs beautifully, lips puckered invitingly for a kiss and Katsuki obliges because he can't deny his pretty baby anything. Shrugging off his suit coat and unbuttoning the collar of his shirt, he moves to where Izuku's sprawled out looking like some erotic renaissance painting. In the next moment, he's hovering over him on the bed, dwarfing Izuku completely with his larger bulk and once more kissing, licking, claiming that mouth.

"What's got you so needy today, huh, baby? So fucking desperate for me."

Warm palms come to cup Izuku's pecs. Stilling for a moment and enjoying the weight and feel of the firm tits, squeezing them and pushing them up to sit high on his chest and - oh, that feels good. Just as Izuku is about to speak, calloused fingers suddenly pull at his pebbled nipples, tweaking them and pulling sharply, and instead of words, what leaves Izuku's throat is a loud cry, high and pitchy from the pleasure-pain pricking at his sensitive nips.

"Please-", his hands scramble at Katsuki's shoulders. He needs more, wants more, wants to cum; he's been on edge for so long, all evening in fact. The large bulge pressing against his thigh has him trying to shift down, to feel it against his cock or his hole, anything to get a little friction, a little pressure. But it's a futile endeavour; he's pinned down by the blond's larger body and no amount of wiggling and whining gets him what he wants. He's so turned on from so little. Subconsciously, he clenches down and he's reminded of the plug inside him.

"Daddy," with what little coordination he has, he grasps the hand still groping his tits and drags it down to his ass, "I- I've been a naughty boy, daddy." Katsuki's eyebrows raise, his gaze focused and searing into Izuku's very soul, coaxing out an explanation for such a statement. And instead of explaining, because his tongue feels too heavy and glutinous in his own mouth to speak right now, he shows.

He brings his Kacchan's hand lower, dragging the fingers over the fabric of his pants, up his taint and wedging them in between his ass, over his clothed hole. Understanding lights up those vermillion eyes and a wicked smirk stretches over Kacchan's - daddy's - lips as he prods around his bratty hole, feeling the enlarged base of his favourite plug and recognising it immediately.

The blond barks out a laugh, "You dirty slut. Is this why you've been so fucking needy all night?" Fingers tap the base of the plug and press down hard, pushing in the plug deeper and once more making Izuku gasp and cry out at the sudden stimulation. It bumps into his prostate, just barely, sending a bright jolt of pleasure that's far too quick and fleeting. Izuku feels tears well up in his eyes. So close.

"Babyboy, you're right. I was going to reward you but you have been a naughty boy. Walking around with a plug inside your asspussy all night without daddy's permission. Naughty, baby. And naughty boys deserve to get punished, don't they?" The words and tone are quiet, almost gentle in their delivery, but what makes Izuku shiver is the dark glint in his daddy's eyes. Excitement courses through him. He desperately needs a good dicking down.

"Answer me, slut", the hand not wedged against his ass comes to grip his face, tightening around his cheeks and jaw, forcing him out of his thoughts and bringing his focus back to the large man looming over him.

He licks his lips. "Yes daddy, I need to be punished." He averts his eyes almost demurely.

"Mm, strip. Then over my knees, baby. I'm going to have to teach that slutty little hole of yours a lesson."

Izuku does as instructed, standing on shaky legs as he strips out of his pants and underwear, baring himself to those dark, hungry eyes as they watch his every move. Daddy moves to sit on the edge of the bed, still fully clothed, sleeves rolled up and legs spread. He rakes his eyes over Izuku and Izuku fights the urge to cover himself. He feels open, vulnerable, like prey. His nipples are red and hard, body sensitive all over and his small cock - god, his cock is painfully hard, flushed cherry red and shiny with pre-cum, it stands ready at attention.

Katsuki pats his thighs and Izuku moves to him, gingerly laying down so his ass is perfectly level and his own cock rubs up against the larger clothed bulge under him. Katsuki manhandles him so his legs are spread wide and his his head is down, cheeks smushed into the soft mattress.

"Hold yourself open, baby. Let me see you."

And Izuku complies, his hands reaching back to grab at his plush asscheeks and pulling them apart, exposing his hole and plug stuffing it to the open air and Katsuki's eyes.

"Good, boy. You take instruction so well." Fingers stroke down his crack, lightly skimming over the butt plug, and trailing down his taint to cup his balls; rolling them, massaging them gently. Izuku feels hazy.

"Here's what's going to happen. You're going to hold this fat fucking ass open for me and I'm going to to spank your slutty pussy. Right here." Another push down on the anal plug. "You have a greedy fuckhole and it deserves to be punished, wouldn't you agree, baby?" The plug is then sharply tugged out without warning, just enough so it's widest part stretches Izuku's rim. Katsuki twists it around casually.

Izuku gasps,"Yes! Yes, daddy!"

The enthusiastic consent is all Katsuki needs to slowly begin to fuck into Izuku with the plug. Never fully out and never deep enough to touch his pleasure nut. It's maddening and Izuku whines.

"Good. I think 10 spanks should be enough. I'm being generous because it's a special ocassion but don't get used to this. Now hold still and count for me."

"Fuck! D-Daddy!" Without much pomp and circumstance, the plug is quickly pulled out of Izuku's hole and before it's even fully closed, two harshly fingers come down around his open rim.

"Count, baby."

"One!" Izuku screws his eyes shut tears finally leaking down his face as a dull pain spreads around his twitching hole. The pain goes straight to his cock, feeding the fire of his arousal and pushing him further into that floating state.

He cries out again, writhing to no avail, as another spank comes down on him abruptly. It hurts but so good.

"Ah! Two!"

"You're doing good, my slutty baby", fingers card through his hair, holding him still as another smack lands on his hole. It's forceful and sharp, Katsuki has unerring aim, and three spanks in, Izuku's hole looks a debauched red. Runny with left over lube and fluttering like crazy, enough to make the comparison to a hungry little mouth. Fitting.

"Three daddy!"

"Fucking slut. You're getting off on this. Your ass mouth, all it cares about is having something big crammed in there. A plug, fingers, cock- fuck, it doesn't even matter, does it? An anal slut like you will take anything!" The words are accompanied by two resounding slaps in cruel succession and Izuku's back arcs, a shrill shout ripping itself free from his throat. His hole feels like it's on fire now. Heady pain radiating from his sore little hole. He feels like a live wire. Underneath him, his cock weeps onto Katsuki's dress pants.

"F-four!", he gasps, "Five! Please -I!"

"Shh, almost there."

The rest of his spanking is a blur, Izuku slipping softly into that wonderfully murky headspace, punctured by delicious bolts of pain and intoxicating waves of pleasure that has Izuku begging, pleading, for more.

"Last one, baby. Fuck, you've been so good for me. I'll give you what you want, yeah? But first count and say thank you."

And unceremoniously, Katsuki brings down a hand, putting in a little extra force and not hold back in the least. Striking at the sore flesh, almost brutally, he watches in satisfaction as the swollen, plum coloured fuckchute flutters uncontrollably. Fuck

Instantly, Izuku howls, thrashing in the larger man's lap, he comes violently. His vision goes white as his dick spurts out watery cum, staining Katsuki's black pants, the sheets below and Izuku's stomach in a wet, sticky mess.

"Fuck! You slut! Came so hard from just having your hole spanked open? You like the pain, huh? Answer me, love?"

"Mm. 'is good."

One look at the blissed out, dopey expression on that freckled face and Katsuki can tell that Izuku's gone. He smiles.

"My subby baby. C'mere. You still want me to fuck you, love? You didn't get your reward yet." He sounded fond, curring through the fog and bringing Izuku's awareness back to the forefront.

"Yes, daddy. Fuck me, please."

Scooping up the boneless mess that is his tiny boyfriend, Katsuki stands, dragging the covers off and laying him in the middle of the bed. Lidded green eyes peak at him through thick lashes from where Izuku is sprawled, lazily watching as Katsuki makes quick work of his shirt and pants, palming his dick through his boxers before stepping out of them entirely and standing wholly naked for Izuku's silent appraisal. And what a sight he is. Tall and rugged, Katsuki cuts an imposing figure wherever he is - on and off the battlefield. The scars on his body, a testament to his strength, will and sacrifice, snake down a broad, toned chest- fuck, and those arms; bulging biceps strong enough to handle the recoil from city-levelling explosions, arms that never fail to make Izuku feel small and safe, a luxury he is rarely afforded these days. He can see Kacchan's leering smirk from his periphery as Izuku's eyes continue to wander. Rippling abs and that iconic trim waist he's so famous for, both leading down to the sharp V of Kacchan's hips. And that magnificent cock. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Izuku's mouth waters, tongue rolling out the slightest bit. It's big. Just like every thing else about Kacchan- big body, big words, big ego and a big dick to top it all off. It's a good eight inches now that it is rock hard, and almost as thick as his wrist with a wicked curve, perfect for punishing his prostate. From Izuku's place on the bed, it looks intimidatingly hefty, barely able to stand up under it's own weight despite the prominent arousal, and instead bowing down and pointing right at him. Kacchan is already leaking as well, the meaty crown wet and drooling copious amounts of pre-cum that slowly flows down the girthy, veiny shaft and onto the heavy, sagging balls nestled between his thighs.

Despite his orgasm, Izuku's cock and hole twitch in interest. He wants that fat, angry cock in him, on him. He wants it splitting him in half, absolutely ruining him.

"Daddy, need your cock please, please!", he cries, close to bawling. He lifts his legs, bringing them up to his chest with an arm hooked around his knees, and moves the other to his ass; with his pussy framed by two crooked fingers in a perfect V-shape, he tries his best to twitch it. It's painful from the erstwhile spankings, an exquisite agony that Izuku simultaneously savours and powers through; anything to entice that fat cock into plundering his most private of places, to provoke it into wrecking him and leaving him loose and gaping open once more.

From where he stands, Katsuki watches his pretty babyboy, a surge of feral, possessive heat rippling through him at the lewd, erotic sight before him. Izuku's freshly spanked hole, gloriously bruised and swollen shut, struggling to open and close in spite of his whore's best efforts. The crinkled star looks so pretty, sphincter buttery soft and engorged, pliant and looking very much like an overripe fruit ready for the taking. Fuck it, he can't wait any longer. And judging by the growing needy sobs, neither can his subby little bottom.

Wasting no time, he moves swiftly, grabbing the lube and hovering over Izuku to drape himself over his smaller frame. He'll never get over how small and compact his boyfriend is. A perfect little pocket pussy.

"Shh, I'm here. Gonna fuck you so good. Need to prep you though, hold on baby."

Katsuki kisses him, swallowing the whimpers and relishing in the hot, salty tears that spill down splotchy cheeks. Blindly, he coats his fingers in cold lube, warming them up before sitting back up to circle Izuku's rim. Completely gone to subspace, Izuku blubbers out something unintelligible the moment Katsuki opens him up. His hole is tight. Tighter than it usually is due to the harsh hole spanking. Still, Katsuki forces a finger in, watching fascinated as the puffy, purple rim blooms for him- distending out and curling back in, like a flower, with every in and out motion of the digit fucking it. It's so fucking obscene and on any other occasion, Katsuki would have spent more time focusing solely on it; sucking, licking and stretching out that depraved little hole, playing with it till Izuku begged him to stop. But tonight is a celebration and he's going to reward his babyboy. He'll save the thoughts running around his head for another day when his masochistic painal slut can really appreciate it.

He adds another finger in, stretching and scissoring Izuku, coaxing out more breathy, mewling cries and working him through the pain-pleasure with soft glances and reassuring words. So subby, so perfect, and all his.

"Please, please! Kacchan! Daddy! Need- I can't-"

Katsuki shushes him. Drenching his own cock in slick, slippery lube, he gives it a few pumps before moving back up to latch lips with Izuku, kissing deeply. He would have liked to prep him more considering the substantial size of his member but Izuku's been wearing that damn plug all evening and with how turned on they are, it should be enough. He'll fit. He'll make it fit.

He lines up, tapping his dripping head against Izuku's fuckhole, smearing his own pre and mixing it with the lube. Then in one swift thrust, the crown of Katsuki's cock pops in, inconsiderate of the swollen, turgid rim, and sheathes all eight inches in Izuku's wet, hot man pussy. It's unbearably tight and devastatingly wet. The moan that escapes the smaller man is absolutely salacious, pornographic and wanton, and Katsuki has to still to prevent himself from coming instantly - like an inexperienced teen getting pussy for time - at the sight and feel of him. His dick is in heaven right now. All he knows is the silky, smooth walls of Izuku's hole clenching wildly around him, the searing heat enveloping his cock and the inherent instinct in his hindbrain screaming at him to move his hips and just take.

He does exactly that.

His hips piston furiously, cock plunging in and out of this delectable little fuckhole, forcibly carving space for itself inside Izuku's small body.

"Ah! Hurts! I can't! Too much! Too much! Kacchan, please! I need, I-I can't!", Izuku is full on wailing now, screaming Katsuki's name, delirious from the cocktail of pain and pleasure swirling through him, a climax that's just beyond reach, tantalisingly close but simply not enough.

"You can, Izuku. You wan't to be good for me, don't you, baby? You can come from this, go ahead. I know you can. Getting all your pleasure from your ass like a good subby bottom." He peppers Izuku's face with open mouthed kisses, licking at the tear tracks and capturing his pretty mouth to suck on his tongue.

And with those words, Katsuki changes the angle of his hips- pushing forcefully to jab into the the tiny spongy tissue of Izuku's prostate, relentlessly stabbing at the little pleasure pearl expertly with his cock.

Izuku comes with an shrieking scream. His dick squirts out strings of thin, diluted cum all over his chest and chin, for the second time that night, and his hole clamps down on Katsuki's cock, the velvety walls surrounding him in a vice grip, milking him for all he's worth. It's enough for Katsuki to come with a raspy, guttural cry of his own, still fucking them both through their orgasm. He feels his balls churn and his cock jerk, pumping out a thick stream of hot, gooey cum, painting the inside of Izuku's ass white.

He comes down from the high slowly, vision clearing of the starbursts, limbs lax and body on top of Izuku, pressing the smaller man into the mattress. Under him, still folded in half, Izuku shivers from the aftershocks of their mind numbing orgasm, docile and submissive, still with that lost, dreamy expression on his face.

Not wanting to crush him, Katsuki moves to pull out. He groans as Izuku's hole continues to milk his now flaccid, oversensitive dick- fluttering gently as if reluctant to part with it. Though, the instant his dick pulls out with a soft plop, a gush of cum rushes out, a mini waterfall of white trickling it's way out of a bruised, gaping hole. Katsuki watches it sluggishly bubble out, all frothy and thick, before he thumbs his cum back in, shallowly fucking inside and delighting in the way his boyfriend uselessly flounders from the overstimulation.

"You good, Izuku?"


"Still under, huh?" Katsuki chuckles, grabbing a pack of wet wipes from the bedside drawers and shifting Izuku to diligently start cleaning him up. His heart, still pounding a mile a minute recently from nutting in his boyfriend, melts as Izuku smiles up at him, green eyes still cloudy but with a more tenuous light of awareness shining through.

Chucking the used wipes into the bin, he hurries back to the bed, snuggling against his boyfriend who automatically shuffles to curl into him, resting his head on Katsuki's chest. He brings him arms around the smaller man to pull him closer, tangling their legs and cuddling and tucked securely under his chin. He presses a soft kiss into sweaty green curls and pulls the sheets over them both, patiently crooning sweet nothings and waiting for Izuku to come out of it.

"How are you feelin', baby? Was I too rough?"

"No. No, I feel good. Ah, a little- a little sore. But. Good." It's mumbled into the crook of his neck, voice quiet but content, relaxed.

"Good. You were so good, Izuku. Congratulations, baby. You did it."

Izuku hums, limbs stretching languidly with a small wince and leaning up to kiss the spreading smirk clean off Katsuki's lips.

"Thank you, Kacchan. For everything. I needed that. But, really, my hole is so sore, I don't think I'll be able to sit or walk straight for the next couple of days." He pouts and Katsuki resists the urge to bite at those chubby cheeks.

"Yeah? Guess it's a good thing we have the next few days off then, nerd. I'll just have to fucking carry you around, I guess."

Katsuki nuzzles into Izuku's neck, prompting a sudden yelp from the man that quickly turns into a fit of giggles. Yeah, carrying him around the house is the least he'd do for this nerd. He has after all, quite literally died for him. After everything they've been through, Izuku deserves the best and Katsuki will sure as hell ensure he gets it.

"You'll take responsibility?" he says, amused.

"Fuck yeah, you know these biceps aren't for show, baby."

Izuku seems satisfied and Katsuki leaves it at that, happy to bask in the shared post-coital hormones. Oxytocin and all that good shit. He tightens his arms around Izuku, drowsy and on the verge of sleep, he says, "Izuku?"

"Yeah?" is the similar sleepy mumble he gets.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Kacchan."

Everything else can wait until the sun rises. They have each other. And that's all that really matters.

As a Dutiful Wife Should



A born slut, he thinks now as Deku lies there and just takes it. He watches Deku, his green eyes hazy with mounting pleasure as his husband plays with his anal plug, shallowly thrusting it, pushing it in deep and twisting sharply, moaning like a pornstar and shouting unprompted that yes, he'll be good. He'll be daddy's good little boy.

When Bakugou orders Deku to reach back and spread his fat ass, to present his cunt to be fucked, Deku complies. Eagerly, enthusiastically. Parting the meaty cheeks and putting his princess parts on display with his own hands as his small cock lies ignored and leaking under him. He doesn't even try to touch it despite how horny and aching he is, Bakugou notes. Perfectly trained to associate all pleasure from his ass alone.


Pro Hero Dynamight comes home after a rough day in the field. It's not the only time he comes.


Exactly what it says on the tin.This is filth.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

After a long day at work, some people like to wind down with a warm bath, or a good book or even some wine and a good TV show. Bakugou likes to de-stress after a long day of fighting Bad Guys and saving lives by fucking his wife's brains out.


"Such a natural subby bottom, aren't you Deku?" his sweet slut cries out at the sharp flick to his tiny dick and babbles an agreement. He's aroused, clearly having played with himself when Bakugou was away at work.

That's how it was. Deku, his pretty little housewife, always so horny with only one thing on his mind. Partly his own fault, he'll concede. Deku had standing orders from him to take every available opportunity to play with himself; to thoroughly prepare his clitty and cunt so it's ready to be used at any given moment, to fuck himself even when Bakugou wasn't there. Among other rules such as wearing no clothes in the house and having his pretty hole stuffed at all times, even when he completed the more mundane of his wifely duties. Sometimes he'd come home to Deku making dinner in nothing but an apron, barely keeping the food from burning as a prostate vibrator buzzed away in his ass. Other times he would be greeted by the sight of Deku fucking himself in their living room, bouncing wildly on one of his many dildos. On one memorable occasion even, he'd found Deku in the shower crying and hiccupping, mindlessly trying to stick the large length of the shampoo bottle past the loose opening of his butthole. Yeah, they're both kinky bastards. With Deku, everyday was a surprise and Bakugou loved it. Loved how desperate and wanton his slut was. So receptive to his demands, so cock hungry- so well trained. A true gem, really. But Bakugou wouldn't take all the credit. None of his 'training' would have taken root quite so well if some part of Deku hadn't been naturally depraved. Today, he had come home to find Deku with a rather large princess plug stuffed in his ass; the base of the plug, encrusted with a glittering orange jewel, catching the light enticingly as Deku bent over for Bakugou's inspecting eyes.

A born slut, he thinks now as Deku lies there and just takes it. He watches Deku, his green eyes hazy with mounting pleasure as his husband plays with his anal plug, shallowly thrusting it, pushing it in deep and twisting sharply, moaning like a pornstar and shouting unprompted that yes, he'll be good. He'll be daddy's good little boy.

When Bakugou orders Deku to reach back and spread his fat ass, to present his cunt to be fucked, Deku complies. Eagerly, enthusiastically. Parting the meaty cheeks and putting his princess parts on display with his own hands as his small cock lies ignored and leaking under him. He doesn't even try to touch it despite how horny and aching he is, Bakugou notes. Perfectly trained to associate all pleasure from his ass alone.

Feeling on edge himself, Bakugou strips out of his own clothes. Giving Deku's freckled ass a loud smack, he tells his baby that he can get his cock in him if he pushes out the anal plug without using his hands. Bakugou's already had dinner and now he's about to get a show.

Bakugou takes his dick in hand as he leans back to watch. The picture before him is glorious. Deku, desperate for a stiff dick in him, gets to the task immediately. He tries pushing it out but it's a wonderfully large plug and also copiously lubed so every time Deku gets to the widest part of the plug, his hole tires from the strain and the lube makes it so the plug easily slips back inside. Deku breathes harder, needy and crying. His fingers reflexively squeeze his plush asscheeks like they're stress balls, as his hole essentially fucks itself with the plug. He keeps trying but minutes pass and he can't get past that wide final six centimetres. His eyes start tearing up. Pretty green eyes seeking his husband's as he looks over his shoulder. They look like shiny emeralds, the tears forming gorgeous little constellations on his lashes with every blink, the rest rolling down in fat, salty teardrops down cheeks that are stained red from arousal and effort.

"I can't do it, daddy. It's not coming out- hng!" Deku groans as his little hole once again sucks the large object back in. "Please, I cant- !"

"You can." Bakugou's voice is firm and without compromise but seeing his slutty baby trying his very best pulls a little at his heartstrings. His free hand comes up to rub encouragingly on one milky, freckled buttcheek. "Shh, you want to be good for me, don't you Deku?"

"Yes! Please. Want. Wan'be good."

"Then take a deep breath and concentrate, baby. You're getting so fucking close. Push that plug out of you and you can have daddy's cock filling your filthy little cunt. You'd like that, yeah? You like this fat cock splitting you open, slut?"

"Mm, wan' cock."

"'Course you do, you little cock whore. Keep going. Let me fuckin' see that ass gape."

Obedient as ever, Deku tries again and Bakugou watches fascinated, as this time, Deku's hairless little hole strains around the large butt plug. Miraculously, the plug slowly but surely inches it's way out. It's agonisingly slow and at it's widest point, Deku's rim is stretched so thin that Bakugou moans at the sight. He thumbs at the unnatural pull of the muscle and grabs his phone to take a picture of the impossibly lewd image. His hungry cockslut, face down, ass up on the bed. His tiny cock forgotten and ignored while he spreads his fat asscheeks and huffs and puffs with the effort to push out the monster plug absolutely wreaking his nasty pink mancunt. He gets Deku's face in the frame too, red and blotchy, he's got his eyes screwed shut in concentration, tear tracks running down his face and that pouty mouth open, tongue lolling out and drooling. It's so obscene how ruined and dirty he looks.

Finally though, with a loud yelp, Deku manages to push the plug out. It pops out and plops onto the bed with a soft thud, leaving Deku's hole red, sore and beautifully gaping. There's absolutely no way it's closing anytime soon. Bakugou can even see the pink insides past the prolapsed rosebud. There's a small rivulet of lube flowing out from Deku's quivering pussyhole and running down his tiny balls to seep into the sheets below. Bakugou trails his eyes over him, burning the sight into his mind and relishing in the sheer sordidness of what they're doing.

"Gorgeous. What a good boy. It's almost like you gave birth, isn't it baby? And your naughty hole is gaping so much. Can fuckin' see your pretty pink fuck tunnel."

Deku is panting from the effort while lying on the bed, fingers still digging into his ass, keeping it from closing. He opens his hazy eyes and smiles. "Yes, daddy. M'good boy."

"You are. Taking instructions like a good submissive slut." He traces the fluttering hole with his fingers, bringing the swollen mushroom head of his cock up to Deku's cunt with his other hand and rubs the pre cum spilling from his slit directly onto the open, quivering hole.

"Stay still, babyboy. I'm going to fuck you now. Let's see if your fuckhole is as good as you." And with a final tap onto the sensitive rim, Bakugou sharply thrusts into the awaiting hole in one swift motion. There's no need to be cautious. Deku is lose enough to take his substantial girth after hours of wearing a plug and pushing it out. And even without the anal gape, the slut actually likes a little pain with his pleasure.

The moment his cock is sheathed in that wet heat, he groans, head thrown back. He bottoms out and stays there, simply basking in the feel. Fuck. He starts to move slowly, dragging his cock out a few inches before pushing back in and breathing deeply as he goes. Deku's such a good cocksleeve, his anal walls sucking him in and doing it's best to clamp down every time his dick pulls out. Still tight enough despite being looser than normal but also wet and soft and so, so warm inside. His baby has an ass that's meant to be fucked. He grounds his hips against Deku's ass, making the man under him shiver and tighten up even more.

"Daddy, please!"

"Please what, baby? You have my cock. What else do you fucking need?"

The slut whines. "Need you to fuck my cunt, daddy. Need to cum!"

"Well. Since you asked so sweetly"

Without wainting any longer, Bakugou begins to properly fuck him. Starting off slow and steady, he luxuriates in the feel of Deku milking his cock. His velvety walls parting so easily as Katsuki's dick fills him to the brim, moulding Deku's insides to his huge girth and length. He picks up speed and soon enough, he's pistoning in and out of Deku's asshole pulling out addictive little "ah! ah! ah!"s and "daddy please"s as he works towards chasing his own orgasm. His heavy balls swing freely under him, slapping Deku's ass and taint, the cum inside roiling, ready to breed. Loud squelching soon fills the room as he pounds Deku's pussy, losing himself to the sounds and sensations. As soon as he feels like he's getting dangerously close, he pulls his tiny wife up so they're both kneeling on the bed, or more precisely- he is kneeling on the bed and Deku is clutched possessively against him with Bakugou holding him up. His cock still plunging in and out without stop, he brings his free hand to Deku's stomach while canting his hips and- sure enough, he feels the head of his dick stretching the smooth skin there, distending it and causing it to bulge out with every frantic push inside.

It's mean, he knows, but he presses down. The cry that rips itself out of Deku's throat is absolutely feral and music to his own ears. Deku's such a big cockslut that despite the screaming and thrashing, it's probably turning him on even more.

"Feel that, you slut? That's my fat, fucking cock. It's carving a space inside your slutty body. It's ruining your pussy, baby. You like that, bitch?"

"Stop! I can't! Daddy, too much-"

He doesn't stop. Instead, he takes Deku's own hand, bringing it to the man's stomach and presses down again."You greedy slut, you're getting off on this. I'm going to fill you up so you'll be leaking for days." He pairs the words with a carefully aimed thrust targeting Deku's pleasure nut, sitting swollen deep inside his ass. Deku's gone by now. Eyes too misted with tears and murky with lust and pleasure. His head is tipped back onto Bakugou's shoulder- tongue still out, making the hottest, lewdest expression and letting out shrill screams as his sweet ass gets destroyed.

"Cum for me, slutty baby, I know you're close".

Bakugou aims directly at Deku's prostate, jabbing the organ relentlessly without mercy and watching as Deku's whole body freezes up in his arms. In the next moment, the smaller man spasms almost violently and cums with a shriek. Bakugou fucks him through it, amused as Deku's tiny penis spurts out pathetic ropes of weak cum all over his stomach. Fresh tears stream down Deku's face as the overstimulation sets in. He squirms in Bakugou's, gasping and weakly writhing.

"Too much! Daddy, it's too much! Don't, I feel-", he's cut off again as Bakugou picks up speed, ignoring the cries and pleas to slow down.

"Fuck! Breath through it slut! And tighten up your loose hole for daddy. Make my cock feel good, baby!"

With a screech, Deku tightens around the cock plundering his asshole, heeding the words despite the overstimulation that Bakugou knows has to be painful by now. That becomes his undoing. With one final thrust, Bakugou feels his balls jump and twitch before his vision goes white and he's cumming. He cums for a good minute or two, his cock like a firehose, spewing stream after stream of thick, hot cum that leaves gushing out of his balls, through his cockslit and into his slut, painting Deku's fuckhole white with creamy spunk. They're sitting down when Bakugou comes back to. Deku fucked out and limp against his chest. A sudden surge of affection rushes up within him, filling his chest. Carefully brushing aside sweat-matted green curls, he kisses Deku's forehead.

"You good, baby?"

"Mm", green eyes blink open and Deku graces him with a dopey little smile.

"Yeah, you're still a little subby right now, aren't you?" Bakugou gently shifts them so they're lying down. The flaccid cock still inside his husband, plugging him up, jostles slightly at the movement, making them both groan.

"Fuck. You were so fucking good, baby. Such a good boy for daddy, Izuku." He places another kiss, this time on Deku's shoulder.

"Good boy. Mm, feels nice."

"Yeah? Feels good for me too. Think I bred you tonight. Fucked you so full of my cum." Large palms wrap around Deku's waist to gently caress the bulging skin of Deku's lower stomach. It's so obscene. He looks a couple months pregnant, fuck. Bakugou has no doubt that it's all cum inside. The only thing preventing Deku from absolutely spraying cum out of his ass is Bakugou's cock still plugging it up. His dick twitches. Deku's hole feels wetter and hotter now than when they started. He can even feel the frothy cum bubbling out around Deku's rim, spilling slightly past his shaft to soak Bakugou's own crotch.

He doesn't bother pulling out. There's no need. His little wife enjoys cockwarming him. Deku likes feeling full, content and happy to have his ass stretched and filled, ideally by Katsuki's cock, but also his toys. Bakugou had once got back home from a two week mission to find his baby asleep with one of his bigger dildos shoved up his ass.

Besides, he thinks as he succumbs to sleep, it'll be easier to fuck him again tomorrow like this- already lubed up and prepped with his cum and cock. He has the day off tomorrow so he can afford to indulge a little.


It fits perfectly. The bra almost seems as if it were tailored to cup his small pecs and the panties stretch over to frame his thick behind snugly. As expected though, his black cock cage pokes out through the lace, clearly visible from the front. And with his black collar on, he looks...

Pretty. He looks so pretty and flushed. His breath catches again as he looks on at his own reflection in the floor length mirror. The dark green lace is stark against his pale skin. It looks good. It feels good. Soft and smooth against his skin. He shifts to a different angle, fingers coming up to touch his collar and toy with the heart shaped lock there. The key to both the collar and his cock cage lay against his mistress' neck. His mistress who loves him and spoils him and owns him.

Fuck. He looks pretty and feminine and owned. Mistress bought him everything he's wearing. He's hers. His heart picks up at that. The submissive side of him purring in contentment, and slowly but surely rising to the surface like a cat waking from slumber.

Or, Izuku spends a nice evening in with his wonderful Kacchan.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

When his friends in college had seen him struggle financially and jokingly suggested he find himself a sugar daddy, he had never envisioned it to actually happen. But here he is, 2 years down the road and living a reality where he's patiently waiting on his knees. Not for a sugar daddy but a sugar mommy. Semantics but the sentiment remains. The Izuku of two years ago would have promptly fainted at the very thought but he guesses time changes people. College is, after all, the perfect time for self-discovery and growth, to experiment and explore. And the past two years have certainly been enlightening to say the least. Lots of self realisations and all that good stuff. He's gone from a wide-eyed virgin to a young man comfortable with sex and his own sexuality. He's certainly come a long way. All that is to say, he's been craving a good fuck. And tonight, he hopes his Mistress will be kind. Maybe. He enjoys it when she's mean as well.

He tugs down the short pleated skirt riding up as he shifts to sit better on his knees. It's been a full year since he's been with his Mistress. An entire year of being dressed up and paraded around, of being spoiled and treated, and yet he still feels self-conscious when alone with his thoughts. No matter, his Mistress will be home soon and she'll take care of him, soothe his worries - and if he's lucky, there'll be something more. He's awfully pent up.

It's been a long week since they'd last met. Kacchan busy with her job and he with college. But it's Friday now and they have the entirety of the weekend to indulge in each other and in some sex.

He rubs his thighs together in anticipation. That morning, he'd woken up to messages from Kacchan. Eagerness swelling inside him as he'd read the short, succinct sentences.

"Come over after you're done with your lectures for the day. I have a surprise for you, baby."

"And make sure you're nice and ready for me. You know how I like you."

And indeed Izuku did. Which was exactly why he'd rushed to Kacchan's apartment the second his last class of the day was over. He'd used the spare key to the luxury condo, letting himself in and preparing himself for the night ahead. He'd cleaned himself up and then set to finding the perfect outfit. His mistress liked to dress him up, liked when he looked soft and pretty. A year with Kacchan had left him with options galore when it came to clothing. He had an entire wardrobe of pretty outfits, jewellery, make up and other accessories. All gifts from mistress who admired and actively encouraged him to explore his more feminine side.

For tonight, he had specifically chosen the black pleated skirt, both for the easy access to his princess parts that it provided and also because he liked the look and feel of it. The way it hung from his hips, accentuating his rounded behind. The feel of it as it swished whenever he turned or twirled, lifting up and flashing fleeting glimpses of his caged cock and thick thighs. It made him feel both slutty and pretty. Like mommy's little princess. He'd paired the short skirt with a sparkly crop top and white thigh high socks. And as always, his leather collar, sitting snug around his neck completed the look. It was discreet, something he always had on. His collar and cock cage - the two mandatory things Mistress always insisted on- a sign of Kacchan's ownership. It felt nice. Nice to be able to indulge in this more secretive side of himself- the side that wanted to be soft and pretty and owned.

Soon. Anticipation rises in him as the clock tics down, closer and closer to six. Soon, Kacchan- mistress- will be home soon.

Almost as if summoned by his thoughts, the front door clicks unlocked, slowly opening to reveal Kacchan in all her blonde, busty glory. Izuku smiles. Heart filling with joy and wonder at the sight of his beautiful mommy. His mistress.

"Welcome home, Mistress!" he chirps. Even after a long work day, she looks as put together and flawless as when she left this morning. Hair pulled back in a high pony, pressed clothes barely wrinkled and make up barely budged.

"Oh? My babygirl is waiting for me. How fucking perfect. And you've dressed up just like I asked you to." Ruby Red lips stretch into a smile as equally red eyes take in his appearance.

Seemingly satisfied with what she sees, Kacchan moves closer, closing the door behind her as she does so. Her slim, perfectly manicured hand threads through his hair before sliding down to cup his cheek and tilt his face up.

At mistress' prompting, Izuku lifts his eyes from the floor and gazes up to meet her. His heart flutters as leonine red eyes dart across his face. Her smile grows into a smirk. He's not surprised she sees right through him. His mistress is amazing after all.

He blushes, readily opening his mouth when elegant fingers tap at his lips.

"Hm, you look so fucking pretty. Is this all for me, babygirl?" She murmurs, petting his tongue.

Izuku bites back a moan and nods in agreement. Yes, it's for Kacchan. All of it is for Kacchan.


Kacchan steps back, placing her handbag and keys away and toeing off her stilettos. She shoves a small gift bag towards him in the midsts of unbuttoning the collar of her silk blouse and he scrambles to catch it.

"Got a fucking gift for you. Be good for me and go slip it on, yeah? Then wait for me in the playroom, baby. I'll meet you there and we can have some fun." With a final pat on the head, Kacchan moves further inside the apartment, leaving Izuku to watch her go.

"Yes, mistress." He replies. Once she's disappeared, he turns his focus to the little bag he's clutching. Gifts from Kacchan aren't rare. Izuku's found out that Kacchan quite likes spoiling him. Almost as much as she likes punishing him and putting him in his place.

The bag doesn't give any indication of what might be inside. But it certainly looks expensive with it's weight and feel, and the elegant golden script writing out the name of some brand Izuku does;nt recognise. But then again, that isn't a surprise. Kacchan has high standards and expensive tastes. From past experiences, it could be anything from jewellery to clothing, trickets or books. Or even a new sex toy.

Moving quickly to the playroom, he ruffles through the wispy tissue paper as he goes, excited to see what's underneath and-


It's lingerie. Expensive, extremely pretty lingerie. Izuku flushes red. He can feel the heat spread up his neck to settle atop his cheek. He'll love it, he already knows. His breath catches while thumbing the delicate lace and pulling it out entirely from the bag. It's a gorgeous dark green, clearly meant to bring out his eyes and hair. The bralette is completely sheer, with thin criscrossing straps and a mesh of intricate lace that leaves nothing to the imagination. A pattern of roses spread across the cups, strategically placed to just barely cover his nipples, he thinks. Placing it gently down on the bed, he takes the matching panties and it's- indecent. He feels his face grow even warmer. It's the same dark green lace and cut high enough to leave his ass cheeks out on display. It has scrap of lace so narrow it will completely disappear between his ass cheeks and the front- the front is even more skimpy. It's simply a flimsy strip of triangle lace that is more decorative than functional. Izuku looks down, pulling his skirt up to peer at his cock. Even with his smaller than average cock caged and locked, he doubts the panty will cover him fully. His little cock drools at the thought, leaking shiny pre cum and wetting his thigh.

Unable to wait any longer, he licks his lips, and moves quickly and efficiently to strip out of his clothes and slip on the lingerie and the pair of matching stockings and garter also in the bag.

It fits perfectly. The bra almost seems as if it were tailored to cup his small pecs and the panties stretch over to frame his thick behind snugly. As expected though, his black cock cage pokes out through the lace, clearly visible from the front. And with his black collar on, he looks...

Pretty. He looks so pretty and flushed. His breath catches again as he looks on at his own reflection in the floor length mirror. The dark green lace is stark against his pale skin. It looks good. It feels good. Soft and smooth against his skin. He shifts to a different angle, fingers coming up to touch his collar and toy with the heart shaped lock there. The key to both the collar and his cock cage lay against his mistress' neck. His mistress who loves him and spoils him and owns him.

Fuck. He looks pretty and feminine and owned. Mistress bought him everything he's wearing. He's hers. His heart picks up at that. The submissive side of him purring in contentment, and slowly but surely rising to the surface like a cat waking from slumber.

"Admiring yourself, are we?" A voice suddenly asks. He startles. He was so lost in thought that he didn't notice the new presence it seems. Turning, he's greeted by the sight of his mistress and what a glorious sight she is. Izuku will never tire of looking at her. Fuck, how did he get so lucky?

She's changed her professional pencil skirt and blouse for a leather mini skirt now and a tight black corset. The skirt wraps around hourglass hips and that hides her pussy. Izuku thinks he can see wetness glistening from just underneath. The corset also does a magnificent job of pushing up Mistress' large breasts. The corset makes them look even more huge. It makes Izuku want to desperately suck on them. Worship them. Just- anything. Anything for Mistress.

"Mistress," this time he can't control the moan. They haven't even started and he's already so worked up.

Smirking, Kacchan walks forward. She's already so tall and stately but she's wearing those red bottom heels that make her absolutely tower over Izuku and his modest frame.

Mistress comes to stand behind him. Pushing her breasts into his back and leaning down to hook her chin over his shoulder. A hand comes to squeeze at his pec while the other moves to his crotch, lightly tracing his cage through the quickly dampening lace. Izuku chokes down a gasp.

"Oh? Is my girl feeling herself tonight? Do you like my present Izuku?"

"Yes, mistress. I like it so much." Izuku feels his heart pounding in his ears. Kacchan smells so good. Like spice and caramel and sex. Its intoxicating. She's warm and heady and it's all around him. He wants to please her so bad, he aches.

"That's good because you look beautiful in lingerie, baby. So fucking pretty. All dressed up for me. Pretty and perfect and already so submissive." With one final squeeze, she let's go of him and moves to the bed.

"It's been such a long fucking week. I'm so stressed, baby. Come over and make me feel good and if you do a good enough job, maybe I'll think about rewarding you."

Enthusiastic to please, he moves to where the blonde has made herself comfortable, sprawled over luxury sheets and leaning back against the headboard of the bed. She raises her legs, bent at the knees, and immediately slips a hand down in between them. The leather mini skirt is pushed up her thighs to bunch around her hips, revealing a bare needy pussy and no underwear. Mistress spreads her legs wider, throwing her head back and moaning loudly as her fingers begin to move.

As Izuku approaches closer, he's treated to the sight of mistress' pretty, pretty pussy. Wet and dripping. And god, he wants- wants so bad. To taste, to smother himself in that heaven. Just like the rest of her, Kacchan's pussy is also breathtaking. Completely hairless and plump with fat outer lips and the tiniest, pinkest little hole hidden in between. It's glossy and swollen and Izuku watches mesmerised as mistress groans, eyes closed and face contorted in pleasure. She dips her fingers in and out, coaxing out more slick from deep within. Copious amounts of slick that spreads and drips down, down to...

Her other hole. Mistress' perfect asshole is shiny too. Rosy and tight and lightly winking at him. Izuku's mouth waters.

"Come here, slut. Time to get to work." Mistress pats the space between her legs and Izuku shudders at the sudden hard tone to her voice. He especially likes it when mistress is mean to him and it seems that's the flavour for tonight.

The moment he settles in, long, lithe legs come to wrap around his head and a hand harshly winds through his hair, pushing his face into wet, soft heat.

They both moan together then. Katsuki at the feeling of the wet tongue slithering up and down her sensitive folds and Izuku at the sweet, musky scent of sex that floods his nose.

"That's it, slut. Make mommy feel good. I want to be able to squirt tonight. Mmm." She sighs in bliss as Izuku laps up the constantly overflowing slick, wiggling his tongue against mistress' dripping cunt in long swipes, broad strokes and short hard jabs.

"Oh fuck. Fuck yeahhh." Kacchan gasps.

Izuku works diligently, losing himself to the task. He moves his entire jaw, licking and slurping against plump, heated flesh and twisting his tongue to drag it across every nook and cranny of the cunt in front of him. He eats pussy like a man starved, barely breaking to breathe. Above him, Mistress archs her back, both hands holding his head still to grind down on him, covering his entire face with slick and smothering him till he's drenched and delirious.

"You're fucking getting off on this, aren't you? Fuck, you're such a slut." Katsuki sneers, grinding down harder when she gets a moan in reply and fucking herself on her sub's tongue. "You'll do anything for this pussy, wouldn't you?"

She gets a muffled reply in response. Mistress eases back down and Izuku gasps for air, breathing in more of that musky scent. It feels like he's drunk, he thinks as he wastes no time, going back to feasts before him.

"So fucking good. My clit, slut. Pay attention to my clit." Obedient as ever, Izuku shifts to nibble lightly at mistress' engorged clit. It's beautifully hard, blooming out from it's hood and demanding attention. He sucks at the little nub hard, his eyes fluttering shut and mind growing hazy at the pleased groan he gets in response to the action.

Breathing hard from where she's reclining, Katsuki unwinds her legs from around her baby girl's head to spread them out, rolling her hips and watching with lidded eyes as her slut mouths at her pussy. She brings a hand to pop her tits out of the corset where they're constrained, breathing easier when they spill over.

With each swipe of her baby's tongue, she feels her pussy quiver, gushing wave after wave of fresh slick that promptly gets swallowed. It feels so good having her pussy eaten. She's been pent up all week and she doesn't have to check between Izuku's legs to know that he's the same. Perhaps even more pent up than her. She's not the one in chastity after all.

Her baby does something particularly clever with his tongue and Katsuki gets her breath almost knocked out of her. She's close. So close to the edge. She lets go of Izuku's head and brings both hands to her ample tits. Cupping them and bouncing them around. Fuck. Her nipples are hard and sensitive and simply brushing against them sends tingles down her spine.

More. She needs more.

"My asshole. Need you to lick my fucking ass, slutty baby. Lick mommy's ass and rub her clitty. I'm so fucking close. Make mommy cum. Do it, slut." She says humping against Izuku's face.

She tweaks her nipples, tugging and pulling them into even stiffer peaks as Izuku eagerly complies with her directions. Always so happy to follow instruction and fully concentrated on his mistress' pleasure alone. Such a good sub.

Her slut is close to subspace it seems. Mindless and horny and perfectly compliant. His face is smothered by her slick. Mouth shifting down to attach around her rim and fuuck- sucking it till its soft and relaxed. Fuck, that feels good. Anal stimulation always feels so good.

"Good girl." she gasps, "Keep going. Put your tongue in there, just the tip." Immediately, Izuku complies.

Fuck yeah.

"Mm. Fuck. Now fuck my dirty asshole with that tongue. In and out slut, but with just the tip."

The pleasure is immediate. Her slut's silky tongue pokes at her tight little back entrance, forcing its way in till the tip of Izuku's tongue is seated inside her most intimate hole. Her anal walls reflexively tighten around the wet intrusion and she bites her lip at the desperate moan it pulls out of her sub. After a moments pause, Izuku begins to move that sinful tongue. Following her words to a T, he starts a steady pace, in and out, but never more than the tip.

"Oh fuck! Ah. Oh, yeahh." She grinds down till her subby slut's nose is in her pussy, his tongue still fucking her asshole. She reaches out to bring his hand to her clit.

"You forgot about my clit? Is my slutty girl too horny to fucking multitask?"

Izuku keens at the insult and Katsuki very nearly screams as the vibrations travel up her ass and pussy, stimulating both at the same time.

Nearly. Almost there. With both her asshole and pussy being pleasured and her clit rubbed, she brings both hands back to her breasts, once again tugging and pulling at her pink nipples. Its too much. But it feels so good. Just- more. A little more.

"Worship my ass and pussy! You nasty slut! You love my ass and pussy! Fuck, oh fuck. Almost- squirt. I want to-"

With a final harsh twist of her nipples, she comes with a scream.

"Fuuuck! I'm squirting! Im squirting, baby! Oh fuck-"

Hot lady cum squirts out from her pulsing cunt, absolutely spraying the man in between her legs and drenching her thighs. Her ass clamps down on the wet muscle still moving in and out and heralding an orgasm so strong her vision whites out.

When the high slowly dissipates, Izuku is still between her legs, eyes closed and gently licking up the glistening wetness from between her overstimulated folds and down her crack. Katsuki hums in satisfaction, body limp and free from stress as her sub goes about cleaning her. She shivers as he plants tiny kisses over her pliant asshole and drenched pussy, in between lapping up the leaking fluids. Such a good girl. So well trained.

"Mm. Such a well trained subby baby. Come up here, Izuku?"

Izuku shuffles his way up at the invitation and settles down on top of her, cutely nuzzling at her tits and smearing her tits with her own cum gratuitously coating his face.

She pets him. "How close to subspace are you sweetheart?"

"Very- very close mistress. I'm- It- it wont take much."

She hums. "And your cock? Or well. Your clit? Its too small to be a real cock. Are you hard, babygirl?"

"Yes, mistress." His body shivers at the sudden humiliating words. Katsuki smiles.

She can feel the hardness of the plastic cage against her thigh. She hums again, breathing in deep and mindlessly bringing both her hands to part his asscheeks. They don't fit in her hands, as thick and perky as they are.

She watches, languid and amused, as Izuku gasps when she runs a finger down his crack to pet at the tiny, hungry hole hiding in between.

"Fuck, you're such a fucking bottom. Small cock, fat ass, it's so fucking cute."

"Yes, mistress." Izuku blushes prettily at her words and hides his face between her cleavage.

"You made mommy squirt so I suppose you deserve a reward. Good girls get to come. Would you like that, baby? Do you want me to take your clitty out of its cage and let you cum then tuck you back in again?"

Green eyes rise to meet red and Izuku nods dopey and dazed. His asshole flutters against her fingers, almost in anticipation. She pets it, indulging her babygirl. Her slut is so predictable.

"What do you want me to do to you, sweetheart?"

Her finger dips inside izuku's tiny boypussy and the boy's entire body twitches.

"Want you to fuck me, mistress. Ah- want. Want to feel pretty and good and- want to come. Please." His voice is a breathy sigh, getting higher and higher the more she fingers him.

"Go get lube and mommy's cock then. Your favourite one, you know which. Then present. I'm going to wreck that ass."

There's a mean glint in Katsuki's red eyes. A look at promises something Izuku is long familiar with.

Delight and desperation both curl tight in Izuku's belly. It's going to be a long night it seems.