Eric’s love

Look, I don't have an excuse for this one. I'm a degenerate and I'm okay with that.

I hope you all enjoy.

Izuku doesn't know what to expect when Eri-chan shows up at his home the day after her birthday. It isn't the first time she's been to the house - big dinners and parties and gatherings draw more than a few to Izuku and Ochako's humble abode - but she's never shown up unannounced like this.

There's a nervous look on her face that worries him and he instinctually checks her for bruises or injuries. Nothing he can see indicates abuse, thankfully, so he brings his eyes back to her face. "Eri-chan, are you alright? What brings you here today?"

Oddly enough, her face is a bit red, and he holds the back of his hand to her forehead. She yelps at the contact which only freaks him out further. "Are you running a fever or something?"

The shade of red on her face deepens and she shakes her head fervently. "N-no, Deku-san! Nothing like that! I, uh…" She takes a deep breath and regains some of her composure, though there are still visible red spots on her face. "I was hoping we could talk about this inside? If that's okay, I mean."

"Sure, Eri-chan. You're always welcome here." He smiles warmly at her and holds the door open. She steps in the house hastily. "Just take a seat at the table, I'll put on some tea."


Izuku's thoughts race as he makes his way to the kitchen and starts to prepare the tea. What could be wrong with Eri? She looked perfectly fine, it didn't seem like she was sick. Whatever it was had her flustered, though - maybe… it was something simpler?

As he takes the kettle off the heat, he thinks back to his own youth. He had been much the same when it came to a variety of topics, but most commonly whenever he was around women. That seemed like what Eri was going through if there was truly nothing wrong with her.

He nods as the theory settles in place. All the evidence adds up. The only thing was to figure out who it was. One of the other students in her class? Kota, maybe? He snickers at the thought. Now that would be cute.

The thought bounces around his head as he makes his way back to the guest room, teacups in hand. He sits onto the mat before placing both steaming cups on the table. "Alright, Eri-chan. What's up?"

"So, ah, Deku-san…" She takes a long sip of her tea. "I'm, ah... I'm 18 now…"

Izuku cocks an eyebrow. "Yeah, I know, we just had your party yesterday. What about it?"

"Um… I- that is to say, I want - I mean - " She sighs, then looks away. Definitely embarrassed. "Deku-san, please close your eyes."

He chuckles, sure he knows what's going to happen, but obliges anyway. "Okay, Eri-chan. My eyes are closed."

He hears the shuffle of cloth, hears some things hit the ground. Then, after a few seconds, she finishes. "O-okay, Deku-san. You c-can open your eyes now."

Izuku laughs. "Okay, Eri-chan, here goes!"

He opens his eyes and immediately wishes he hadn't.

Sitting there on the other side of the table is Eri-chan, but she's completely removed her shirt and bra, and all that remains is a pair of forest green panties. There are a few seconds where he can't help but notice the musculature she's developed from hero training, can;t help but look at her modest yet perfect tits. Then he catches her eye and realizes - this is Eri-chan! What the fuck, Izuku?!

His hands go up to cover his eyes. "E-Eri-chan… can you put your clothes back on please?"

Izuku can't see her face, but he can hear the frown in her voice. "Why, Deku-san? I saw the way you looked… don't you find me attractive now?"

"Now? W-What do you mean?"

"I kept it well-hidden, didn't I, Deku-san?" There's a bit of sadness and resignation in her voice. "I've been in love with you ever since the day you saved me from that man. I told myself that one day when I could call myself a woman, I would show you the same kindness you showed me…" She pauses and he hears her shuffling closer to him. "This is the one way I know how to do for you, Deku-san."

"Eri-chan… This is a prank, right?" He sputters. "I-I mean, look. You were seven when we met, and I'm married, and I can't…" Izuku doesn't take the hands from his eyes - he can't look at her. "I can't take advantage of you, not as he did. Y-You should go home!"

"But, Deku-san!" Her voice is closer this time, so she's definitely crawling toward him. He has enough presence of mind to begin backing up himself. "You're not taking advantage of me. I want this, I decided I would approach you on my own!" Eri-chan sounds strangled with sadness, and he can't help the sympathy that rushes through him.

A heart-wrenching sob escapes her throat. "Am I not good enough for you? Am I not attractive enough, not strong enough? Why can't I pay you back?"

"Wha - Eri-chan!" He's against the wall now, and she's still advancing on him. Did she corner him intentionally, seeing as how he couldn't see her? Or was he just so out of it that his knowledge of the layout of his home failed him? "Don't do this! I promise you, there is nothing I've done that's worth what this will do to us!"

"Please don't reject me, Deku-san!" She's on him now, and she rips his hands from his eyes, forcing him to look at her. Her eyes are red-rimmed and puffy, and there are tears streaking her face. "Please, please, please, I can make you feel good, see?" She rubs his pants clumsily, crying all the while. And he fights it as hard as he can - rages against it, denies it, runs from it -

But he can't stop his body from reacting to a woman's touch.

"You-you're getting hard, see, Deku-san! I can make you feel good, I promise!" She starts to kiss him all over his face with the skill of someone who's never done anything beyond hand-holding. He doesn't reciprocate, but to his horror, he can't find it in himself to fight her off.

Foreplay seems to be the furthest thing from her mind at the moment - she forgoes her amateur strokes in favor of sliding his cock out of the fly of his pants before removing her panties. Suddenly, he realizes the significance of the forest green color, and the thought makes his stomach turn - he can't tell if it's disgust or delight.

She positions herself over his cock so that his tip is teasing her pussy - she's already wet, and it sickens him that he feels his cock pulse and twitch at that. "Eri-chan… please, I'm begging you." He can feel his own tears now. "Don't do this - I love Ochako, I can't do this to her…"

"Deku-san…" She kisses his cheek, his jaw, and finally his lips. He's paralyzed - he lets her have her way with him once more. Just like before, it isn't unpleasant. "I'm going to wipe your tears away - the same way you did for me all those years ago."

She sinks onto his cock with ease, and the feeling makes him want to cry because she feels so good, better than Ochako. It's like his cock was made for her - but it's Eri-chan, who he saved from a dangerous man and loved like a little sister. This is wrong on so many levels.

So why can't he bring himself to stop her?

She starts moving her hips up and down, and he's in heaven and hell simultaneously. The voice in his ear is familiar, yet not, his dick doing things to Eri-chan's usual high pitched tone that he'd never imagined possible. He cries in ecstasy and moans in agony. He wants to throw her off and take off into the night, never to be seen again; he wants to snake his hands around her waist, drive into her deeper, and never let go.

He does neither. Instead, he chooses to lose himself in Eri-chan's lack of technique and finesse. She's not fucking him with any sort of grand purpose - it's pure instinct, the type of thing that humans innately understand despite having never seen the act before. "Deku-san… isn't it good? Aren't I making you happy?" she asks him. He doesn't answer, can't answer.

It isn't long before Eri-chan cums, and it isn't surprising that she does so loudly, with convulsions and her eyes rolling in the back of her head and a moan that could shake the foundation of the house that he bought with his wife.

Izuku tries so desperately to deny that he finds the sight attractive in any way, but without warning, a familiar pressure builds at the base of his cock and he knows he's lost. His orgasm sneaks up on him, and he's pulling her off of him to avoid the worst possible scenario.

Unfortunately for him, Eri-chan notices and slams herself back down before he can do anything. The motion makes him lose any control he had left - with a sense of impending doom, he pumps Eri-chan full of cum.

The haze of pleasure lifts from Izuku's mind as he cradles the naked girl in his arms, his dick softening but still inside of her. He had just fucked Eri-chan. He cheated on his wife. He came inside of Eri-chan.

"Eri-chan… what did I do…?" He clutches her close to him and feels her shaking - it takes a moment to realize that he's the one shivering. "Why - why did we do this? I don't like this. I didn't want this."

A pair of soft lips press themselves to his cheek once more. "It's okay, Deku-san… I wanted to feel you inside of me. To prove how much I love you…" She rests her head in the crook of his neck, and he hopes she doesn't feel his pulse because his heart is about to leap out of his ribcage. "I'll always love you, Deku-san. No matter what, you'll always have me… I'll always make you happy whatever way I can. Even like this. Especially like this, okay?"

Izuku makes a noise of assent, and that's enough for her to hug him tightly. He hugs her back.

It isn't until he finally falls asleep that he allows himself to cry.

Leave a review and favorite if you enjoyed it. If you want to yell at me for being a fucked-up person, you can do so at .com.